[comp.mail.mh] question about mh/pop

paul@caen.engin.umich.edu (Paul Killey) (10/18/90)

I notice that when one "incs" from their mailbox, the From line
will be written as Return-Path, assuming #ifdef RPATHS is true.

When one "incs" from a pop-server, the From line is not rewritten,
even if RPATHS is true.

This happens as a side effect of scan() being called with an outnum
of 0 when popping, instead of msgnum or msgnum + 1, as is the case
when not using pop.

Is there a short answer as to why From -> Return-Path is turned off
when inc is a pop client, and not otherwise?

Thanks for any tips.


ohm@astem.or.jp (MORISHIMA Akitoshi) (10/21/90)

>>>>> On 17 Oct 90 18:58:45 GMT, paul@caen.engin.umich.edu (Paul
>>>>> Killey) said:

paul> When one "incs" from a pop-server, the From line is not
paul> rewritten, even if RPATHS is true.
paul> Is there a short answer as to why From -> Return-Path is turned
paul> off when inc is a pop client, and not otherwise?

I think it's simply a bug that happened during merging the POP staff
into inc, or the implementer didn't the rewriting very important
comared to the amount of things to do so...

I've fixed this in a not so smart fashion, but it SURE works.
Below are the patches.

-- Akitoshi

diff -rc mh-6.7/sbr/m_getfld.c mh-6.7.install/sbr/m_getfld.c
*** mh-6.7/sbr/m_getfld.c	Fri Apr 13 05:29:01 1990
--- mh-6.7.install/sbr/m_getfld.c	Tue Apr 17 23:52:37 1990
*** 421,427 ****
--- 421,434 ----
  /*  */
  #ifdef	RPATHS
+ /* patch for POP on Apr. 17th '90 by ohm@astem.or.jp
  static char  unixbuf[BUFSIZ] = "";
+ */
+ #ifndef	POP
+ static
+ #endif
+ char  unixbuf[BUFSIZ] = "";
+ /* end of patch */
  #endif	RPATHS
diff -rc mh-6.7/uip/inc.c mh-6.7.install/uip/inc.c
*** mh-6.7/uip/inc.c	Fri Apr 13 05:29:28 1990
--- mh-6.7.install/uip/inc.c	Wed Apr 18 16:02:26 1990
*** 118,123 ****
--- 118,130 ----
  static long pos;
  static long start;
  static long stop;
+ /* patch for RPATHS on Apr. 17th '90 by ohm@astem.or.jp */
+ static int unixchecked = 0;
+ #ifdef	RPATHS
+ extern char unixbuf[];
+ extern char *unixline();
+ #endif	RPATHS
+ /* end of patch */
  static  int   pd = NOTOK;
  static	FILE *pf = NULL;
*** 510,515 ****
--- 517,525 ----
  		    adios (cp, "unable to write");
  		(void) chmod (cp, m_gmprot ());
  		start = stop = 0L;
+ 		/* patch for RPATHS on Apr. 17th. '90 by ohm@astem.or.jp */
+ 		unixchecked = 0;
+ 		/* end of patch */
  		if (pop_retr (i, pop_action) == NOTOK)
  		    adios (NULLCP, "%s", response);
*** 793,798 ****
--- 803,829 ----
  static int  pop_action (s)
  register char *s;
+ /* patch for RPATHS on Apr. 17th '90 by ohm@astem.or.jp */
+     register char *cp;
+ #ifdef	RPATHS
+     char rpathbuf[BUFSIZ];
+ #endif	RPATHS
+     if (!unixchecked) {
+ 	unixchecked = 1;
+ 	if (strncmp (s, "From ", 5) == 0) {
+ #ifdef	RPATHS
+ 	    strcpy (unixbuf, s + 5);
+ 	    if ((cp = unixline()) && *cp != '\n') {
+ 		sprintf (rpathbuf, "Return-Path: %s", cp);
+ 		fprintf (pf, "%s", rpathbuf);
+ 		stop += strlen (s);
+ 	    }
+ #endif	RPATHS
+ 	    return;
+ 	}
+     }
+ /* end of patch */
      fprintf (pf, "%s\n", s);
      stop += strlen (s) + 1;