(Andrew Matus) (08/03/88)
Postdoctoral fellowships in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. (neuronal differentiation/cytoskeleton/gene expression) Place: Basel, Switzerland. Institution: Friedrich Miescher Institute. Groupleader: Andrew Matus, Ph.D. My group consists of 8 or 9 people, of whom 3 or 4 are postdocs., working on the role of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in neuronal morphogenesis with a special interest in plasticity. You can get an orientation on our approach from the following publications: Matus, A. (1988) Ann Rev. Neurosci. 11:29-44. Garner,C. and Matus, A. (1988) J. Cell Biol. 106:779-783. Tucker, R. et al. (1988) J. Comp. Neurol. 271:44-55. The Institute offers postdoctoral fellowship, normally of 3 years duration, that are internally funded. Reasonable removal expenses to Basel are normally paid. I am interested in hearing from well qualified people who have just completed their Ph.D. or have done one postdoc. and want to do a second. You must have a good training in a field relevant to developmental neurobiology. Molecular biologists with a strong interest in neurobiology are welcome. You should have at least some work published or in press. At present I am primarily intereted in candidates with experience in either amphibian development, for our ongoing Xenopus project, or neuronal cell culture and transformation, preferably using retroviral vectors. However, if you are strongly motivated and interested in our work I shall consider you whatever your background. Research facilities at the Institute are excellent. Travel funds are available for assistance to attend meetings and usually postdocs. get to one or two American meetings during their stay here. If you are interested send me a brief c.v., list of publications, and names and postal addresses of three references. My postal address is: Dr. A. Matus, Friedrich Miescher Institute, P.O. Box 2543, 4002 Basel, Switzerland. However, I prefer bitnet communication to MATUS@FMI.CH. (Andrew Matus) (09/14/88)
Postdoctoral fellowships in Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology. (neuronal differentiation/cytoskeleton/gene expression) Place: Basel, Switzerland. Institution: Friedrich Miescher Institute. Employer: Andrew Matus, Ph.D. This position is one of 3 postdocs. in a group consists of 9 people working on the role of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) in neuronal morphogenesis with a special interest in plasticity. You can get an orientation on our approach from the following publications: Matus, A. (1988) Ann Rev. Neurosci. 11:29-44. Garner,C. and Matus, A. (1988) J. Cell Biol. 106:779-783. Tucker, R. et al. (1988) J. Comp. Neurol. 271:44-55. The Institute offers postdoctoral fellowship, normally of 3 years duration, that are internally funded. Reasonable removal expenses to Basel are normally paid. I am interested in hearing from well qualified people who have just completed their Ph.D. or have done one postdoc. and want to do a second. You must have a good training in a field relevant to developmental neurobiology. Molecular biologists with a strong interest in neurobiology are welcome. You must have work published or in press to be considered. At present I am primarily interested in candidates with experience in amphibian development, for our ongoing Xenopus project, or transgenic animals. However,if you are strongly motivated and interested in our work I shall consider you whatever your background. Research facilities at the Institute are excellent. Travel funds are available for assistance to attend meetings and usually postdocs. get to one or two American meetings during their stay here. If you are interested send me a brief c.v., list of publications, and names and postal addresses of three references. My postal address is: Dr. A. Matus, Friedrich Miescher Institute, P.O. Box 2543, 4002 Basel, Switzerland. However, I prefer bitnet communication to MATUS%FMI.CH@cervax.bitnet. (Don Bashford) (12/21/90)
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH POSITION IN THEORETICAL MOLECULAR BIOPHYSICS Department of Molecular Biology Research Institute of Scripps Clinic A postdoctoral fellowship is available to a candidate interested in research protein electrostatics. Macroscopic dielectric models of the protein-solvent system are being developed. Applications can be made to titration and redox properties of side-chains and prosthetic groups, protein stability, solubility, electron transfer, proton transfer, substrate binding affinity or electrostatic steering of substrates by enzymes. Candidates should have a background in phyisics, chemistry, biochemistry or biophyisics, and should have some experience in computer programming. The Department has a strong commitment to both experimental and theoretical research in the structural basis of molecular biology. It includes several research groups in x-ray crystallography and NMR of proteins; theoretical groups working on protein structure, dynamics, energetics and folding; and researchers developing techniques and software for computer graphics of biological molecules. Facilities include a large number of advanced computing workstations, a graphics laboratory, and Convex and Cray supercomputers. Candidates should send a CV, a statement of their research interests and the names of three references to Dr. Donald Bashford Department of Molecular Biology Research Institute of Scripps Clinic 10666 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, California 92037 USA Electronic mail: phone: (619) 554-9612 FAX: (619) 554-8841 The Research Institute of Scripps Clinic is an equal opportunity employer.