[bionet.molbio.bio-matrix] AI and Molecular Biology Workshop

noordewi@porthos.rutgers.edu (Michiel) (12/19/90)

		 AI Approaches to Classification and
	       Pattern Recognition in Molecular Biology

	  AAAI-91 Workshop: Anaheim, California - July, 1991

			Call for Participation

Biological sequence analysis provides an important source of
challenges for AI.  These challenges fall into two categories:
classification and pattern recognition.  The classification task
involves inducing patterns from data, and pattern recognition involves
searching for instances of patterns in large datasets.  Recent work
has applied techniques from computational linguistics, machine
learning, case-based reasoning, symbolic classification, Bayesian
methods, and artificial neural networks to these analyses.

			Objectives and Format
This workshop is designed to bring together workers using such diverse
approaches and focus on the rich set of problems presented by the
recent availability of extensive biological sequence information.
Researchers and theorists in classification and pattern recognition
both inside and outside of the molecular biology problem domain are
encouraged to apply.  We will focus on methodologies which
specifically target abstraction of the information contained in these
biological macromolecules, both structural and functional, and the
injection of knowledge-based reasoning into their analysis.

		     Preliminary Workshop Agenda
The workshop will be separated into two broad application areas;
structure prediction and genetic sequence analysis.  The format of the
workshop will be the presentation of short papers followed by panel

		       Submission Requirements
Persons wishing to attend the workshop should submit three copies of a
1-2 page research summary including a list of relevant publications,
along with a phone number and an electronic mail address if possible.
Persons wishing to make presentations at the workshop should submit
three copies of a short paper or extended abstract, in addition to the
research summary.  All submissions must be received by March 8, 1991.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be mailed to applicants
by April 15, 1991.  Camera ready copies of papers accepted for
inclusion in the working notes of the workshop will be due on May 24,

			 Organizing Committee
		Michiel Noordewier, Rutgers University
	       David Searls, Unisys Center for Advanced
			Information Technology
	    Lawrence Hunter, National Library of Medicine

			  AI/CPR/MB Workshop
			c/o Michiel Noordewier
			 Assistant Professor
		    Department of Computer Science
		      Hill Center, Busch Campus
			  Rutgers University
		       New Brunswick, NJ 08903

noordewi@porthos.rutgers.edu (Michiel) (02/14/91)

		 AI Approaches to Classification and
	       Pattern Recognition in Molecular Biology

	  AAAI-91 Workshop: Anaheim, California - July, 1991

			Call for Participation

	Please note that this workshop will be one day long, and will
	be held as part of the workshop program of the National
	Conference on Artificial Intelligence (July 14 to July 19),
	the exact date to be determined early in March.  Participants
	in the workshop need NOT register for the national conference.
	In this case, however, an attendance fee of $40.00 will be
	charged.  All attendees must preregister for the workshop.

	Important dates are as follows:

	March 8		deadline for abstracts for workshop
	May 24		camera-ready copies of workshop notes due

Biological sequence analysis provides an important source of
challenges for AI.  These challenges fall into two categories:
classification and pattern recognition.  The classification task
involves inducing patterns from data, and pattern recognition involves
searching for instances of patterns in large datasets.  Recent work
has applied techniques from computational linguistics, machine
learning, case-based reasoning, symbolic classification, Bayesian
methods, and artificial neural networks to these analyses.

			Objectives and Format
This workshop is designed to bring together workers using such diverse
approaches and focus on the rich set of problems presented by the
recent availability of extensive biological sequence information.
Researchers and theorists in classification and pattern recognition
both inside and outside of the molecular biology problem domain are
encouraged to apply.  We will focus on methodologies which
specifically target abstraction of the information contained in these
biological macromolecules, both structural and functional, and the
injection of knowledge-based reasoning into their analysis.

		     Preliminary Workshop Agenda
The workshop will be separated into two broad application areas;
structure prediction and genetic sequence analysis.  The format of the
workshop will be the presentation of short papers followed by panel

		       Submission Requirements
Persons wishing to attend the workshop should submit three copies of a
1-2 page research summary including a list of relevant publications,
along with a phone number and an electronic mail address if possible.
Persons wishing to make presentations at the workshop should submit
three copies of a short paper or extended abstract, in addition to the
research summary.  All submissions must be received by March 8, 1991.
Notification of acceptance or rejection will be mailed to applicants
by April 15, 1991.  Camera ready copies of papers accepted for
inclusion in the working notes of the workshop will be due on May 24,

			 Organizing Committee
		Michiel Noordewier, Rutgers University
	       David Searls, Unisys Center for Advanced
			Information Technology
	    Lawrence Hunter, National Library of Medicine

			  AI/CPR/MB Workshop
			c/o Michiel Noordewier
			 Assistant Professor
		    Department of Computer Science
		      Hill Center, Busch Campus
			  Rutgers University
		       New Brunswick, NJ 08903