[comp.mail.mh] What and where is rcvalert?

dcj@jacksun.Eng.Sun.COM (Donald Clark Jackson) (05/22/91)

I am attempting to run mhook.  So far, I have simple rcvstore's

I have one question after reading TFM.

The last line of the sample .maildelivery file in the mhook man page
includes the line:

	# always run rcvalert
	*	-	|	R	rcvalert

I cannot find any other reference to rcvalert in the entire mh-6.7.1

Jerry Peek mentions rcvalert on page 429 of his book.

What is rcvalert, and where can I get a copy?
How  is rcvalert different from rcvtty?

version: MH 6.7.1 #2[UCI] (jacksun) of Tue May 21 11:11:29 PDT 1991
options: [ATZ] [BIND] [BSD42] [BSD43] [DBM] [DUMB] [ISI] [RPATHS]
         [MORE='"/usr/local/bin/less"'] [NFS] [POP2] [RPATHS] [SUN40]
         [TYPESIG=void] [WHATNOW] [SENDMTS] [SMTP] [POP]

Don Jackson
Phone: (415) 336-1713		Fax: (415) 965-4903

brown@cs.utk.edu (Lance A. Brown) (05/23/91)

I would also like an answer to this one.

Lance A. Brown                        The Crystal Wind is the Storm, 
3500 Sutherland Avenue, Apt. L-303     and the Storm is Data,
Knoxville, TN  37919                    and the Data is Life    
                                         -- The Player's Litany
                                           from _The Long Run_ by D.K. Moran