[comp.mail.mh] MH FAQ; vmail and vmailtool ftp availability

jamesp@metolius.wr (James T Perkins) (05/07/91)

Bill [and mh-users and comp.mail.mh at large],

Bill Wohler writes:
>     vmail (enhanced):    
> 	mail requests to James Perkins.
>     vmailtool:
> 	mail requests to James Perkins.

Reidar Gresseth at the University of British Columbia, Canada, has
generously made vmail available via ftp--you can add this to the FAQ:

vmail and vmailtool are available via anonymous ftp from:

	Host:		ftp.ucs.ubc.ca []
	Directory:	pub/mh
	Files:		vmail.?of3.Z, vmailtool.Z (where ? is 1, 2, or 3)
	Site Manager:	Reidar Gresseth <gresseth@unixg.ubc.ca>

They are also still available from me via email, but I tend to be slow
in getting back to people.  I spend my time working for the people who
pay my bills first, then to my mailing list, and then the mh-users.

One exciting project I do have on my (at this point, remote) future
to-do list is an OpenWindows (X11R4) C version of vmailtool written with
the help of Sun's DevGuide tool.

Thanks again for managing the FAQ, Bill.  I look forward to the next
thrilling installment.


 ___    ___   ___
|   \  / _ \ / __|  James Perkins, jamesp@metolius.wr.tek.com, (503)629-1149
| |> || |_| |\__ \  Logic Analyzers Division, DAS 9200 Engineering
|___/ |_| |_||___/  Tektronix, MS 92-725, PO Box 4600, Beaverton, OR 97076

This package is sold by weight, not by volume.  Some settling of contents may
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