[bionet.molbio.bio-matrix] simulations

WILKISOND@medcolwi.bitnet (03/01/91)

Now that the wires have cooled down, I would like to make a call
to the biologists nonmoleculaire.  Remembering that the biomatrix
is built on the philosophy of analogy and homology of the entire
spectrum from DNA to behavior and function, let here from those doing
work other than gene analysis (trying to keep it noninflammatory).

Anyway, I am looking for some insight into possible neuronal simulation
programs and techniques which run on a PC.  I would like to develop some
simulations of pharmacology in individual neurons.  If I can work on someone
else's basic simulated neuron without having to develop de novo a simulation
it would save a year's time.

Anyone with a system or who knows of a package please contact me or post a
bit on the BBS.

Thanks in advance.

Douglas M. Wilkison
Med. College of Wisconsin
8701 Watertown Plank Rd.
Milwaukee, WI  53226

sticklen@cps.msu.edu (Jon Sticklen) (03/01/91)

  do you have to be working on a PC?
  my group has been applying an MBR technique called functional reasoning
to biological systems. so far we have modeled a fragment of the immune
system (the complement system), and a couple of landscape ecologies. we
have in progress now a project to model a landscape level agricultural
  i'd like to know more about your project - maybe our stuff could play.

  but... right now we only run on MACs and SUNs. 


Jon Sticklen                        tele: 517-353-3711
AI/KBS Lab - Comp Sci Dept          FAX:  517-336-1061
A714 Wells Hall                     office in A392 Eng Bldg
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI  48824-1027

hunter@work.nlm.nih.gov (Larry Hunter) (03/02/91)

Douglas Wilison asks about neuronal simulation programs and techniques
for the simulation of pharmcology of individual neurons.  Doing
detailed, realistic computer models of neurons (as would be needed for
most inquiries in pharmacology) is technically and conceptually
challenging.  I suspect it will be difficult to find an adequate
package that runs on a PC, but I do have a  reference I would

"Connectionist Modelling and Brain Function: The Developing
Interface," ed. by S.J. Hanson and C.R. Olson, MIT Press 1990.

This book contains both excellent review chapters and several
specific models.  I hope you find it helpful.

Lawrence Hunter, PhD.
National Library of Medicine
Bldg. 38A, MS-54
Bethesda. MD 20894
(301) 496-9300
(301) 496-0673 (fax)
hunter@nlm.nih.gov (internet)
hunter%nlm.nih.gov@nihcu (bitnet/earn)