[comp.mail.mh] BUGFIX: times like "12:?? am" and "12:?? pm" parsed incorrectly

chapman@eris.berkeley.edu (Brent Chapman) (02/25/88)

MH 6.5, as distributed, incorrectly parses times like "12:?? am" and
"12:?? pm".  The problem is, the parser assumes that if a time has a
string "am" in it, the hour should be taken as-is, and that if a time
has a string "pm" in it, 12 should be added to the hour.  This gives
incorrect results for times between midnight and 1AM and between noon
and 1PM; the parser translates "12:23 am" into "1223" (in a 24-hour
representation) and "12:23 pm" into "2423" (obviously bogus).

Appended is a patch to zotnet/tws/dtimep.lex to fix this problem.

Hopefully helpfully,

Brent Chapman					Capital Market Technology, Inc.
Senior Programmer/Analyst			1995 University Ave., Suite 390
{lll-tis,ucbvax!cogsci}!capmkt!brent		Berkeley, CA  94704
capmkt!brent@{lll-tis.arpa,cogsci.berkeley.edu} Phone: 415/540-6400

======== Patch follows ========

*** ./zotnet/tws/dtimep.lex.orig        Wed Feb 24 15:37:02 1988
--- ./zotnet/tws/dtimep.lex     Wed Feb 24 15:37:56 1988
*** 187,197 ****
--- 187,203 ----
  {D}:{D}{w}                            |
  {D}:{D}{w}am{w}                               {
                                        tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++;
+                                       /* "12:xx am" == 00xx on 24-hr clock */
+                                       if (tw.tw_hour == 12)
+                                               tw.tw_hour = 0;
                                        tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
                                        BEGIN Z;
  {D}:{D}{w}pm{w}                               {
                                        tw.tw_hour = CVT2 + 12; cp++;
+                                       /* "12:xx pm" == 12xx on 24-hr clock */
+                                       if (tw.tw_hour == 24)
+                                               tw.tw_hour = 12;
                                        tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
                                        BEGIN Z;

leres@cory.Berkeley.EDU (Craig Leres) (02/26/88)

There are definiately bugs in parsetime(); unfortunately, Brent's
change breaks the parsing of military time. Appended are the changes I
recommend people make to zotnet/tws/dtimep.lex. Also included is a
gratuitous spelling fix.

*** ./zotnet/tws/dtimep.lex.orig	Thu Feb 25 18:23:21 1988
--- ./zotnet/tws/dtimep.lex	Wed Feb 24 13:41:21 1988
*** 20,26 ****
  may	(may)
  jun	(jun(e)?)
  jul	(jul(y)?)
! aug	(aug(est)?)
  sep	(sep(tember)?)
  oct	(oct(ober)?)
  nov	(nov(ember)?)
--- 20,26 ----
  may	(may)
  jun	(jun(e)?)
  jul	(jul(y)?)
! aug	(aug(ust)?)
  sep	(sep(tember)?)
  oct	(oct(ober)?)
  nov	(nov(ember)?)
*** 175,188 ****
  					tw.tw_sec  = CVT2;
  					BEGIN Z;
! {D}:{D}{w}				|
  {D}:{D}{w}am{w}				{
  					tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++;
  					tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
  					BEGIN Z;
  {D}:{D}{w}pm{w}				{
! 					tw.tw_hour = CVT2 + 12; cp++;
  					tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
  					BEGIN Z;
--- 175,196 ----
  					tw.tw_sec  = CVT2;
  					BEGIN Z;
! {D}:{D}{w}				{
! 					tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++;
! 					tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
! 					BEGIN Z;
! 					}
  {D}:{D}{w}am{w}				{
  					tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++;
+ 					if (tw.tw_hour == 12)
+ 						tw.tw_hour = 0;
  					tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
  					BEGIN Z;
  {D}:{D}{w}pm{w}				{
! 					tw.tw_hour = CVT2; cp++;
! 					if (tw.tw_hour != 12)
! 						tw.tw_hour += 12;
  					tw.tw_min  = CVT2;
  					BEGIN Z;