(Kenny Gow) (06/25/91)
This resume is a post for a good friend of mine. Please respond to him directly. Thank you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Randy Mogg, PhD Department of Anatomy and 830 Armsway Street Cell Biology Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464 Medical University of (803) 849-1911 South Carolina Charleston, SC 29425-2204 (803) 792-7462 Career I am seeking a permanent position where my research Objective talents can be applied to rewarding projects with practical applications. Education PhD in Physiology: The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Texas August 1985 to June 1989 Relevant courses: biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, histology, neurophysiology, physiology, endo- crinology, and computer science. BS in Biology: Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas August 1982 to June 1985 Relevant courses: biology, cell biology, immunology, microbiology, physiology, comparative endocrinology, organic chemistry, biochemistry, statistics, and quality control. Previous Application of various in vitro and in vivo models of Research endocrine function to examine the hypothalamic control of Focus reproductive hormone secretion from the pituitary. Assay Skills Extensive experience with radioimmunoassay (including iodination, trouble shooting, and data reduction) of several peptides. Examination of secretion from individ- ual cells employing the reverse hemolytic plaque assay. Application of cell cultures for the bioassay of putative endocrine regulatory factors. Animal Proficient in a variety of surgical procedures including Surgeries third cerebroventricular cannulation, adrenalectomy, cas- tration, and blood vessel cannulation of rats, as well as experience with blood vessel cannulation and cardiopul- monary monitoring of dogs. Cell Culture Dispersion and primary culture of rat anterior pituitaries Skills as well as the maintenance of several pituitary cell lines under a variety of culture conditions. Computers Data reduction, development of databases, graphics, and word processing with the IBM PS II and Macintosh Plus. Other Purification of peptides; extraction of steroids; devel- Experience opment of a novel technique which selectively destroys pituitary cells in vitro based on their receptor comple- ment; setting up a new laboratory; training and supervis- ing personnel. Research Research Associate, April 1988 to August 1989: Employment Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, The University of Missouri, Columbia, MO Responsibilities: the independent planning and execution of neuroendocrine research projects; setting up the lab- oratory; training and supervising new technicians. Postdoctoral Fellow, September 1989 to the present: Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC Responsibilities: the planning and execution of endocrine research projects; supervising personnel. List of publications attached. PUBLICATIONS Samson WK, Mogg R, Martin L, Fulton RJ 1990 A non-oxytocinergic prolactin releasing factor and a non-dopaminergic prolactin inhibiting factor in bovine neurointermediate lobe extracts: in vitro and in vivo studies. Endocrinology 126:1610 Mogg R, Samson WK 1990 Interactions of dopaminergic and peptidergic factors in the control of prolactin release. Endocrinology 126:728 Samson WK, Bianchi RS, Mogg R 1990 Atrial natriuretic peptide modulates hypothalamic control of pituitary function. Peptides 1990 Samson WK, Mogg R 1989 Oxytocin as part of stress responses. In: Pfaff DF and Ganten (eds) Current Topics in Neuroendocrinology. Vol 10, Behavioral Aspects of Neuroendocrinology, Springer-Verlog, Heidleberg Samson WK, Mogg R 1989 Peptidergic/oxytocinergic interactions controlling reproductive hormone secretion. In: Johnston CA (ed), Research Topics in Physiology. Vol 12. Academic Press, New York Samson WK, Bianchi RS, Mogg R, Rivier, Vale W, Melin P 1988 Oxytocin mediates the hypothalamic action of vasoactive intestinal peptide to stimulate prolactin release. Endocrinology 124:812 Samson WK, Bianchi RS, Mogg R 1988 Evidence for a dopaminergic mechanism for the prolactin inhibitory effect of atrial natriuretic factor. Neuroendocrinology 47:268 ABSTRACTS Mogg R, Schwarz LK, Boockfor FR 1991 Single and dual hormone secretors in GH3 cultures respond differently to hypothalamic factors. Endocrine Society Abstract #1527 Mogg R, Schwarz LK, Boockfor FR 1989 Estradiol treatment alters the proportions of GH3 cells in culture that respond to VIP. Southeastern Regional Endocrine Society Abstract Mogg R, Sherman D, Martin L, Samson WK 1989 Prolactin releasing and inhibiting activity in extracts of mammalian neurointermediate lobes. Endocrine Society Abstract #13 Samson WK, Mogg R, Martin L, Fulton RJ 1989 A posterior lobe prolactin releasing factor distinct from oxytocin. Society for Neuroscience Abstract #15 Fulton RJ, Mogg R, Sherman D, Paull WK, Samson WK 1989 Use of Immunotoxins to create novel neuropeptide-deficient rats. FASEB Journal 3:A480 Mogg R, Bianchi RS, Melin P, Samson WK 1988 The role of oxytocin in prolactin release during physiologic and pharmacologic dopamine withdrawal. Endocrine Society Abstract #181 Samson WK, Bianchi RS, Mogg R 1988 Possible dopaminergic mechanism for the prolactin inhibiting effect of atrial natriuretic factor. FASEB Journal 2:A309