[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest Volume 4 No. 48

nl-kr-request@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Brad Miller) (05/03/88)

NL-KR Digest             (5/02/88 20:55:18)            Volume 4 Number 48

Today's Topics:
        ALLC/AIBI 1988 Joint Conferences

Date: Sun, 24 Apr 88 13:13 EDT
From: Prof. Choueka Yaacov <choueka%BIMACS.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: ALLC/AIBI 1988 Joint Conferences

I would be grateful if you could distribute through your network the
following brochure and registration forms for the Int. Conf. on
Literary and Linguistic Computing and on Computers and biblical
studies that  are going to take place this June in Jerusalem.
Many thanks.
Yaacov choueka, Chairman, Organizing Committee

                ALLC/AIBI 1988 Joint Conferences

                Fifteenth International Conference
                Literary and Linguistic Computing


                Second International Conference
                Computers and Biblical Studies

                  June 5-13, 1988, Jerusalem

* Sponsored by:
        ALLC - Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing
        AIBI - Association Internationale Bible et Informatique

* With the participation of:
        ACH - Association for Computing in the Humanities

* Partially supported by:
        ICRD - Israel Council for Research and Development

* Organized by:
        Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, and
        Institute for Information Retrieval and Computational Linguistics,
        Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel
        Prof. Yaacov Choueka, Chairman, Organizing Committee

* Under the auspices of:
        Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities

                        Organizing Committee:

   Yaacov Choueka, Chairman    Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

   Hillel Weiss, Coordinator   Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
   Daniel Boyarin              Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
   Itamar Even-Zohar           Tel-Aviv University, Tel-Aviv
   Ariel Frank                 Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan
   Reuven Mirkin               Academy of Hebrew Language, Jerusalem
   Uzzi Ornan                  Technion, Haifa
   Yehuda Radday               Technion, Haifa
   Michael Sokoloff            Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

                        ALLC 1988 Conference

                      International Advisory Board

Paul Bratley        Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada
Jacqueline Hamesse  Universite Catholique, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium
R.-F. Poswick       Centre Informatique et Biblique, Maredsous, Belgium
Klaus M. Schmidt    Bowling Green State University, Ohio, USA
Don Walker          Bell Communications Research, Morristown, New Jersey

                        AIBI 1988 Conference

President: Emmanuel Tov, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Secretary: Br. R. -F. Poswick, osb, Centre Informatique et Biblique,
           Maredsous, Belgium

                        ALLC/AIBI 1988 Joint Conferences

        The Fifteenth International Conference for Literary and Linguistic
Computing will be held June 5-9, 1988, at the Moriah Hotel,
Jerusalem, to be immediately followed by the Second International
Conference on Computers and Biblical Studies June 9-13, 1988, at the
same site.  This first-time arrangement of jointly organized
conferences with separate programs and many joint activities was
endorsed by the sponsoring organizations (ALLC and AIBI) in the hope
of promoting a fruitful exchange of ideas and information between
scholars who work in related areas with obvious mutual influences
and projections.

        Separate registrations are possible, but a joint registration with
greatly reduced fees is available and recommended.

        The conferences consist of invited lectures, contributed papers,
panels, and product-review sessions.  Major textual databases in
the Humanities (French, Italian, Hebrew) as well as program
products in computerized Biblical studies will be presented and
demonstrated on-line in plenary sessions.  Special social and
touristic  activities are also included and are detailed in the
brochure. Participants will also have the opportunity to enjoy
many cultural and entertainment activities that will be taking place
during June 1988 in Israel in the context of the festivities for the
celebration of Israel's 40 years of independence; details will be
included in the registration kit.

        All the conference activities will take place at the Moriah Hotel
except for the last day of the AIBI Conference which will be hosted
by the Hebrew University, at its Mt. Scopus Campus in Jerusalem.

                        Conferences Schedule


Sunday,  June 5 :       Registration (afternoon)

Monday,  June 6 :       8:30-9:20   Opening Session
                        9:30-17:30  Parallel Sessions, Product-Review
                                    Sessions and Panels
                        Evening     Folklore Evening

Tuesday,  June 7:       8:30-9:20   Invited Lecture
                        9:30-17:30  Parallel Sessions and Panels
                        Evening     Reception and Visit to Israel Museum

Wednesday, June 8:                  Excursion day

Thursday,  June 9:      8:30-9:20   Invited Lecture
                        9:30-12:45  Parallel Sessions
                        14:00-15:30 Plenary panel
                        15:30-16:30 ALLC Closing Lecture
                        16:30-17:30 AIBI Opening Lecture
                        17:30-      ALLC and AIBI Business Meetings
                        Evening     Joint ALLC-Farewell/AIBI-Welcome Banquet


Friday,   June 10:      8:30-9:20   Plenary Session
                        9:30-12:45  Joint Workshop
                        9:30-15:30  Parallel Sessions
                        Evening     Evening:Informal talk on a Biblical-
                                    Archaeological topic

Saturday, June 11:      Free (visits to religious sites in Jerusalem)

Sunday,   June 12:      9:30-12:45  Joint Workshop-CD-ROM
                        14:00-17:15 Joint Workshop-Desktop Publishing
                        14:00-15:30 Parallel Sessions
                        15:45-17:15 Panel

Monday,   June 13:                  Hosting the AIBI Conference --
                                    The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
                        8:30-15:30  Parallel Sessions
                        15:45-17:15 Closing Panel

                                ALLC Conference
                        Program Outline (provisional)

* Invited Lectures

Monday,   June 6  8:30 a.m. (to be announced)

Tuesday,  June 7  8:30 a.m.:
        Jeremy Clear, Senior Computer Officer, CO-BUILD Project,
        Birmingham University and Collins Publishing Co.
        "Computers, corpora and modern lexicography: the CO-BUILD

Thursday, June 9  8:30 a.m.:
        Prof. J. Aarts, University of Nijmengen, Nijmengen, the
        "Corpus Linguistics-"An Appraisal"

Thursday, June 9  15:30: ALLC Closing Lecture
        Prof. Ian Lancashire, University of Toronto, Toronto,
        "Back to the future: Humanities Computing 1968-1988"

* Contributed papers

        About 50 contributed papers covering all aspects of literary and
linguistic computing will be presented at the conference.  The
topics covered, and the number of papers in each topic are
approximately as follows:
        Mechanized morphology, lexicography and dictionaries (15)
        Textual databases and corpora, text retrieval and processing (9)
        Stylistic analysis, authorship studies and statistical linguistics (8)
        Critical editions, collations and variants (6)
        Encoding, formatting and data entry (4)
        Computational linguistics (3)
        Phonetics (3)

* Panels

        Three panels will be held during the conference, on the following
topics and with the indicated moderators:

- "Text encoding and formatting",  Nancy Ide, Vassar College,
   Poughkeepsie, NY, U.S.A.
- "Literary and linguistic computing: the tools are here, what about
   results?",  Willard McCarty, Centre for Computing in the Humanities,
   University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada
- "Corpus linguistics: a new tool?", Yaacov Choueka, Bar-Ilan University
   Ramat-Gan, Israel

* Demonstration of major textual databases in the humanities

        Three of the major textual databases in the humanities, with
their relevant software, will be presented, with live demonstrations:

The Pisa Linguistic Database (Italian)
The "Tresor de la langue Francaise" (French)
The Responsa System (Hebrew)

* Product-Review Sessions

        Parallel to the sessions with contributed papers, special
Product-Review sessions in which unrefereed presentations of
commercial hardware/software products of interest to the Conference
participants will take place.

* SCCAC - Society for Conceptual and Content Analysis by Computer
        As has been the tradition in the last few years, the Society for
Conceptual and Content Analysis by Computer (SCCAC) is organizing
its annual meeting in the framework of the ALLC Conference. The
meeting will consist of 2-3 sessions of contributed papers and a
round-table discussion.  Attendance is free for ALLC registrants.
        For more information, write directly to:
Prof. Klaus Schmidt, BGSU A.Y.A. program, Ins. fur Anglistik &
Amerikan., Univ. Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria (Tel.(43)662-8044/4415)

                        AIBI Conference
                Program Outline (provisional)

* Opening lecture

        Thursday, June 9, 16.30 p.m.
        Prof. Emanuel Tov, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem
        "Achievements and trends in computer-assisted Biblical studies"

* Contributed papers

        About 30 papers will be presented covering all aspects of
computerized Biblical studies: morphology and syntax, concordances,
stylistic analysis, authorship studies, statistical features,
variants analysis, data entry, display and typesetting of
non-standard characters.
        Various utility programs for analyzing and concording
the Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible will be also demonstrated.

* Panels

        Three panels are under planning on the following topics
and with the indicated moderators:

- "International exchange of programs in computer-assisted Biblical
   studies", Prof. Walter T. Claassen, University of Stellenbosch,
   Stellenbosch, South Africa
- "European Biblical databases", Prof. Georges Heintz, Strasbourg
-  Closing panel, Monday, June 13, 15:45 p.m., R. -F. Poswick,
   CIB-Maredsous, Belgium

* Special AIBI Day at the Hebrew University

        The Hebrew University will host the AIBI Conference on Monday, June
13, at its Mount Scopus Campus. In addition to the sessions with
contributed papers, several Biblical projects will be demonstrated,
including the CATSS databases and tools.

                         Joint Workshops

        Three Workshops will be given at the end of the ALLC Conference and
during the AIBI Conference.  Each workshop will consist of two
sessions of 1h 30m each, with a 15 minute coffee break in-between,
and is open to the attendees of both Conferences for a special
registration fee of $35 each.
        Each workshop will deal with a different sector of the relevant
technologies for textual computing and processing, introducing the
basics of the technology, discussing potential uses for literary and
linguistic computing as well as operational applications, and giving
details on products, prices, etc.  Written material will be also
Workshop 1: Hypertext, Friday June 10, 9:30-12:45
            Prof. Walter T. Claassen and Mr. D.P. Van der Merwe,
            Department of Semitic Languages, University of Stellenbosch,
            Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Workshop 2: CD-ROM, Sunday June 12, 9:30-12:45
            Prof. Robert Kraft, University of Pennsylvania,
            Philadelphia, PA, USA

Workshop 3: Desktop Publishing, Sunday June 12, 14:00-17:15
            Mr. John R. Hughes, Editor and Publisher, Bits and
            Bytes Review, Iowa, USA.

                         Social Program

       Monday, June 6:   A folklore evening of Israeli dancing and music
                         at the Moriah Hotel in Jerusalem
       Tuesday, June 7:  Reception hosted by the Municipality of Jerusalem,
                         followed by a visit to the Israel Museum
       Wednesday, June 8:Half-day historical-archaeological tour of the
                         picturesque Old City of Jerusalem.
                         Highlight: Mt. Scopus, Mt. of Olives, Western Wall,
                         Ophel Garden, City of David, Jewish Quarter, Church
                         of the Holy Sepulchre.
        Thursday June 9: Farewell banquet (jointly with AIBI Welcome

                     ADDITIONAL TOURS

For the convenience of participants and accompanying persons Omega Tours
have prepared a:

-one-day excursion to the Dead Sea area, the Judean desert, Masada, Qumran
Caves (where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered) which will be available
on Wednesday, June 8, 1988 at $33 per person;

-3-day (3 nights) post conference tour to include one night at leisure in
Tel Aviv, touring in the Jordan Valley, Beit Shean, Tiberias, the Sea of
Galilee, Nazareth, Meggido, Caesarea.
In addition, regular and individual private-car tours throughout Israel
will be available at the Omega Tours desk during the conferences.

                     General Information


The Conferences will take place at the five star Moriah Hotel in Jerusalem.

Registrations fees (per person)

Tariff:                   1         2     3

Joint Conferences     $ 150     $  180   $ 75
ALLC only             $ 120     $  145   $ 60
AIBI only             $  70     $   85   $ 35

Tariff 1 is for registered 1988 members of ALLC, AIBI, or ACH
Tariff 2 for all other regular participants.
Tariff 3 is for registered 1988 full-time students (please enclose
proof) and for accompanying persons.

For late registration mailed after May 1, 1988 an additional fee of
 $25 will be charged.

Participant's registration fees include:  participation in scentific
sessions, book of abstracts, social events, which for ALLC participants
include a folklore evening, reception at the Israel Museum, a half-day tour
of Jerusalem, farewell banquet, and for AIBI participants the welcome banquet.

Accompanying person fees include:  participation in all social events
listed above.

Student fees include:  participation in scientific sessions, and book of

Registration Desk

The registration desk will be open on Sunday, June 5, 1988 at the Moriah Hotel
between 16:00-21:00 and (for AIBI registration) on Thursday, June 9,1988
at 13:00.


Registration fees will be refulnded (less 10% handling charges) provided
the cancellation letter is post-marked not later than May 5, 1988.

Weather and Clothing

The weather in Jerusalem in June is generally warm and pleasant by day and cool
during the evening.  Temperatures range from 16-28 C  (61-82 F).  Sweaters
or jackets are recommended for the evenings.  Light clothing, headcover and
comfortable shoes  (as well as a bathing suit) are advisable for sightseeing.


Just outside the airport, there is a bus station with regular buses to
Jerusalem (a trip of less than an hour).  Once there at the Central Bus
station bus 6 or 18 will take you to all of the hotels mentioned in this
brochure; a tax`i would cost about $4.  For a couple of dollars more you may
find it more convenient to share a car service ('Sherut') from the airport to
Jerusalem which will then take you directly to your final destination.


You can have your meals at most of the hotels, or, for a more interesting
experience, in a multitude of restaurants located a few minutes from
Moriah and ranging from the luxurious to the popular in all styles  and tastes:
European, Jewish East-European, American, Israeli, Middle-Eastern, Italian
and vegetarian (needless to say, Kosher is no problem here!).  Datailed
information will be enclosed in the registration kit.

                 *Travel*Tour* Accommodations

Omega (Israel), Travel & Tours Ltd., Jerusalem, has been appointed by the
Organizing Committee as the official organizer and travel agent for the
Conferences.  For the ocnvenience of participants Omega Tours is offering
reduced rates for accommodation in Jerusalem at the hotels listed below.
Payment to Omega Tours may be made by travellers' cheques, Eurocheques,
cash or Visa credit card (other credit cards not accepted).  Special rates have
been obtained at the following hotels (all are within walking distance from
the Conference venue) and include full Israeli buffet breakfast and service

               Rates are per person per night

                class          double room      single room

Moriah          5-star            $ 40            $ 58
Kings           3-star            $ 33            $ 48
Y.M.C.A.        Economy 3-star    $ 21            $ 33
Note: All above rates are valid only if reservations and payments are made
through Omega Tours.

Hotel addresses

Kings      60 King George St.  (02)247133
Moriah     39 Keren Hayessod   (02)232232
Y.M.C.A.   26 King David St.   (02)227111

For more information:

Program ALLC: Prof. Yaacov Choueka
              Dept. of Mathematics and Computer Science
              Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, 52100
              Tel. (03) 5318716; electronic mail address:
              choueka@bimacs.biu.ac.il or Choueka-bimacs.bitnet

Program AIBI: Br. R. -F. Poswick, osb
              Centre Informatique et Biblique, Maredsous, B-5198,
              B-5198, Denee, Belgium
              Tel.  (082) 699647
              Telefax (082) 699436

Official Organizer and Travel Agency:

              Omega Tours
              59 Ramban St., POB 71102
              Jerusalem, Israel, 91079
              Tel. (02) 662989, 668377
              Telex 26577 IL.

                       Post Conferences Tour
                          June 14-17 1988

Tuesday,June 14,1988

After breakfast depart Jerusalem via Bethany to Jericho.  Drive along the
Jordan Valley to Beit Shean and on to Tiberias on the shores of the Sea of
Galilee.  Arrival at a kibbutz guesthouse in the Upper Galilee for dinner and
overnight.  After dinner enjoy a lecture on the unique kibbutz way of life.

Wednesday, June 15, 1988

After breakfast drive up to the Golan Heights to Banias, one of the sources of
the Jordan River.  Cross the river to visit the Mt. of Beatiltudes, Capernaum,
Tabgha (site of the Miracle of the Loaves and Fish), and 'Jesus'boat'.  Proceed
on to the ruins of the monastery of Kursi, the hot baths of Hamat Gader and
Karnei Hittim.  Return to the kibbutz guesthouse for dinner and overnight.

Thursday, June 16,1988

Check out of the kibbutz guest house and drive via the Hulah Valley to Cana
and on to Nazareth to visit the Church of the Annunciation, Joseph's House
and Mary's Well.  Proceed via Meggido (site of 'Armageddon'), the city of the
Kings of Israel to Caesarea (the Roman port-city and Crusader bastion with
its amphitheater and hypodrome).  Continue to Tel Avliv for overnight at a
three star hotel.

Friday, June 17,1988

Departure transfer to the Ben Gurion Airport.


Per person in double room:            US $ 165
Supplement for single room:           US $  35

Rates include:

-2 nights at a kibbutz guesthouse in the Upper Galilee with dinner and Israeli

-1 night at a three star hotel in Tel Aviv with Israeli buffet breakfast.

-3 days of sightseeing in an airconditioned bus with services of licensed guide
-entrance fees as per itinerary.
-porterage at hotels
-transfer upon departure (on car-sharing basis)

Note: Tour will operate only with a minimum of 15 paying participants.




                            Registration Form

Please type or write in BLOCK LETTERS and airmail to:
ALLC/AIBI Joint Conferences
P.O. Box 71102, Jerusalem 91709, Israel




MAILING ADDRESS:      INSTITUTION                        HOME




Status:       1 member       2 regular          3-4 student/accompanying

Conferences Tariff:              1                 2         3-4

Joint ALLC/AIBI                 150               180         75
ALLC only                       120               145         60
AIBI only                        70                85         35
Late registration                25                25         25

W1 Hypertext                     35
W2 CD-ROM                        35
W3 Desktop Publishing            35

I enclose a cheque of US $                     (or equivalent)
payable to:  Omega Tours ALLC/AIBI

I made a bank transfer of US $            to account
No. 02612709/038, Bank Leumi, Rehavia Branch, 912, Jerusalem, Israel

* Participants settling their conference fees for registration, hotel
accommodations and tours by bank transfers are requested to instruct the bank
clerk to stipulate the name of the Conference on all necessary forms.

Date__________________________      Signature_________________________________



                         COMPUTERS AND BIBLICAL STUDIES


Please type or write in BLOCK LETTERS  and airmail to :
ALLC/AIBI Joint Conferences
P.O.Box 71102, Jerusalem 91709, Israel






Date        Airline          Flight            Time(if known)

Date        Airline          Fliglht           Time(if known)

I wish to reserve:         double room/s          single room/s
from           till           total of nights         at the
Moriah Hotel                    Kings Hotel                  Y.M.C.A.
      Seat/s for                   Jerusalem Tour
                                   Dead Sea/Masada Tour
                                   Post Conference Tour

I enclose the total amount of US $           to cover US $ 100 deposit per
person for each of the following:
        Accommodation during the conferences
        Post Conferences tour
Reservations cannot be confirmed unless accompanied by a deposit.  Deposits
are refundable less 10% processing charges.  Cancellations received later than
30 days before check-in date are refundable less the amount of one-night
   I enclose a cheque of US $          payable to Omega Tours
I made a bank transfer of US $         to:
Acct. No. 02612709/038, Bank Leumi, Rehavia branch 912,
Jerusalem, Israel

* Participants settling their congress fees for registration, hotel
accommodations and tours by bank transfers are requested to instruct the bank
clerk to stipulate the name of the Congress on all necessary forms.

Date________________________       Signature_________________________________


End of NL-KR Digest