[bionet.molbio.genbank] bison grammar for new feature table

dbd@THEORY.BCHS.UH.EDU (Dan Davison) (08/11/90)

As best I can interpret the new feature table, there appears to be a few
major problems.  Is the attached grammar wrong?  Why are there so many
reduce/reduce conflicts? It obviously won't fly in this state.

Any help would be appreciated.

(bison is the Gnu version of yacc)

State 29 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 59 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 60 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 61 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 64 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 67 contains 7 reduce/reduce conflicts. <---****
State 68 contains 7 reduce/reduce conflicts. <---****
State 70 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 77 contains 3 reduce/reduce conflicts. <---****
State 85 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.
State 88 contains 1 shift/reduce conflict.

/* bison grammar for genbank feature tables */
#define YYSTYPE double
#define YYDEBUG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
%token SYMBOL
%token INTEGER
%token ELLIPSE
%token JOIN
%token ORDER
%token GROUP
%token ONE_OF
%token REPLACE
%token HEADER_1
%token HEADER_2
%% /* grammer rules and actions follow */

feature_table:		  feature_table_header feature_table_body
feature_table_header:	  HEADER_1
			| HEADER_2
feature_table_body:	  feature
			| feature_table_body feature
feature:		  feature_key feature_details
feature_key:		  SYMBOL
			| '-'
feature_details:	  location qualifier_list
			| location
location:		  absolute_location
			| feature_name
			| '"' literal_sequence '"'
			| functional_operator '(' location_list ')'
absolute_location:	  local_location
			| path ':' local_location
feature_name:		  path ':' feature_label
			| feature_label
literal_sequence:	  SYMBOL
functional_operator:	| COMPLEMENT
			| JOIN
			| ORDER
			| GROUP
			| ONE_OF
location_list:		  location
			| location_list ',' location
local_location:		  base_position
			| between_position
			| base_range
path:			  database DOUBLE_COLON primary_accession
			| primary_accession
feature_label:		  SYMBOL
base_position:		  INTEGER
			| low_base_bound
			| high_base_bound
			| two_base_bound
between_position:	  base_position '^' base_position
base_range:		  base_position ELLIPSE base_position
database:		  SYMBOL
primary_accession:	  SYMBOL
low_base_bound:		  '>' INTEGER
high_base_bound:	  '<' INTEGER
two_base_bound:		  base_position '.' base_position
qualifier_list:		  qualifier
			| qualifier_list qualifier
qualifier:		  '/' qualifier_name
			| '/' qualifier_name '=' value
qualifier_name:		  SYMBOL
value:			  simple_value
			| '(' value_list ')'
			| '(' tagged_value_list ')'
simple_value:		  INTEGER
			| location
			| reference_number
			| '"' TEXT_STRING '"'
value_list:		  value
			| value_list '.' value
tagged_value_list:	  tagged_value
			| tagged_value_list ',' tagged_value
tagged_value:		  tag ':' value
tag:			  SYMBOL
reference_number:	  INTEGER

yyerror (s)
	char *s;
	printf ("%s\n", s);