rrobbins@NOTE.NSF.GOV ("Robert J. Robbins") (08/24/90)
------- Forwarded Message Date: Fri, 24 Aug 90 8:22:06 EDT Subject: Help for InfoServer Reply-To: info@note.nsf.gov From: NSF Info Server<info@note.nsf.gov> To: Robert J. Robbins <rrobbins@note.nsf.gov> Message-ID: <9008240822.ab01907@Note.NSF.GOV> "HELP" FOR "INFO" IN THE NSF INFO SERVER The NSF Info Server is a program that delivers information by electronic mail. If you are on the Internet, or can send mail to Internet sites, you access the Info Server by sending mail to: info@note.nsf.gov If you are on BITNET, you may address your requests to: INFO@NSF You do not need a subject field. The text of your message must be in a special format, such as: REQUEST: INFO TOPIC: HELP REQUEST: END This request asks for the document "HELP" from the "request" collection "INFO". Your message must have a "REQUEST" line, to specify the request collection, and one or more "TOPIC:" lines to specify documents from the collection. The optional statement "REQUEST: END" terminates your specification. Any subsequent text in the message is ignored by the Info Server. The document you are now reading can be requested by: REQUEST: INFO TOPIC: HELP It is also sent automatically if there are no "request:" lines in your message. At the end of this file you will find a list of the REQUEST collections currently available. For each REQUEST collection, topic "INDEX" contains a list of the available documents. You may specify a limit, in lines or bytes, to the maximum size of document that you wish to have sent in a single message. For example: LINE-LIMIT: 1000 or BYTE-LIMIT: 75K The Info Server will break the documents at exactly the specified number of lines, or at the line preceeding the specified number of bytes. The minimum limit is 2000 lines or 12000 bytes. You may use the form "75000" or "75K" in either limit, but NOT "75,000". The limit affects only lines up to the next REQUEST: line. You may combine different requests in the same message, and use any combination of upper- and lower-case letters in your text. You may also include or omit spaces and tabs, use any number of REQUEST and TOPIC lines, and omit "REQUEST: END". For example: REQUEST : info byte-limit: 22000 topic: help (Byte-limit in effect) Request : forms TOPIC : review (Byte-limit not in effect) If you include "REQUEST: END", the INFO SERVER will ignore whatever follows in your message. If you include "REQUEST: ATTENTION", the INFO SERVER will ignore whatever follows and deliver your entire message to "postmaster@note.nsf.gov". You are encouraged to suggest additional documents you would like to have available from the NSF Info Server. Mail suggestions to "postmaster@note.nsf.gov" (Internet sites), or "POSTMAST@NSF" (BITNET sites). NOTE to BITNET users: The info-server mails documents to the address it finds in the "From:" field of requests. If your system does not prepare the "From:" field in a format that the NSF computer recognizes, you may not be able to use the info-server. The following are valid BITNET formats that we accept: From: user@host From: user@host.BITNET If your system generates other types of addresses (e.g. "user AT host", or addresses with BITNET DOMAINS that are not registered with the Internet nameservers), or can't send mail at all (just files), the chances are that the info-server will not be able to respond to your requests. If you have the ability to send to the info-server's Internet address (info@note.nsf.gov) that may work. ==================================================================== REQUEST collections currently available: REQUEST: INFO Information on using the Info-Server. REQUEST: FORMS Templates and forms. REQUEST: GRAD-FEL Graduate Fellowship Program files. REQUEST: INT-SCIENG Reports on Foreign Science and Technology. Notice to INT-SCIENG Requestors ------------------------------- Thank you for your interest in "int-scieng," the National Science Foundation's on-line service for reports on foreign science and technology. At this time, the service--which is administered by NSF's Division of International Programs--is unavailable to outside users. It is being revamped for use in an upgraded system being developed specifically to provide outside users with direct access to these reports. This new system, which will incorporate many enhancements that we hope will be valuable to our future users, will begin operation later this year. Its availability will be widely announced in the U.S. scientific and engineering community. Thank you for your patience. ------- End of Forwarded Message