[comp.mail.mh] Help with config parameters for a SUN/3

cquenel@polyslo.CalPoly.EDU (Chris Quenelle) (03/02/90)

Well, the title says it all.
I have version 6.6, and there are changes notes about making things
work on a SUN.  But nothing tells me what config options to set.

I deleted all the BERK BSD BSD42 stuff.  Should I have
left the default MH file the way it was ?

please EMail if you can.  (or post and email)



@---@  Chris Quenelle   ( X-Rat )     (415) 373-8023      \|/ Supercomputer
\.X./  ...!uunet!ssi!quenelle                             -+-----Systems-----
 \ /   ssiwest!quenelle@lll-lcc.llnl.gov                  /|\      Inc.
==o==  History is an angel being blown, backwards, into the future. - Laurie A.

ziegast@ENG.UMD.EDU (03/02/90)

>I deleted all the BERK BSD BSD42 stuff.  Should I have
>left the default MH file the way it was ?

>please EMail if you can.  (or post and email)

I installed 6.6 on Sun 3's, SparcStations (both running SunOS 4.0.3), and 
even an RT (it's BSD too) with the following options  set in ./src/mh/conf/MH:

I turned off pop support and bboards because we don't need them, so I
wouldn't know how they would compile. In the compilation, I had only one bug
where it forgot to include something, but I forgot what it was.
(It had something to do with _usleep)

I would also recommend that in ./src/mh/config/config.c you (or anyone else)
change the defines for FOLDPROT and MSGPROT to 0700 and 0600 respectively.
I don't like others reading my mail.
                                      Eric Z

Eric Ziegast	You know you've discovered true Artificial Inteligence when
Elecrical Eng.	your computer amazingly runs faster and more reliably after
@Univ. of Md.	you stick an invoice for a newer model on its screen.

ziegast@ENG.UMD.EDU (03/02/90)

BTW: One more option which I forgot:
	options SBACKUP='"\\043"'
Eric Z