FOXEA@VTCC1 (07/23/88)
IRList Digest Friday, 22 July 1988 Volume 4 : Issue 40 Today's Topics: Discussion - Metamorph from Thunderstone/EPI (see V4 #35) - Online costs effect search style (see V3 #38) - Pedagogical model for IRS (see V4 #39) Announcement - User Interface Strategies '88 (short & long versions) News addresses are Internet or CSNET: or BITNET: foxea@vtvax3.bitnet (soon will be foxea@vtcc1) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Thu, 07 Jul 88 19:15:07 CST From: Tung-Ying Chang <EC6C6003@TWNMOE10> Subject: ... Metamorph ... Dear Professor Fox, . . . I am very glad that I receive Volume 4 issue 35 which concerning US high technology and Metamorph. Somebody tell me that Metamorph is a smart software program. It is very fast and very expensive ($5,000). However, I like to know further information about this program. ... Regards. Tung-Ying Chang [Note: I have had several other comments about Metamorph. I recall attending a meeting in May 1986 in which Michael Pincus spoke of his product. None of the people I knew there understood what he was saying and there were no real technical details. I have read the article in Defense Science that was covered in V4 #35, and a packet of other materials sent to me which include the following: "Metamorph: Knowledge Management Through Text Understanding" "Metamorph Version 2.1 Description and Specifications" News article in "MIS Week", V8 #1, Jan. 5, 1987 I still have very little technical details. They claim to have 250,000 English morphemes, with some linkages stored in either matrix or semantic network form. They take input queries and documents and can perform rapid string searches and pattern matching, and can build either into their frame/semantic network form. They do matching of these networks very quickly for searching - the document database is not pre-indexed but is processed sequentially against the query representation. They claim 500,000 characters/second search rate on a PC/AT. I wonder if that is good if one compares to a system that uses an index - it does not sound that great for databases where repeated searches are made. All of this allows correlations between queries and documents. The features they claim include: "natural language control", "extensive linguistic knowledge base", "richer information retrieval". The advantages they claim include: "enhanced expert capability from available human resources". The discussion talks about a "CATEGORY NETWORK organized hierarchically with many CROSS-LINKS" and "REASONING". I do not know of any comparisons of Metamorph with experimental retrieval systems, regarding effectiveness. Does anyone else? If anyone has technical details, please advise, but I prefer to not discuss commercial systems unless there is something new that we can all understand, and I doubt we can do more than guess at how this works with the available information. - Ed.] ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 21 Jul 88 09:36:54 CST From: Jeff Huestis <C81350JH@WUVMD> Subject: Re: Do online costs effect search style? To: Bill Joel <JZEM@MARIST> I think there are a lot of people who agree with you. There have been some papers published on searching as a "learning process" which seem to bear on what you're saying. The two names that jump first to mind are Bruce Croft and Abraham Bookstein. However, really, the whole point of interactive systems like DIALOG, ORBIT, SDC, etc. was search refinement based on the results. Your analogy to searching the stacks is apropos. People in IR tend to ignore what goes on in libraries, I suppose because librarians generally don't know anything about IR (I can say that because I'm a librarian :-)). Ed's comment about the impact of CD-ROM is probably on the money, as regards what will happen in libraries to improve the cost issue itself. But I think the iterative, adaptive nature of searching is a more interesting aspect of your query. While it's not a new subject, it should get new attention under the rubric of Hypermedia. If you're interested, I think I have some citations to Croft, Bookstein, etc., and can send them to you. --Regards, Jeff Huestis Washington University (St. Louis) (c81350jh@wuvmd.bitnet) cc: IRLIST [Note: there is some work starting on how to evaluate entire interactive sessions; J. Tague gave a good presentation at the recently SIGIR conference about some of that work. - Ed] ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 22 Jul 88 09:15:22 CST From: Jeff Huestis <C81350JH@WUVMD> Subject: Re: Pedagogical Model for IRS To: Avigail Oren <C37@TAUNOS> This is in response to your query in the latest IRLIST. It seems to me that what you are asking about is a new question with respect to "IR" as that term is generally used (ie., a research discipline), and very old as it relates to library practice, especially in regard to the command that high school students have of the mechanisms of literature searching, manual or automated. The paper which Ed mentioned, by Marcia Bates, is an excellent place to start, for searching strategies in a library online catalog, but that tool is almost totally divorced from the world of IR proper. Bates doesn't get very heavily into the needs of naive users. The key word you should be looking for in modeling naive users is "bibliographic instruction", an area of specialization in library practice, on which there is a tremendous amount of literature. Your local librarians should be able to help you with that. As regards bibliographic instruction in an online catalog environment, I suggest you look at the work that Brian Nielson and Betsy Baker have been doing at Northwestern University. If you need help finding citations, let me know. Let me add that I find the idea of carrying bibliographic instruction into a "real" IRS very exciting. Good luck! --Regards, Jeffrey C. Huestis Head, Library Systems Services Washington University, St. Louis, MO c81350jh@wuvmd.bitnet cc: IRLIST ------------------------------ Date: Thu, 7 Jul 88 07:16:55 EDT From: Ben Shneiderman <> Subject: a notice about User Interfaces Would you post this notice ... on IRLIST...I think it should be relevant ... We are eager to make a big splash with this show and promote User Interface you have any other mechanisms for distributing the announcement? Or suggestions for us? [Note: perhaps others will re-distribute this or try to make local arrangements for receiving the course. - Ed.] Thanks...Ben ___________________________ User Interface Strategies '88 A two-day national satellite TV course October 5 and 12, 1988 Organized by Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland Presenting Thomas Malone, MIT Donald Norman, University of California, San Diego James Foley, George Washington University This course is produced by the University of Maryland Instructional Television (ITV) System and broadcast nationwide at more than 200 sites on the AMCEE/NTU (National Technological University) Satellite Network. For a copy of the full brochure and information on attending at an AMCEE site in your area or at an ITV site in the Washington, DC area, call the University of Maryland ITV office at (301) 454-8955. You may consider arranging a private showing as a special event for your organization, university, or company. Overview: New user interfaces ideas have engaged many researchers, designers, programmers, and users in the past year. These four leaders of the field offer their perspectives on why the user interface is a central focus for expanding the application of computers. Each will offer his vision and suggest exciting opportunities for next year's developments. Demonstrations, new software tools, guiding principles, emerging theories, and empirical results will be presented. Intended audience: User interface designers, programmers, software engineers, human factors specialists, managers of computer, information, and communications projects, trainers, etc. ---- October 5, 1988 ------------------------------------------------- Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland Lecture 1: INTRODUCTION: User Interfaces Strategies Lecture 2: HYPERTEXT: Hype or Help? Thomas W. Malone, MIT Lecture 3: COMPUTER-SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK: Using information technology for coordination Lecture 4: COMPUTER-SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK: Design principles and applications Discussion Hour ---- October 12, 1988 ----------------------------------------------- Donald A. Norman, University of California, San Diego Lecture 5: USER CENTERED SYSTEM DESIGN: Emphasizing usability and understandability Lecture 6: Practical principles for designers Jim Foley, George Washington University Lecture 7: Software tools for designing and implementing user-computer interfaces Lecture 8: User Interface Management Systems (UIMSs) Discussion Hour ****** A longer version follows for those interested ************ ----- October 5, 1988 ---------------------------------- INTRODUCTION: NEW USER INTERFACE STRATEGIES AND HYPERTEXT Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland Why user interface issues are now recognized as the vital force The three pillars: (1) Usability labs & interactive testing, (2) User interface management systems, (3) Guidelines documents & standards New menus, clever input devices, sharper displays, more color, teleoperation, collaboration UI vs AI: User interface goes a step beyond artificial intelligence Hypertext: Hype or Help? Understanding new medias: When and how to use hypertext. User interface design for hypertext; Automatic importing and exporting Ben Shneiderman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Head of the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory, and Member of the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, all at the University of Maryland at College Park. Dr. Shneiderman is the author of Software Psychology: Human Factors in Computer and Information Systems (1980) and Designing the User Interface: Strategies for Effective Human-Computer Interaction (1987). COMPUTER SUPPORTED COOPERATIVE WORK: USING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR COORDINATION Thomas W. Malone, MIT New applications have begun to appear that help people work together more productively. Organizations are beginning to use new systems to (a) increase coordination of design teams, (b) solicit input on new projects from diverse sources, and (c) display and manipulate information more effectively in face-to-face meetings. These new applications (often called computer supported cooperative work or groupware) are likely to become widespread in the next few years. Types of groupware (face-to-face vs. remote; simultaneous vs. delayed). Electronic meeting rooms (e.g., Xerox Colab, MCC, Univ. of Arizona, Univ. of Michigan). Asynchronous coordination tools (e.g., electronic messaging, collaborative authoring, Information Lens (demo will be made), Coordinator). Guidelines for designing organizational interfaces: (importance of semi-formal systems, incremental adoption paths, user autonomy, social and political factors). Thomas W. Malone is the Douglas Drane Career Development Associate Professor of Information Technology and Management at the MIT School of Management. He serves on the editorial boards of Human-Computer Interaction, Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, and Organizational Science. Before joining the MIT faculty, Professor Malone was a research scientist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). ----- October 12, 1988 --------------------------------------------- USER CENTERED SYSTEM DESIGN: EMPHASIZING USABILITY AND UNDERSTANDABILITY Donald A. Norman, University of California, San Diego The emphasis is on ways to make new devices easy to understand and easy to use. This is done, to a large extent, by making the information necessary to do the task available, thus minimizing the memory burden and learning time. The ideal is that when one does a task, the knowledge required should be that of the task: as much as possible, the tool itself should be invisible. The Seven Stages of Action: (1) Forming the goal; (2) Forming the intention; (3) Specifying an action; (4) Executing the action; (5) Perceiving the system state; (6) Interpreting the system state; (7) Evaluating the outcome. Direct Manipulation and the Model World Metaphor Making the computer invisible -- letting the user work directly on the task. Seven Principles for Transforming Difficult Tasks Into Simple Ones: (1) Use Both Knowledge in the World and in the Head. (2) Simplify the Structure of Tasks. (3) Make Things Visible: Bridge the Gulfs of Execution and Evaluation. (4) Get the Mappings Right. (5) Exploit the Power of Constraints, Both Natural and Artificial. (6) Design for Error. (7) When All Else Fails, Standardize. Donald A. Norman is Professor of Psychology at the University of California, San Diego, where he is Director of the Institute for Cognitive Science and chair of the interdisciplinary PhD program in Cognitive Science. Prof. Norman received a BS degree from MIT and a MS degree from the University of Pennsylvania, both in Electrical Engineering. His doctorate, from the University of Pennsylvania, is in Psychology. He has published extensively in journals and books, and is the author or co-author of eight books. His most recent book (published in Spring, 1988), is The Psychology of Everyday Things. TOOLS FOR DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING USER-COMPUTER INTERFACES James D. Foley, The George Washington University Design and implementation of successful user interfaces is facilitated by appropriate software tools. The tools enhance designer and programmer productivity, and simplify user interface refinement as experience is gained with early users. The tools can also enforce user interface design precepts by incorporating design decisions into the interface. Graphics subroutine packages. Window managers - client-server model of X Windows, services to the application programmer. Interaction technique libraries - procedures for presenting menus, dialogue boxes, scroll bars, etc. Application frameworks, such as Apple's MacApp. Rapid prototyping systems - quick design of interactive system prototypes by non-programmers. User Interface Management Systems - higher-level specification, automatic implementation. Expert system tools - to give designer guidance/feedback on design, to give user help and guidance. Several system-building tools will be demonstrated (GWU's UIDE, Help-by example, either Prototyper on the Mac or Bricklin's demo program on the PC). James Foley is Professor and chairman-elect at the Department of EE & CS, George Washington University. He is co-author, with A. vanDam, of Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics. His article "Interfaces for Advanced Computing" appeared in the October 1987 Scientific American. Foley is an associate editor of Transactions on Graphics, and a fellow of the IEEE. ------------------------------ END OF IRList Digest ********************