[comp.mail.mh] post

ken@cs.rochester.edu (Ken Yap) (04/24/88)

If you push a send into the background and you have illegal lines in
the header, like Date and From, from previously bounced mail, post
leaves a temp file behind in your mail directory. This temp file has
the rejected header. (Post also correctly returns the draft, by the

Our version of post:

version: MH 6.5 #47[UCI] (teak.cs.rochester.edu) of Thu Feb  4 14:20:11 EST 1988
options: [BSD42] [BSD43] [BERK] [DUMB] [BIND] [MHE] [MHRC]
         [SBACKUP='"#"'] [locname='"cs.rochester.edu"'] [SENDMTS] [SMTP]

Got a fix?


gorpong@ping.chi.il.us (Gordon C. Galligher) (01/06/91)

Below is the output from post -help, but now I want to give a little history
lesson.  I tried to get MH 6.7 up on an SCO UNIX 3.2 box (3.2.0, NOT 3.2.2)
and had to use sendmail and not mmdf2 because SCO does not distribute the
header files and the library file which MH seems to require (at least in
the mh-gen listing it requires it).  OK, so I use sendmail without the
/smtp option.  I make MH, and install it.  Everything is fine.  I go to 
post the message (via comp and What now? send) and it gives me an error
	[510]: only root, daemon, and mmdf may set host information
OK.  No major deal.  It looks like post is attempting to tell sendmail that
it is a specific user.  So I make post setuid (maybe not a Real Good Idea,
but now I can use MH), and things work, almost.  If I use the Fcc: +obox
in my components file, or the -fcc +obox on the command line to comp,
repl, or forw, when post gets it, it correctly saves the file, BUT it keeps
it owned by root!  I cannot scan my +obox folder, I cannot do anything until
I chown the files back to myself.

Now, here are my questions:

	o Is making post setuid a Real Bad Idea?
	o It appears that either I have something set up incorrectly
	  (which is VERY possible!), or I cannot use MH on SCO
	o If post can be setuid, then all of you get your ESP working
	  and tell me what I did wrong!

Any, and all information, helpful hints, snickering, etc., would be greatly
appreciated!  Thank you.

		-- Gordon.

syntax: post [switches] file
  switches are:
  -alias aliasfile
  -filter filterfile
  -width columns

version: MH 6.7 #13[UCI] (ping) of Thu Jan 3 21:28:46 CST 1991
options: [SYS5] [SYS5DIR] [DBM] [TYPESIG=void] [DUMB] [OVERHEAD] [ATZ]
         [RPATHS] [MHE] [MHRC] [DBM] [MORE='"/usr/bin/more"']
         [SBACKUP='"#"'] [MSGPROT='"0600"'] [FOLDPROT='"0700"']
         [SENDMTS] [SPRINTFTYPE=int]

Gordon C. Galligher	9127 Potter Rd. #2E	Des Plaines, IL    60016-4881
gorpong@ping.chi.il.us    gorpong%ping@uu.psi.com   ...!uu.psi.com!ping!gorpong
	"I know how it works....That's why I don't like it"
		-- Chip Salzenberg on SCO "UNIX" C2 Security Package

jromine@BUCKAROO.ICS.UCI.EDU (John Romine) (01/08/91)

gorpong@ping.chi.il.us (Gordon C. Galligher) writes:
>I use sendmail without the /smtp option...  it gives me an error
>	[510]: only root, daemon, and mmdf may set host information
>...post is attempting to tell sendmail that it is a specific user.

Close.  MH and Sendmail are having a disagreement on what your system's
hostname is.  Making "post" setuid is a bad thing.  Don't do that.

	o Is making post setuid a Real Bad Idea?

Yes.  Real real bad.

>I am having problems
>with the 'From: ' attribute ...it attributes:  
>    From: Gordon C. Galligher <gorpong>
>on all mail.  Should this not be:  <gorpong@ping.chi.il.us>
>In the mtstailor file I have 
>	localname: ping.chi.il.us
>	systemname: ping.chi.il.us

Hmm.  I'm not that familiar with the SYS5 parts of the code, but it
appears that MH is using the "uname(2)" syscall to determine your 
hostname.  Perhaps you need to set this?  Another try would be to
compile the hostname into MH using the "locname" option in the MH
config file.

BTW, be sure to pick up the MH 6.7.1 update from ics.uci.edu.  There
is an archive server available if you don't have FTP.  Send a message
containing the word "help" to "archive-server@ics.uci.edu" for help.
You want "pub/mh/update-6.7/MH.6.7.1".
John Romine