[bionet.jobs] postdoctoral position wanted

agostino@med.unc.edu (Michael Agostino) (04/24/91)

	I am seeking a postdoctoral fellowship. I anticipate completing 
my doctoral studies by August 1, 1991. In graduate school, my 
primary focus was the molecular evolution of the mammalian 
transposable element L1. These studies included a significant 
amount of general molecular biology techniques, DNA sequencing, and 
computer analysis of the resultant data. My secondary projects 
included the development of a number of novel techniques. In 
addition, I have some experience with RNA isolation and 
manipulation, production of monoclonal antibodies, mammalian cell 
culture transfections, and isolation of DNA from tissue (please see 
attached C.V.).
	As a postdoctoral fellow, I would like to use my molecular 
biology training to manipulate the biology of a system, as compared 
to characterization studies like those that I have been involved with. 
I realize this is a rather vague description of my interests but I feel 
a lot of topics could be interesting and would like to see what is 
available. I would greatly prefer a position in the western United 
States. If you or someone you know has a postdoctoral position 
available and would like to know more about me, I can send preprints 
of my publications, a more complete description of my work in 
progress, and I can arrange for confidential letters of reference to 
be sent. Thank you for your time.

Curriculum Vitae
Nils Breton Adey

Address:		Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology
			Campus Box 7290
			University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
			Chapel Hill, NC. 27599.
Telephone:	919-966-5476
E-Mail:		Adey@UNCVX1.Bitnet
Birthday:		Sept. 14, 1960

7/85 - present:	Ph.D. program in the Department of Microbiology 
			and Immunology,  The University of North Carolina 
			at Chapel Hill under the direction of Dr. Clyde A.
			Hutchison III
8/79 - 5/83:	B.S. in chemistry from Carnegie-Mellon University, 
			Pittsburgh, PA.

Related Employment:
1/85 - 6/85:	Melloy Labs, Springfield, VA. Contract molecular 
			biology services: DNA sequencing, clone isolation 
			from provided libraries, and subcloning.
10/83 - 12/84:	Genex Corp., Gaithersburg, MD. Development of 
			assay for methyltransferase; mutagenesis and 
			isolation of yeast strains that overproduce 	
			phenylalanine ammonia lyase; characterization of 
			novel proteases from bacteria isolated from the 

1.	A Rapid and Versatile Method to Transfer an Insert Between 
	Single-Stranded Vectors and Reverse its Orientation. N. B. Adey 
	and C. A. Hutchison III (1991) Nucleic Acids Res. (in press)
2.	Nucleotide Sequence of a Full-Length F-Type L1 Element. N. B. 
	Adey, M. B. Comer, M. H. Edgell, and C. A. Hutchison III (1991) 
	Nucleic Acids Res. (in press)
3.	Nucleotide Sequence of the BALB/c Mouse b-Globin Complex. W. 
	R. Shehee, D. D. Loeb, N. B. Adey, F. H. Burton, N. C. Casavant, P. 
	Cole, C. J. Davies, R. A. McGraw, S. A. Schichman, D. M. 
	Severynse, C. F. Voliva, F. W. Weyter, G. B. Wisely, M. H. Edgell 
	and C. A. Hutchison III (1989) J. Mol. Biol. 205, 41-62.

Submitted manuscripts:
1.	A Composite of A and F-Type 5' Sequences Defines a Subfamily 
	of Mouse L1 Elements. N. B. Adey, S. A. Schichman, C. A. 
	Hutchison III, and M. H. Edgell (1991) J. Mol. Biol. (submitted 
	April 1991).

Manuscripts in preparation:
1.	The Structure and Evolution of the 5' End of L1 Elements in 
	Mouse. N. B. Adey, S. A. Schichman, M. H. Edgell, and C. A. 
	Hutchison III. 

Presentations at scientific meetings:
1.	Either A or F-type 5' Repeats are Associated with the Same 
	Subfamilies of L1 in Mus domesticus. Workshop of LINE-1 
	Related Transposable Elements, Carnegie Institution of 
	Washington. Oct. 9-11, 1989.
2.	LINE-1 Elements in Mus domesticus Contain Two Polymorphic 
	Regions Which Vary Independently. 16th Molecular and 
	Biochemical Genetics Workshop, Park City, Utah. April 5-8, 