[comp.theory.info-retrieval] IRList Digest V4 #36

FOXEA@VTCC1 (07/10/88)

IRList Digest           Saturday, 9 July 1988      Volume 4 : Issue 36

Today's Topics:
   Call for Papers - ACM SIGIR 89 - 12th Int'l IR Conf., Cambridge MA
   Email - Revised welcome message with FTP and new email instructions

News addresses are
   Internet or CSNET: fox@vtopus.cs.vt.edu or fox@fox.cs.vt.edu
   BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet (later on will be foxea@vtcc1)


Date: Mon, 20 Jun 88 17:31:12 EDT
From: Edward A. Fox <fox>
Subject: Call for Papers for SIGIR 89

                            SIGIR '89

                         CALL FOR PAPERS

                       12th INTERNATIONAL
                          CONFERENCE ON

                          RESEARCH AND
                    IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL

                    Cambridge, Massachusetts

                       June 25 - 28, 1989

                     Sponsored by ACM SIGIR

                      In cooperation with:

                       AICA - GLIR (Italy)

                   BCS - IRG (United Kingdom)

                GI (Federal Republic of Germany)

                         INRIA (France)

                      Information Retrieval

Information retrieval is one of the most exciting areas of
research and development in the computer and information sciences
today.  Research in this field is becoming increasingly important
in areas as diverse as hypertext, natural language processing,
knowledge representation, expert systems, database and multi-
media object management systems, software engineering and office
information systems.  Similarly, techniques developed in these
and other areas have strong impact on work in information
retrieval, even in its traditional applications in document and text
retrieval systems.  The Annual ACM SIGIR Conference is the prem-
ier forum for presentation and discussion of current research in
this multidisciplinary area.  The 12th Annual Conference will
focus especially on the relationships between information
retrieval and other fields.  The technical program will consist
of contributed research papers and panel presentations. In addi-
tion, there will be a program of tutorials on Sunday 25 June.

                      TOPICS FOR SIGIR '89

Original research papers and panel proposals are solicited on
topics including, but not limited to the following:

Information retrieval theory
e.g. Retrieval models
     Document and query representation

Artificial Intelligence and Information Retrieval
e.g. Knowledge representation
     Natural language processing
     Expert systems

Interface issues
e.g. User modelling
     Human-computer interaction
     Intelligent interfaces

Hypertext and Multimedia Systems
e.g. Automatic construction of links
     Search and navigation

e.g. Software reuse
     Office information systems
     Case-based retrieval

Implementation issues
e.g. Parallel processing
     File organization
     Text searching hardware
     Storage devices, e.g. optical storage


                       Contributed Papers

Persons wishing to contribute original research papers should
send four copies of either: a ten to twelve page (double-spaced)
extended abstract; or, a twenty page full paper, to the appropri-
ate program chair, as indicated below.  Papers will be published
in the conference proceedings, and authors will be required to
sign an ACM copyright release form.  Submissions are due 14
December 1988.

                       Panel Presentations

Suggestions for panels should consist of descriptions of the
topic to be covered, the names of proposed speakers and modera-
tor, brief abstracts of the proposed presentations, and the
desired length of time for the panel.  Four copies of proposals,
of no more than three pages, should be sent to the appropriate
program chair. Proposals are due 14 December 1988.  Email may
be used for panel proposals, but must be backed up by hard copy.


Proposals for tutorials should consist of the topic to be dis-
cussed, the name(s) and brief biographies of the presenter(s),
and an outline of the tutorial.  Four copies of proposals, of no
more than three pages, are due 16 January 1989. Email may be used
for tutorial proposals, but backed up by hard copy.  Proposals
should be sent to the tutorial chair:

     Paul Gandel
     AT&T Bell Laboratories
     Room 2J-501
     Holmdel NJ 07733

                         IMPORTANT DATES

14 December 1988    Papers and panel proposals due to Program

16 January 1989     Tutorial proposals due to Tutorial Chair

17 February 1989    Authors informed of acceptance of papers and

20 March 1989       Final versions of papers due

                         Program Chairs

Prof. N.J. Belkin
4 Huntington Street
School of Communication, Information & Library Studies
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903
njb@flash.bellcore.com (internet)
belkin@zodiac (bitnet)
(Americas & Asia)

Prof. C.J. van Rijsbergen
Department of Computing Science
Glasgow University
Lilybank Gardens
Glasgow G12 8QQ
(Europe, Africa, Australia)

                        Program Committee

Robert B. Allen, Bell              Vijay Raghavan, University of
Communications Research            Southwestern Louisiana

Abraham Bookstein, University      Stephen Robertson, The City
of Chicago                         University, London

Alex Borgida, Rutgers              Gerard Salton, Cornell
University                         University

Christine Borgman, UCLA            Karen Sparck Jones, Cambridge
Giorgio Brajnik, Universita
degli Studi di Udine               Craig Stanfill, Thinking
                                   Machines Corporation
Yves Chiaramella, Laboratoire
Genie Informatique - IMAG          Jean Tague, University of
                                   Western Ontario
Stavros Christodoulakis,
University of Waterloo             Carlo Tasso, Universita degli
                                   Studi di Udine
Paul Cohen, University of
Massachusetts                      C.J. van Rijsbergen, Glasgow
Edward A. Fox, Virginia Poly-
technic Institute and State        Clement Yu, University of
University (VPI&SU)                Illinois at Chicago Circle

William B. Frakes, AT&T Bell           Conference Committee
                                   Conference Chair:
Norbert Fuhr, Technische            Bruce Croft, University of
Hochschule Darmstadt                Massachusetts

Peter Ingwersen, Royal Danish      Program Chairs:
School of Librarianship             Nick Belkin, Rutgers
Janet Kolodner, Georgia Tech        C.J. van Rijsbergen, Glasgow
Donald H. Kraft, Louisiana State
University                         Tutorials Chair:
                                    Paul Gandel, AT&T Bell
Michael J. McGill, OCLC                  Laboratories

Norman Meyrowitz, Brown            Local Arrangements Chair:
University                          Candy Schwartz, Simmons
Erich J. Neuhold, Institute for
Integrated Publication and         Publicity Chair:
Information Systems                 Edward A. Fox, VPI&SU

Fausto Rabitti, IEI-CNRS           Treasurer:
                                    Donna Harman, National Bureau
Roy Rada, Liverpool University      of Standards


Date: Sat, 9 Jul 88 13:31:12 EDT
From: Edward A. Fox <fox>
Subject: IRList Welcome Message - revised with FTP and email changes

Welcome to the IRList.  I am the moderator of the IRList discussion.
I am responsible for composing the digest from pending submissions,
controlling the volume and frequency of mail, keeping an archive, and
answering administrative requests.  You may submit material for the
digest to a variety of places, depending on what network you are on
and how quickly and reliably you want mail to reach me.  We do not
have to pay for mail deliveries, but they do vary in speediness and
reliability.  Possibilities include:
     If on ARPANET and can use domains, or on CSNET, use one of
     If on BITNET, use foxea@vtvax3
        (Note! This will eventually be changed to foxea@vtcc1,
         since the machines vtvax3 and vtvax5 have been removed,
         but vtcc1 is not yet entered in the BITNET tables)
     If on UUCPNET, (since I have no direct link) use something like
        ... seismo!vtvax3.bitnet!foxea
I do much of my correspondence on fox@fox.cs.vt.edu but if you have
trouble communicating with that node, use our mail router, vtopus.

Note that there is a parallel USENET discussion group
which you can participate in - feel free to ask to be removed from
the direct distribution list if you choose to participate that way

As you might expect, archival copies of all digests will be kept; feel
free to ask for some recent back issues.  Note that FTP is now finally
possible; here are the details.  Use something like one of the following
to connect:
     ftp fox.cs.vt.edu
  or ftp
The password for account "guest" is "anonymous". The archives are inside
the "guest" directories: irlist_v1, irlist_v2, irlist_v3, irlist_v4.
Most are single issues but early issues are grouped together.  Also,
the 3 volumes of IRList from 1985 through the end of 1987 will be on
the CD-ROM, Virginia Disc One, that will be produced by Nimbus
Records under my direction sometime in 1988.  Finally, people who know
how can use BITNET "listserv" software to access the irlist-l archive
on BITNET node vtvm2 for searching and extraction.  However, if these
are not possible for you, then all communication about the archive
must be with me, using EMAIL or phone or letter.

IRList is open to discussion of any topic (vaguely) related to
information retrieval.  Certainly, any material relating to ACM SIGIR
(the Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval of ACM --
the Association for Computing Machinery) is of interest.  Our field
has close ties to artificial intelligence, database management,
information and library science, linguistics, ...
A partial list of topics suitable are:

    Information Management/Processing/Science/Technology
    AI Applications to IR        Hypertext and Hypermedia
    Abstracting                  Indexing/Classification
    CD-ROM / CD-I / ...          Information Display/Presentation
    Citation Studies             Information Retrieval Applications
    Cognitive Psychology         Information Theory
    Communications Networks      Knowledge Representation
    Computational Linguistics    Language Understanding
    Cybernetics                  Library Science
    Data Abstraction             Matching
    Dictionary Analysis          Message Handling
    Document Representations     Natural Languages, NL Processing
    Electronic Books             Optical Disc Technology and Applications
    Electronic Publishing        Pattern Recognition
    Evidential Reasoning         Probabilistic Techniques for IR
    Expert Systems in IR         Speech Analysis
    Full-Text Retrieval          Statistical Techniques
    Fuzzy Set Theory             Storage Media and Devices
    Hardware Aids for IR         Thesaurus Construction
    Human-Computer Interaction   User Interface Design

Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation.
In particular, the following are sought:
   Abstracts of Papers,Reports,Dissertations  Address Changes
   Bibliographies                             Conference Reports
   Descriptions of Projects/Laboratories      Half-Baked Ideas
   Histories                                  Humorous,Enlightening Anecdotes
   Questions                                  Requests
   Research Overviews                         Seminar Announcements/Summaries
   Work Planned or in Progress

The only real boundaries to the discussion are defined by the topics
of other mailing lists.  Please do not send communications to both
this list and AIList or the Prolog list, except in special cases.
I will try not to overlap much with NL-KR, except when we both receive
materials from contributors or from some bulletin board or researchers.

PLEASE "sign" subscriptions with full name and address so that people
can access you from Internet and/or BITNET and/or USENET (many other
networks can be reached through them and are certainly urged to
participate).  Note that it is very hard to reach many sites, so be
sure you make it simple by having the "high level domain" be one of:
If your address does not end in one of those, add in the name of the
appropriate relay machine that is on one of those networks, if you can.

Please let me know if you no longer want to receive the digest, since
it is much harder to track that down by my getting mailer error messages.
Note that IRList does not come out on a regular schedule.  It will often
come out in batches, since it is so hard to get all of the address
changes made more frequently.  Thus, you can help us all by letting me know
promptly about address changes.  You can inquire if you think you may have
missed an issue, since I enforce the policy of dropping any members
off the list if I keep getting delivery errors and can't get an answer
from you or your postmaster.

Editing of contributions will usually be limited to text justifications,
spelling corrections.  Editorial remarks and elisions will be marked
with square brackets.  The author will be contacted if significant
editing is required.  I have no objection to distributing material
that is destined for conference proceedings or any other publication.

I support ACM SIGIR Forum and unless you request otherwise may encourage
inclusion of submissions in whole or in part in future paper versions of
the FORUM.  Indeed, this is one form of appeal for FORUM contributions!
Both IRList and the FORUM are unrefereed, and opinions are always those
of the author and not of any organization unless there are other
indications.  Copies of list items should credit the original author,
not necessarily the IRList.  If you are interested in submitting to
Information Processing and Management (IP&M), I would be happy to
entertain a discussion with you as well.  Also about The Laserdisk
Professional, a new publication about CD-ROM and optical discs.
One last announcement - feel free to contact me regarding book or
"electronic products" to be distributed under the ACM Press label -
see the article by Peter Wegner in Feb. 1988 CACM or my article that
should appear in the Aug. 1988 CACM.

The list does not assume copyright, nor does it accept any liability
arising from remailing of submitted material.  Further, no liability
is accepted for use of such materials for information retrieval research,
including distribution of test collections.  I reserve the right,
however, to refuse to remail any contribution that I judge to be of
commercial purpose, obscene, libelous, irrelevant, or pointless.
Replies to public requests for information should be sent, at least
in "carbon" form, to this list unless the request states otherwise.
If necessary, I will digest or abstract the replies to control the
volume of distributed mail.  However, PLEASE DO contribute! I would
rather deal with too much material than with too little.  -- Ed Fox
    Edward A. Fox,  Associate  Professor,  Dept. of Computer Science,
    Virginia Tech  (VPI&SU),  McBryde Hall Rm. 562, Blacksburg VA 24061
    (703) 961-5113 or 6931


END OF IRList Digest