[bionet.molbio.genbank] traI accession number

GORDON.BRADSHAW@BIONET-20.BIO.NET (Toby Bradshaw) (02/03/89)

I submitted some sequence data for traI (Helicase I) about 5 months ago,
but it hasn't shown up in the database.  I need an accession number to
submit the manuscript.  Any suggestions?  Thanks.

Toby Bradshaw (Traxler, Minkley, Nester, Gordon)

kristoff@NET.BIO.NET (David Kristofferson) (02/03/89)


	You should have received an accession number from either
GenBank at LANL or EMBL shortly (within a week usually) after
submitting the data since this is the usual databank procedure.  I
will check archived submissions on BIONET (I assume that this was done
using BIONET?!) and see if I find any 5-6 month old submissions from
you.  The accession number problem will have to be dealt with by
either the GenBank or EMBL database staff.


				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net

				Dave Kristofferson
				BIONET Resource Manager

			     or	kristofferson@bionet-20.bio.net