dbd%benden@LANL.GOV (06/11/88)
From: dbd%benden@LANL.GOV (Dan Davison) Following a suggestion of Peter Karp (thanks!) I have added the Listing of Molecular Biology databases to the archive-server. Because of its size (128K) it has been split into four files: limb1.1of4 limb1.2of4 limb1.3of4 limb1.4of4 You must get all four files and assemble them in sequence to have the full Listing. Please DO NOT request all four files at once; it will overload the server's limited capacity. The files can be retrieved by sending a RFC822 mail message to archive-server@genome.lanl.gov with the Subject line: Subject: send matrix limb1.1of4 or just have in the message body send matrix limb1.1of4 (or 2of4, 3of4, 4of4) If you have further suggestions for data to include in the archive-server, send mail to archive-management@genome.lanl.gov. dan davison