[net.news.group] newsgroup for discussion of sex-roles

rlr (03/12/83)

There have a number of positive responses to the idea proposed by (I've
forgotten who, but whoever it was please step forward) for a newsgroup
concerning sex-roles.  However, these responses, almost entirely positive,
have been scattered amongst this newsgroup (net.news.group), net.singles,
net.social, and net.women.  Is there enough interest in such a newsgroup
that someone (I can't) can field the pro and con responses to this proposal
and summarize to the net.  To those who oppose its creation:  is there a
newsgroup that you feel better suits the topic?  Someone please volunteer
for the receiver/summarizer role here so that maybe we can definitively
show netwide acceptance/rejection of a proposed newsgroup.  As for me, count
me as a yes vote.				Rich

bam (03/16/83)

Another YES vote for a sex-roles news group.

Bret Marquis
UC San Diego