ANNOUNCING THE 46 PITTSBURGH DIFFRACTION CONFERENCE PITTSBURGH PA. November 2, 3, 4, 1988 - Preliminary Program General Chairman B. C. Wang NOVEMBER 2: Alpha-Helix Stability, Protein Folding and Protein Design Organizer: M. Sundaralingam INVITED SPEAKERS M. Sundaralingam (University of Wisconsin) Susan Marqusee (Stanford) Neville Kallenbach (New York University) Jane Dyson (Scripps Clinic) Lynne Regan (Dupont) Peter Kim (MIT, Whitehead Institute) Brian Matthews (University of Oregon, Eugene) Carl Pabo (John Hopkins University) A. H. Robbins (Scripps Clinic) Gerald Fasman (Brandeis University) NOVEMBER 3: Liquid Crystal Diffraction Organizer: J. Magill INVITED SPEAKERS Edmund Dimarzio (National Bureau of Standards) John Blackwell (Case Western University) Ken Gardner (Dupont) George Jeffrey (University of Pittsburgh) Leonid Azaroff (University of Connecticut) Edwin Thomas (University of Massachusetts) Douglas L. Dorset (Medical Foundation of Buffalo) NOVEMBER 4: Accurate Data Collection Organizer: J. Rose INVITED SPEAKERS Keith Watenpaugh (Upjohn Company) Hakon Hope (University of California, Davis) Robert Blessing (Medical Foundation of Buffalo) Jim Jorgenson (Argonne National Laboratory) Robert Sweet (Brookhaven National Laboratory) POSTER SESSION Poster contributions are solicited in the Symposia topics and other areas related to diffraction or crystallography. Titles and photo-ready abstracts (one page) should be sent to the General Chairman by October 20,1988. You may BITNET your abstract to ROSE@PITTVMS if you prefer. _______________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION Enclosed is my check for: (1) Registration fee and reception (November 1) (regular, $50; students, $15) (2) Banquet (November 2) ____ticket at $35/each Due to the early date of the banquet, the final count and menu must be submitted before the conference begins (10/27/88). Please indicate via BITNET if possible the choice or choices you wish for the banquet entree. We will be serving : Roast Beef au Jus Brioled Filet of Lemon Sole Almondine Vegetarian Platter *Please send registration to: B. C. Wang, General Chairman Pittsburgh Diffraction Conference Department of Crystallography University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Tele: (412)624-9300 BITNET WANG@PITTVMS ________________________________________________________________________________ ACCOMMODATIONS University Inn Howard Johnson Hotel Forbes Ave. & McKee Place 3401 Blvd. of the Allies Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Pittsburgh, PA 15213 412-683-6000 412-683-6100 1-800-242-1498 (PA) 1-800-441-3979 (PA) 1-800-245-6675 (outside PA) 1-800-245-4444 (outside PA) Single $63.00* Single $57.00 Double $73.00* Double $65.00 *Conference discount EARLY reservations are recommended!