[bionet.molbio.bio-matrix] CAIA-91 AI Applications to Molecular Biology Mini-Track

dbs@prc.unisys.com (David Searls) (07/14/90)

     Special Mini-Track on Artificial Intelligence Applications 
                         to Molecular Biology

 The Seventh IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications

	      Fontainbleau Hotel,  Miami Beach, Florida
			February 24 - 28, 1991

			Call For Participation
			 (papers due 8/31/90)
	      Sponsored by The Computer Society of IEEE

The Program Committee Chair for this long-standing AI applications
conference, in recognition of the emerging interest in AI-based
approaches to molecular biology, has authorized the creation of a
special mini-track devoted to this topic within the
Scientific/Engineering Applications Track.  The overall conference is
devoted to the application of artificial intelligence techniques to
real-world problems;  case studies of knowledge-based applications that
solve significant problems and stimulate the development of useful
techniques are appropriate, and this mini-track will concern itself with
such applications to the analysis and interpretation of data, and the 
conduct of laboratory research, in the field of molecular biology.  
Papers must: (1) justify the use of the AI technique, based on the 
problem definition and an analysis of the application's requirements;  
(2) explain how AI technology was used to solve a significant problem;  
(3) describe the status of the implementation;  and (4) evaluate both 
the effectiveness of the implementation and the technique used.  
Papers describing significant unpublished results are solicited which
deal with topics including:  laboratory expert systems, automated 
"notebooks" and other aides, intelligent database applications, AI-based 
sequence analysis and structure prediction, experiment planning and 
hypothesis formation, applications of machine learning/pattern
recognition, modelling/simulation of biological processes, and AI 
applications in support of the Human Genome Project.

In addition to the application tracks for this conference, there is an
"Enabling Technology" Track, focusing on techniques and principles that 
facilitate the development of practical knowledge based systems that 
can be scaled to handle increasing problem complexity.  For information
on this track, on other applications tracks, and on proposals for
tutorial presentations, demonstrations, panel discussions, or vendor
presentations, see the full conference announcement.

Long papers should be limited to 5000 words;  short papers up to 1000 
words will also be considered in a separate category.  Papers which are 
significantly longer than these limits will not be reviewed. The first 
page of the paper should contain the following information (where 
applicable) in the order shown:

  - Title
  - Authors' names and affiliation (specify student status)
  - Contact information (name, postal address, phone, fax & email address)
  - Abstract: a 200 word abstract that includes a clear statement 
    describing the paper's original contributions and what new lesson 
    is imparted
  - AI topic: one or more terms describing the relevant AI areas, 
    e.g., knowledge acquisition, explanation, pattern matching, etc.
  - Domain area: one or more terms describing the problem domain area,
    e.g., laboratory support, experiment planning, sequence analysis, 
    protein structure prediction, etc.  Do NOT specify the track.
  - Language/Tool: underlying programming languages, systems & tools used
  - Status: development and deployment status, as appropriate
  - Effort: person-years of effort put into developing the particular
    aspect of the project being described
  - Impact: a twenty word description of estimated or measured (specify)
    benefit of the application developed
Each paper accepted for publication will be allotted seven pages in
the conference proceedings.  The best papers accepted in the
applications tracks will be considered for a special issue of IEEE
EXPERT to appear late in 1991.  IBM will sponsor an award of $1,500 for 
the best student paper at the conference. 

Important dates:

  - August 31, 1990: Six copies of Papers are due.  Submissions not 
    received by that date will be returned unopened.  Electronically 
    transmitted materials will not be accepted.
  - October 26, 1990: Author notifications mailed.
  - December 7, 1990: Accepted papers due to IEEE.
  - February 24-25, 1991: Tutorial Program of Conference
  - February 26-28, 1991: Technical Program of Conference

Submit papers to:

	Tim Finin, CAIA-91 Program Committee Chair
	Unisys Center for Advanced Information Technology
	70 East Swedesford Road
	PO Box 517
	Paoli PA 19301
	internet: finin@prc.unisys.com
	phone: 215-648-2840; fax: 215-648-2288

For registration and additional conference information, contact:

	The Computer Society of the IEEE
	1730 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
	Washington, DC 20036-1903
	phone: 202-371-1013

For more information on the AI Applications to Molecular Biology
mini-track, contact:

	David Searls
	Unisys Center for Advanced Information Technology
	internet: dbs@prc.unisys.com
	phone: 215-648-2146; fax: 215-648-2288
| G. Christian Overton                        || Telephone: (215) 648-2420      |
| Center for Advanced Information Technology  || Internet: overt@prc.unisys.com |
| Unisys                                      || FAX: (215) 648-2288            |