[bionet.molbio.embldatabank] EMBL Network File Server - Further Information




Several people have been experiencing problems in using the file server
facility;  our initial announcement was clearly not explicit enough!

Please note that the following three restrictions currently apply:

1.   The machine from which you communicate with the server MUST be
     a BITNET/EARN node - the server is not accessible via gateways
     from any other network

2.   You MUST use the "interactive send" command, or its equivalent on
     your own machine, to communicate with the server - you cannot
     use a standard mail program

3.   You MUST send the file server a command as a one line message -
     it cannot process commands contained in files

We hope to enhance the file server software in the future to remove
these restrictions, and will of course inform you about any such developments.

In the meantime, if you have any questions or problems we suggest that you
contact your local computer service, or, if they cannot help, the EMBL
Data Library:

     EMBL Data Library          Telephone       : (06221) 387409
     Postfach 10.2209           Telefax         : (06221) 387306
     6900 Heidelberg            Telex           : 461613 (embl d)
     West Germany               Computer network: datalib@embl (BITNET/EARN)