[comp.mail.mh] Where can I get mh?

hermit@shockeye.UUCP (Mark Buda) (12/15/88)

Greetings. Could anybody out there point me to a site that has MH available
via anonymous UUCP? I would be muchly appreciative. Please email responses
and I will post a summary (unless, of course, nobody has it... in which
case I'll just cry.)

Mark Buda / Smart UUCP: hermit@shockeye.uucp / Phone(work):(717)299-5189
Dumb UUCP: ...rutgers!bpa!vu-vlsi!devon!shockeye!hermit
I hate this $%$@%!$@%!@$%@#$@!% machine.
"A little suction does wonders." - Gary Collins

dowding@macbeth.PRC.Unisys.COM (John Dowding) (03/23/89)

I used to use mh on a Vax.  I am now in on a Sun 3/60, and would love
to continue using it.  How can I get/install it?

John Dowding

lyndon@aurora.AthabascaU.CA (Lyndon Nerenberg) (03/30/89)

In article <9658@burdvax.PRC.Unisys.COM>, dowding@macbeth (John Dowding) writes:
>I used to use mh on a Vax.  I am now in on a Sun 3/60, and would love
>to continue using it.  How can I get/install it?

Version 6.6 og MH is available for anonymous uucp from ncc. Here's
a sample L.sys entry:

ncc Any ACU 9600 14034250342 ogin:--ogin: nuucp

If you are calling with a PEP modem, set registers 111=30 and 50=255
prior to the call to get a high speed connection with g protocol
support. The file you want is ncc!~ftp/misc/mh-6.6.tar.Z

An up-to-date listing of what else is online is kept in ~ftp/INDEX

Lyndon Nerenberg   Computing Services   Athabasca University
{alberta,attvcr,ncc}!atha!lyndon  ||  lyndon@nexus.ca

gary@cgdco2.ucar.edu (Gary Strand) (04/04/89)

  I too would like to acquire mh. Is it available on a tarfile and anonymous
ftp from somewhere? Inquiring minds want to know.
Gary $trand		strandwg@ncar.ucar.edu                (303) 497-1398

steve@mahendo.Jpl.Nasa.Gov (3171) (04/05/89)

I have mh 6.5 in a compressed tar file for anonymous ftp on
mahendo.jpl.nasa.gov [].  It's in pub/mh-6.tar.Z
and is about 1.5 mega-bytes.  There may be a more recent
version somewhere on the net but this is the one I use.

If you get it don't forget to set binary transfer mode.

phiggins@orion.cf.uci.edu (Paul Higgins) (04/05/89)

    There are two ways to get a distribution:

    1.  If you can FTP to the ARPA Internet, use anonymous FTP to
    louie.udel.edu [ or] and retrieve the file
    portal/mh-6.6.tar.Z  This is a tar image which has been run through the
    compress program (approx 1.7MB). 

    2.  You can send $75 to the address below.  This covers the cost of
    a magtape, handling, and shipping.  In addition, you'll get a
    laser-printed hard-copy of the entire MH documentation set.  Be sure
    to include your USPS address with your check.  Checks should be made
    payable to 

		Regents of the University of California

    and must be drawn on U.S.  funds.  It's also a good idea (though not
    mandatory) to send a computer mail message to "Bug-MH@ICS.UCI.EDU" when
    you send your check via USPS to ensure minimal turn-around time.
    The distribution address is:  

	Support Group 
	Attn: MH distribution
	Department of Information and Computer Science
	University of California, Irvine
	Irvine, CA  92717


    Sadly, if you just want the hard-copies of the documentation, you
    still have to pay the $75.00.  The tar image has the documentation
    source (the manual is in roff format, but the rest are in TeX

cranor@udel.EDU (Chuck Cranor) (04/05/89)

In article <1664@orion.cf.uci.edu> phiggins@orion.cf.uci.edu (Paul Higgins) writes:
>    1.  If you can FTP to the ARPA Internet, use anonymous FTP to
>    louie.udel.edu [ or] and retrieve the file
>    portal/mh-6.6.tar.Z  This is a tar image which has been run through the
>    compress program (approx 1.7MB). 

Update on louie's address. will no longer work, we have 
retired our class C network.   Please use for louie.udel.edu!

Chuck Cranor
University of Delaware  PHONE: (302)-451-8005 (UDel), (302)-737-5852 (home)
ARPA: cranor@udel.EDU,  UUCP: ...!<your_favorite_arpa_gateway>!udel.edu!cranor
"I'd like to see John the Baptist's impersonation of Graham Hill." - R.J. Gumby

ut6y@vax5.CIT.CORNELL.EDU (04/08/89)

MH6.6 is also available on UUNET.UU.NET, by the way, as well as a large number
of nodes on the InterNet.  I recently installed it here and it seems to work
without error.  I don't know if it is significantly better than 6.5, however.
