From: Jose Carazo <JCARAZO@BIONET-20.ARPA> POSTDOCTORAL POSITION WADSWORTH CENTER FOR LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, ALBANY, NEW YORK 12201 The high volatage electron microscopy laboratory, which is engaged in ultrastructural research using several approaches to 3-D reconstruction, is applying for a major grant for continued support as a Biotecnology Resource. Starting in 1989, a position will be available for a postdoctoral scientist interested in 3-D reconstruction algorithms, restoration of missing angular data using maximum entropy, POCS and related methods. Required background in Mathematics or Physics. Interested persons should IMMEDIATELY contact Dr.Joachim Frank JF600@ALBNY1VX.BITNET Telephone: (518)474 7002 -------
From: Jose Carazo <JCARAZO@BIONET-20.ARPA> POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS WADSWORTH CENTER FOR LABORATORIES AND RESEARCH NEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH POSTDOCTORAL POSITION. Available inmediately. Biochemist/Biophysicist interested in the study of ribosome function using a combination of chemical modification and quantitative high-resolution electron microscopy. The applicant should be a recent Ph.D. with a strong background in protein chemistry and electron microscopy of macromolecules. Send CV to: Dr.Joachim Frank, Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research, New York State Department of Health, P.O. Box 509, Albany, New York 12201-0509. -------
GREENLEAF@BIONET-20.BIO.NET (Arno L. Greenleaf) (08/09/89)
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION available immediately to study transcription factor- RNA polymerase II interactions or other aspects of the eukaryotic transcription machinery. Expertise in enzymology and/or molecular genetics required. Please send application and 2-3 letters of recommendation to Dr. Arno L. Greenleaf. Biochemistry Department. Duke Medicak Center, Durham, N.C. 27710. Recent relevant references:: 1. Zehring, w. et.al., (1988) Proc. Natl, Acad. Sci. USA 85: 3698-3702. "The C-Terminal Repeat Domain of RNA Polymerase II Largest Subunit is Essential in vivo but is Not Required for Accurate Transcription Initiation in vitro." 2. Price, D. et.al. (1989) Mol. Cell. Biol. 9: 1465-1475. "Dynamic Interaction Between a Drosophila Transcription Factor and RNA polymerase II." 3. Lee, J-M, and Greenleaf, A>L> (1989) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 86 3624-3628. "AProtein Kinase that Phosphorylates the C-Terminal Repeat Domain of the Largest Subunit of RNA polymerase II." -------
GREENLEAF@BIONET-20.BIO.NET (Arno L. Greenleaf) (08/10/89)
POSTDOCTORAL POSITION available immediately to study transcription factor- RNA polymenrase II interactions or other aspects of the eukaryotic transcription machinery. Expertise in enzymology and/or molecualr genetics required. Please send application and 2-3 letters of recommendation to Dr. Arno L. Greenleaf, Biochemistry department, Duke Medical Center, Durham, NC. 27710 Recent relevant references: 1. Zehring, W. et al., (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci, USA 85: 3698-3702. Initiation in vitro." 2. Price, D. et al,. (1989) Mol. Cell.\Biol. 9: 1465-1475. "Dynamic Interaction Between a Drosophila Transcription Factor and RNA polymerase II." 3. Lee, J-M, and Grreenleaf, A.L., (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 86: 3624-3628. "A Protein Kinase that Phosphorylates the C-Terminal Repeat Domain of the Largest Subunit of RNA polymerase II." -------
HORNSBY@uscn.bitnet (HORNSBY) (07/04/90)
Please notify anyone who may be interested in the following postdoctoral position. POSTDOCTORAL POSITION: NIH Training Grant-supported position in molecular aspects of endocrine cell senescence available now. U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Prior experience in molecular biology and cell culture not required; training will be provided. Project involves investigation of changes in expression of steroid hydroxylase genes over the human life span (fetus, child, young adult, and aged adult). Candidates must have a strong interest in the cellular and molecular basis of human aging processes. For further details, please contact: Dr. Peter J. Hornsby, Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, Georgia 30912 or phone 404-721-3757. E-Mail: HORNSBY@USCN.BITNET. An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Females and minorities are encouraged to apply.
rl@socrates.ucsf.edu (Robert Langridge) (02/14/91)
COMPUTER GRAPHICS LABORATORY, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN FRANCISCO, seeks a postdoctoral research scientist with background in physics and/or applied mathematics combined with an interest in applications to biomolecular structures and interactions. The Computer Graphics Laboratory has been supported by the National Institutes of Health, Division of Research Resources for over twenty years and more recently is part of a DARPA URI grant to develop a Macromolecular Workbench. The lab is superbly equipped with UNIX-based networked facilities which include several levels of Silicon Graphics 3D displays, SUNs, NeXTs, VAXen and MIPS RC6280, with easy access to still more powerful machines. In spite of the name of the lab, I am looking for someone with a broad background in applicable mathematics, not to work on computer graphics, but on the application of neural nets to protein structure prediction (see Kneller, Cohen and Langridge J.Mol.Biol. 214, 171-182, 1990), on-line computation of the energetics of macromolecular interactions (see Pattabiraman, Levitt, Ferrin and Langridge J.Comp.Chem 6, 432-436, 1985) and to collaborate on some new lines of investigation. My group includes individuals with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, molecular biology, electrical engineering and computer science. The appointment would be at the UC postdoctoral level, with annual salary depending on experience, but beginning at about $25K for a new PhD. Please send enquiries, preferably by e-mail, to: Prof. Robert Langridge Phone: +1 415 476-2630, -1540, -5128 Computer Graphics Laboratory FAX: +1 415 476-0688 University of California E-Mail: rl@cgl.ucsf.edu San Francisco CA 94143-0446