[comp.mail.mh] Where to find MH; what version is current?

aargh%bob@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu.UUCP (10/30/87)

Whence can one FTP (anonymously) the Latest and Greatest version of
MH?  What version is that?

Presumably it runs on Suns; has it been observed to run on Pyramids?

Thanks for any pointers...
 Bob Sutterfield, Department of Computer and Information Science
 The Ohio State University; 2036 Neil Ave. Columbus OH USA 43210-1277
 bob@ohio-state.{arpa,csnet} or ...!cbosgd!osu-cis!bob
 soon: bob@cis.ohio-state.edu

raj@limbo.UCI.EDU (Richard Johnson) (11/04/87)

You can FTP the latest version of MH (MH 6.5) from one of "huey.udel.edu"
or "dewey.udel.edu" (or maybe "louie.udel.edu").  I can't remember which one
it is and I can't verify it right now because the Internet is so slow.


cranor@udel.EDU (Chuck Cranor) (11/04/87)

In article <10050.562869178@limbo.uci.edu> raj@limbo.UCI.EDU (Richard Johnson) writes:
>You can FTP the latest version of MH (MH 6.5) from one of "huey.udel.edu"
>or "dewey.udel.edu" (or maybe "louie.udel.edu").  I can't remember which one

It's louie.udel.edu [].   The file is portal/mh-6.tar.Z (compressed).
Be sure to use the "bin" mode when transfering...

Chuck Cranor
University of Delaware  PHONE: (302)-451-6660 (UDel), (302)-737-5852 (home)
ARPA: cranor@udel.EDU,  UUCP: ...!<your_favorite_arpa_gateway>!udel.edu!cranor
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