[comp.mail.mh] reply command question.

emv@mailrus.cc.umich.edu (Edward Vielmetti) (10/10/88)

In article <39942@yale-celray.yale.UUCP> chen-dahe@CS.Yale.EDU (Dahe Chen) writes:
>I am using mh on a VaxStation 3500 via x window. Every time I use reply
>command, it puts all the recipients after Cc in the replying mail. 

If you're using the mh 'repl' command, the switches '-nocc me' and
'-query' are useful.  It's not clear to me what you mean by 'via
x window' - if that means 'xmh' then I'm afraid I'm not much help.
The 'Alternate-Mailboxes' line in your .mh_profile controls which
of the addresses are your own mailbox.
