[bionet.molbio.embldatabank] New Swiss-Prot entries available for database searches


As already announced by Amos Bairoch in his GeSPAN Newsletter #1, new and
updated Swiss-Prot entries are now available between regular releases from
the EMBL File Server.

In addition three new protein databases can now be searched using the EMBL
Mail-FASTA service:

SWNEW           All new and updated Swiss-Prot entries since the latest

SWALL           all Swiss-Prot entries (latest release + new entries)

SWISSPIRALL     All Swiss-Prot and PIR entries

Of course, the already existing protein databases are still available:

SW              Latest release of Swiss-Prot

NBRF            Latest release of NBRF/PIR

PIRONLY         PIR entries which are not in Swiss-Prot

The default protein database was changed to SWALL.
[End of file]