[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest Volume 4 No. 62

nl-kr-request@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Brad Miller) (06/24/88)

NL-KR Digest             (6/23/88 15:33:39)            Volume 4 Number 62

Today's Topics:
        LP'88 Conference Announcement

Date: Thu, 16 Jun 88 17:36 EDT
From: Ken Bowen <kabowen@skolem.uucp>
Subject: LP'88 Conference Announcement

LP'88: 5th Conference on Logic Programming  &  5th  Symposium  on
Logic  Programming  August  15-19, 1988 University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington

Registration  brochures  have  been   mailed.   
   -- You should receive them shortly.
Information   and telephone(credit  card)  registration:  
Conference  Registration,
University of Washington:  (206)-543-2310  
(Registration  details later in this message)

##TUTORIALS (All week):

INTRODUCTION TO PROLOG   (Mon,  8/15  --  8:30-5:00)  Christopher
Mellish, University of Edinburgh
An introduction to Prolog for engineers, programmers, and  scien-
tists  with  no background in the language.  Tutorial Text:  Pro-
gramming in Prolog,  3rd ed. W. Clocksin & C. Mellish,  Springer-

ABSTRACT  INTERPRETATION   (Mon  8/15   --   1:30-5:00)   Maurice
Bruynooghe, Universiteit Leuven
Directed at the advanced Prolog  programmer,  the  tutorial  will
develop  a  general framework for extracting global properties of
logic programs (e.g., mode & type inferencing,  detecting  deter-
minism)  via the use of abstract interpretation.  The course will
sketch:  (1) A formal framework for  abstract  interpretation  of
logic  programs which relies on familiar notions about the execu-
tion of logic programs and uses only a small amount of mathemati-
cal  machinery  concerning  partial  orders;  (2)  The process of
developing an application within this framework;  (3)  High-level
comments  on  the structure of a correctness proof of an applica-

IMPLEMENTATION OF PROLOG (Tues, 8/16 -- 8:30-12:00)  D.H.D.  War-
ren, Manchester Univ.
This tutorial presents the detailed design of the Prolog  engine,
now  known  as  the WAM.  The tutorial provides a detailed under-
standing of the WAM and why WAM-based Prolog  systems  are  effi-
cient.   It also gives insight into how to write efficient Prolog
programs for WAM-based compilers.  Attendees  should  know  basic
Prolog  programming  and  it  would help to have some familiarity
with compiler technology.

PARALLEL EXECUTION SCHEMES  (Thurs, 8/18 -- 8:30-5:00) L.  Kale',
Univ. of Illinois
This tutorial will describe the individual schemes  for  parallel
execution  of  logic programs that have been proposed so far, and
develop an understanding of their place in the spectrum along the
dimensions of: degree of parallelism, overhead, targeted applica-
tions, and type of multi-processor best suited  for  the  scheme.
The  tutorial  will  be of interest to anyone planning to build a
parallel logic programming system, as well as beginning research-
ers  in the area.  A basic knowledge of logic programming will be

CONSTRAINT LOGIC PROGRAMMING   (Tues,  8/16  --  1:30-5:00)  J-L.
Lassez et al., IBM
CLP offers a framework to reason with and  about  constraints  in
the  context of Logic Programming.  The fundamental principles of
this paradigm are presented in order to illustrate the expressive
power  of constraints and to show how they naturally merge with a
Logic Programming rule-based system.  Next the design and  imple-
mentation  of  a  CLP system is discussed, focusing on efficiency
issues of constraint solving, followed  by  the  descriptions  of
several applications.  A basic knowledge of Prolog is presumed.

CLP AND OPTIONS  TRADING   (Wed  8/17  --  8:30-12:00)  Catherine
Lassez, IBM and Fumio Mizoguchi, Science Univ. of Tokyo
This tutorial will explore the application  of  Constraint  Logic
Programming (CLP) to financial problems, in particular to options
trading.   The  chosen  examples  will  demonstrate  the  special
strengths  of  combined  symbolic and numeric constraint-oriented
reasoning in a logic programming setting.  Knowledge  of  CLP  or
attendance at the "Introduction to CLP" tutorial is essential for
this course.

LOGIC PROGRAMMING & LEGAL REASONING   (Wed  8/17  --  8:30-12:00)
Robert  Kowalski,  Imperial  College,  and Marek Sergot, Imperial
The unique charateristics of legal  reasoning  are  apparent  not
only in legal domains, but underlie administrative procedures and
many data processing applications.  The use of logic for  analyz-
ing  legal  reasoning has a long tradition.  Computer implementa-
tion of legal reasonoing involves representing and reasoning with
legal  language,  the relationship between rules and regulations,
and the policies they implement.  The tutorial will  examine  the
use  of  logic programming for analyzing such questions, for both
real and hypothetical cases.

Richard O'Keefe, Quintus Computer Systems
This tutorial assumes that you understand the elementary  aspects
of  Prolog programming, such as recursion, pattern matching, par-
tial data structures, and so on, and want to know how to use Pro-
log  to  build  practical  programs.  Topics covered will include
"choice points and how to use the cut", "setofPhow it  works  and
what  it  is  good  for",  "efficient  data  structures",  "mixed
language programming", and "programming methodology".  All topics
will be illustrated by working code.

LOGIC GRAMMARS FOR NL& COMPILING  (Fri, 8/19 -- 8:30-12:00)  Har-
vey Abramson, Univ. of British Columbia
This tutorial assumes a  basic  knowledge  of  Logic  Programming
techniques,  but  does  not assume a detailed knowledge either of
linguistics or of compilation techniques.  The tutorial will show
how  logic programming naturally applies to both natural and for-
mal grammars.  Tutorial topics include: 1) Use  of  Metamorphosis
Grammars and Definite Clause Grammars to produce derivation trees
and semantic transforms;  2) Use of related  grammar  formalisms;
3)   Compilation  from  natural language to logical form and from
programming languages to  machine  code  using   Definite  Clause
Translation Grammars, a logical version of Attribute Grammars; 4)
Top-down versus bottom-up parsing, chart-parsing, and the use  of
parallelism and concurrency.


Layman E. Allen (U. Mich)  Multiple  Logical  Interpretations  of
Legal Rules: Impediment or Boon forExpert Systems?

William F. Bayse (FBI) Law Enforcement Applications of Logic Pro-

Alan Bundy (U. Edinburgh) A Broader Interpretation  of  Logic  in
Logic Programming

Giorgio Levi (U. Pisa) Models, Unfolding Rules, and Fixpoint  Se-

Carlo Zaniolo (MCC) Design  &  Implementation  of  a  Logic-Based
Language for Data Intensive Applications


Sunday (8/14):
3:30-5:30:      Registration
5:30--  :       Informal reception
Monday (8/15):
9:00-9:30:      Opening Session
9:30-10:30      Layman Allen
10:30-11:00     Break
11:00-12:30:    Paper sessions:  LP & FP #1;  E & V #1;  Imp #1
12:30-2:00:     Lunch
2:00-3:30:      Paper sessions:  PrE #1; SemN#1; OR// #1
3:30-4:00:      Break
4:00-5:30:      Paper sessions: Ap #1; SemI #1; Imp #2
		Tentative: Panel on Prolog Standards
5:30--  :       Conference reception
Tuesday (8/16):
8:30-10:00:     Paper sessions: PrS; Cx + MT; //C #1
10:00-10:30:    Break
10:30-12:00:    Paper sessions: Obj + E & V #2; RP #1; //C #2
12:00-1:30:     Lunch
1:30-3:30:      Paper sessions: Meta; CN + GP #1; OR// #2
3:30-4:00:      Break
4:00-5:00:      Giorgio Levi
7:30--  :       Demonstrations
Wednesday (8/17):
8:30-10:00:     Paper sessions:  AbI # 1; &-OR// #1; GP #2
10:00-10:30:    Break
10:30-12:00:    Alan Bundy
12:00-1:30:     Lunch
1:30--  :       Free afternoon
Thursday (8/18):
8:30-10:00:     Paper sessions:  LP&FP#2 + Db#1; RP#2+Types#1; //C # 3
10:00-10:30:    Break
10:30-12:00:    Paper sessions:  Ap #2; Imp #3; SemN #2
12:00-1:00:     Lunch
1:00-2:30:      Paper sessions:  Db #2; SemI#2+Time; Types #2
2:30-3:30:      Paper sessions:  UC; PrE #2; &-//
3:30-4:00:      Break
4:00-5:00:      William Bayse
5:30--  :       Conference Dinner--Speaker:  J. Alan Robinson
Friday (8/19):
8:30-10:00:     Paper sessions:  Ap #3; AbI #2; &-OR// #2
10:00-10:30:    Break
10:30-11:30:    Carlo Zanielo
11:30-12:00:    Panel/Closing session



* (Ap) Applications
P.G. Bosco, C. Cecchi and C. Moiso, Exploiting the Full Power  of
Logic Plus Functional Programming (#1)
Tony Kusalik and C. McCrosky, Improving First-Class Array Expres-
sions Using Prolog (#1)
Toramatsu Shintani, A Fast Prolog-based Inference Engine  KORE/IE
M. Dincbas, H. Simonis and P. van Hentenryck, Solving a  Cutting-
Stock Problem in Constraint Logic Programming (#2)
Catherine Lassez and Tien Huynh, A CLP(R)  Option  Analysis  Sys-
Peter B. Reintjes, A VLSI Design Environment in PROLOG (#2)
T.W.G. Docker, SAME - A Structured Analysis Tool and  its  Imple-
mentation in Prolog (#3)
Kevin Steer, Testing Data Flow Diagrams with PARLOG (#3)
*(CN) Constructive negation
David Chan, Constructive Negation Based on the Completed Database
Adrian Walker, Norman Foo, Andrew Taylor and Anand  Rao,  Deduced
Relevant Types and Constructive Negation
 (Db) Databases
Raghu Ramakrishnan, Magic Templates: A Spellbinding  Approach  to
Logic Programming (#1)
P. Franchi-Zannettacci and I. Attali, Unification-free  Execution
of TYPOL Programs by Semantic Attributes Evaluation (#2)
D.B. Kemp and  R.W.  Topor,  Completeness  of  a  Top-Down  Query
Evaluation Procedure for Stratified Databases (#2)
Hirohisa Seki and Hidenori Itoh, An Evaluation Method of  Strati-
fied Programs under the Extended Closed World Assumption (#2)
*(GP) Grammar & Parsing
R. Trehan and P.F. Wilk, A Parallel Chart Parser for the  Commit-
ted Choice Non-Deterministic (CCND) Logic Languages (#1)
Harvey Abramson, Metarules and an Approach to Conjunction in  De-
finite Clause Translation Grammars: Some Aspects of... (#2)
Veronica Dahl, Representing Linguistic  Knowledge  through  Logic
Programming (#2)
Lynette Hirschman, William  C.  Hopkins  and  Robert  Smith,  OR-
Parallel  Speed-up  in  Natural Language Processing: A Case Study
*(LP&FP) Logic & Functional programming
Jean H. Gallier and Tomas Isakowitz,  Rewriting  in  Order-sorted
Equational Logic (#1)
Claude Kirchner, Order-Sorted Equational Unification (#1)
Joseph L. Zachary,  A Pragmatic Approach to Equational Logic Pro-
gramming (#1)
Staffan Bonnier and Jan Maluszynski, Towards a Clean Amalgamation
of Logic Programs with External Procedures (#2)
Steffen Holldobler, From Paramodulation to Narrowing (#2)
*(Meta) Meta-programming
A. Bruffaerts and E. Henin, Proof Trees for Negation  as  Failure
or Yet Another Prolog Meta-Interpreter
Patrizia Coscia, Paola Franceschi, Giorgio Levi  et.  al.,  Meta-
Level  Definition and Compilation of Inference Engines in the Ep-
silon Logic Programming Environment
C.S. Kwok and M.J. Sergot, Implicit Definition of Logic Programs
Arun  Lakhotia   and   Leon   Sterling,Composing   Prolog   Meta-
*(Obj) Objects
Weidong Chen and D.S. Warren, Objects as Intensions
John S. Conery, Logical Objects
* (PrE) Programming environments
Miguel Calejo and Luis Moniz Pereira, A Framework for Prolog  De-
bugging (#1)
Dave Plummer, Coda: An Extended Debugger for PROLOG (#1)
Ehud Shapiro and Yossi Lichtenstein, Abstract Algorithmic  Debug-
ging (#1)
Mike Brayshaw and Marc  Eisenstadt,  Adding  Data  and  Procedure
Abstraction to the Transparent Prolog Machine (TPM) (#2)
Michael Gorlick and Carl Kesselman, Gauge: A  Workbench  for  the
Performance Analysis of Logic Programs (#2)
 *(PrS) Problem-solving & novel techniques
Jonas Barklund, Nils Hagner and Malik Wafin, Condition Graphs
Philippe Codognet, Christian  Codognet  and  Gilberto  File,  Yet
Another Intelligent Backtracking Method
Sei-ichi Kondoh and Takashi Chikayama, Macro Processing in Prolog
 *(Time) Temporal reasoning
Kave Eshghi, Abductive Planning with Event Calculus
*(Ty) Types
Paul Voda, Types of Trilogy (#1)
M.H. van Emden, Conditional Answers for Polymorphic  Type  Infer-
ence (#2)
Uday S. Reddy, Theories of Polymorphism for Predicate Logic  Pro-
grams (#2)
Jiyang Xu and David S. Warren, A Type Inference System for Prolog
*(UC) Unification & constraints
D. Scott Parker and R.R. Muntz, A Theory of Directed  Logic  Pro-
grams and Streams
Graeme S. Port, A Simple Approach to finding the Minimal  Subsets
of Equations Needed to Derive a Given Equation by Unification


*(AbI) Abstract interp. &  data dependency
Maurice Bruynooghe and Gerda Jenssens, An  Instance  of  Abstract
Interpretation Intergrating Type and Mode Inferencing, Part1: the
abstract domain (#1)
Manuel Hermenegildo, Richard Warren & Saumya Debray, On the Prac-
ticality of Global Flow Analysis of Logic Programs (#1)
Annika Waern, An Implementation Technique for  the  Abstract  In-
terpretation of Prolog (#1)
Saumya Debray, Static Analysis of Parallel Logic Programs (#2)
Kim Marriott and Herald Sondergaard, Bottom-up Abstract Imterpre-
tation of Logic Programs (#2)
Will Winsborough and Annika Waern, Transparent And-Parallelism in
the Presence of Shared Free Variables (#2)
*(Cx) Complexity
K.R. Apt and Howard A. Blair, Arithmetic Classification  of  Per-
fect Models of Stratified Programs
Stephane Kaplan, Algorithmic Complexity of Logic Programs
*(E&V) Extensions and variations of LP
Donald Loveland and Bruce T. Smith, A Simple Near-Horn Prolog In-
terpreter (#1)
Dale Miller and Gopalan Nadathur, An Overview of l-PROLOG (#1)
Jack Minker, Jorge Lobo  and  Arcot  Rajasekar,  Weak  Completion
Theory for Non-Horn Programs (#1)
Bharat Jayaraman and Anil Nair, Subset-logic Programming:  Appli-
cation and Implementation (#2)
*(RP) Reasoning about programs
Charles Elkan and David McAllester, Automated Inductive Reasoning
about Logic Programs (#1)
Laurent Fribourg, Equivalence-Preserving Transformations  of  In-
ductive Properties of Prolog Programs (#1)
K. Marriott, L. Naish and J.L. Lassez, Most Specific  Logic  Pro-
grams (#1)
H. Fujita, A. Okumura and K. Furukawa, Partial Evaluation of  GHC
Programs Based on UR-set with Constraint Solving (#2)
John Hannan and Dale Miller, Uses of Higher-Order Unification for
Implementing Program Transformers (#2)
*(SemI) Semantic issues
Aida Batarekh and V.S. Subrahmanian, Semantical  Equivalences  of
(non-Classical) Logic Programs (#1)
Kenneth Kunen, Some Remarks on the Completed Database (#1)
Maurizio Martelli, M. Falaschi, G. Levi and C. Palamidessi, A New
Declarative Semantics for Logic Languages (#1)
D. Pedreschi and P. Mancarella, An Algebra of Logic Programs (#2)
Stan Raatz and Jean H. Gallier, A Relational Semantics for  Logic
Programming (#2)
V. S. Subrahmanian, Intuitive  Semantics  for  Quantitative  Rule
Sets (#2)
*  (SemN) Semantics of negation
Melvin Fitting and Miriam Ben-Jacob, Stratified and  Three-valued
Logic Programming Semantics (#1)
Vladimir Lifschitz and Michael Gelfond, The Stable  Model  Seman-
tics for Logic Programming (#1)
Teodor  Przymusinski,  Semantics  of  Logic  Programs  and   Non-
monotonic Reasoning (#1)
Yves Moinard, Pointwise Circumscription is Equivalent  to  Predi-
cate Completion (sometimes) (#2)
Halina Przymusinska and Teodor Przymusinski, Weakly Perfect Model
Semantics for Logic Programs (#2)
* (MT) Miscellaneous Theory
M.A. Nait Abdallah, Heuristic Logic and the Process of Discovery


*  (&//) AND-parallelism
V. Kumar and Y-J Lin, AND-parallel Execution of Logic Programs on
a Shared Memory Multoprocessor: A Summary of Results
Kotagiri Ramamohanarao and Zoltan Somogyi, A Stream  AND-Parallel
Execution Algorithm with Backtracking
*(& - OR //) AND-OR parallelism
P. Biswas, Su and Yun, A Scalable Abstract Machine Model to  Sup-
port  Limited  OR (LOR)/Restricted-AND Parallelism (RAP) in Logic
Programs (#1)
K.W. Ng and H.F. Leung, The Competition Model for Parallel Execu-
tion of Logic Programs (#1)
Prabhakaran Raman and Eugene W. Stark, Fully Distributed,  AND-OR
Parallel Execution of Logic Programs (#1)
P. Biswas and Tseng, A Data-Driven Parallel Execution  Model  for
Logic Programs (#2)
Jacques Chassin de Kergommeaux and Philippe Robert,  An  Abstract
Machine to Implement Efficiently OR-AND Parallel Prolog (#2)
L.V. Kale, B. Ramkumar and W.W. Shu, A  Memory  Organization  In-
dependent  Binding  Environment for AND and OR Parallel Execution
of Logic Programs (#2)
* (Imp) Implementation
Hamid Bacha, MetaProlog Design and Implementation (#1)
Gerda Janssens, Bart Demoen & Andre Marien,  Register  Allocation
for WAM, Based upon an Adaptable Unification Order (#1)
Jonathan Mills and Kevin Buettner, Assertive Demons (#1)
D.A. Chu and F.G. McCabe, SWIFT - a New Symbolic Processor (#2)
Subash Shankar, A Hierarchical  Associative  Memory  Architecture
for Logic Programming Unification (#2)
Charles Stormon, Mark Brule and John Oldfield et. al.,
An Architecture Based in Content-Addressable Memory for the Rapid
Execution of Prolog (#2)
David Hemmendinger, A Compiler and  Semantic  Analyzer  Based  on
Categorial Grammars (#3)
Feliks Kluzniak, Compile Time Garbage Collection for Proportional
Prolog (#3)
K. Kurosawa, S. Yamaguchi, S. Abe and  T.  Bandoh,    Instruction
Architecture  for  High  Performance  Integrated Prolog Processor
IPP (#3)
*(Or//) OR-parallelism and parallel Prolog
Khayri Ali, OR-Parallel Execution of Prolog on BC-Machine (#1)
Lee Naish, Parallelizing NU-Prolog (#1)
Ross Overbeek, Mats Carlsson and Ken Danhof, Practical Issues Re-
lating to the Internal Database Predicates in an OR-Parallel Pro-
log: .... (#1)
Hiyan Alshawi and D.B. Moran, The Delphi Model and  some  Prelim-
inary Experiments (#2)
Ewing Lusk, Ralph Butler, Terry Disz and Robert  Olsen  et.  al.,
Scheduling OR-Parallelism: an Argonne Perspective (#2)
 *(// C) Concurrent sys: GHC, Parlog, CP etc.
Atsuhiro Goto, Y. Kimura, T.  Nakagawa  and  T.  Chikayama,  Lazy
Reference Counting - An Incremental Garbage Collection Method for
Parallel Inference Machines (#1)
Hamish Taylor, Localising the GHC Suspension Test (#1)
Handong Wu, An Extended Dataflow Model of FGHC (#1)
Leon Alkalaj and Ehud Shapiro, An Architectural Model for a  Flat
Concurrent Prolog Processor (#2)
V.J. Saraswat, A Somewhat Logical Formulation of CLP Synchronisa-
tion Primitives (#2)
S. Klinger and E. Shapiro, A Decision Tree Compilation  Algorithm
for Flat Concurrent Prolog (#3)
Martin Nilsson and Hidehiko Tanaka, A Flat GHC Implementation for
Supercomputers (#3)
Sven-Olof Nystrom, Control Structures for  Guarded  Horn  Clauses

**Conference Registration Information:

Advance (until 1 July):
ALP/IEEE member:        Regular: $240  Student: $75
Non-member:             Regular: $320  Student: $95
Late (after 1 July):
ALP/IEEE member:        Regular: $340  Student: $105
Non-member:             Regular: $455  Student: $135

Advance (until 1 July):
Full Day Tutorials:
ALP/IEEE member:        Regular: $300  Student: $180
Non-member:             $400
Half Day Tutorials:
ALP/IEEE member:        Regular: $150  Student: $90
Non-member:             $200
Late (after 1 July):
ALP/IEEE member:        Regular: $360  Student: $215
Non-member:             $480
Half Day Tutorials:
ALP/IEEE member:        Regular: $180  Student: $140
Non-member:             $240

University of Washington Dormitories:
Full week (8/14-8/19, inclusive -- includes breakfast & lunch):
Single: $159.85         Double:  $138.25
Early arrival/Late departure (2 nights before/ 2 nights after, max):
Single:  $21.65/night   Double: $17.30/night

(Not many hotels are close to campus.
 Attendees are encouraged to stay on campus --
 the dormitories are comfortable & overlook the campus and Lake Washington.)
Call (206)-543-2310 for hotel information.

Airport Shuttle:  $9.00 one-way (pay on bus)

DIMKEN TRAVEL in Seattle is the official travel agent for  LP'88.
By  calling  1-800-234-5636 you can make all your travel arrange-
ments including discount airfares on NORTHWEST AIRLINES, the  of-
ficial  airline  of  LP'88.  Northwest will provide the attendees
and their families 5 percent off the lowest applicable  roundtrip
fare  available at the time of booking, booked in the appropriate
class of service, or a 35 percent discount from  the  full  adult
roundtrip  coach  class fare booked in B class, and including re-
turn from Minneapolis if you plan to attend AAAI '88.  Travel  at
the  discounted  fares  will be permitted three days prior to the
conference through three days  following  its  conclusion.   Some
restrictions  apply.   Be  sure to mention "Logic Programming" in
order to receive the group discount.  These fares will be  eligi-
ble for "WORLDPERK" mileage credit.  Smoking is no longer allowed
on Northwest Airlines' continental US flights.

EXTRA TICKETS: Conference reception  (8/15):   $12.00  Conference
dinner (8/18):  $35.00


*Space Needle Dinner, Tuesday, August  16,  7-10 pm  $40  
Enjoy  an elegant dinner high above the Seattle skyline.  Cost 
includes roundtrip motorcoach transportation to and from the
University.  Limit 30.
*Son of Heaven, Imperial Arts of China Exhibit,  Wednesday, August
17,  7-10 pm, $17.50 This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for
North Americans to view the finest Imperial Arts  of  China,  in-
cluding  recent  finds such as the famous Terra Cotta Soldiers of
Xian, dating from 21 B.C.  Also featured are pearl and  gold  en-
crusted robes, the powerful dragon throne,  and ritual vessels of
jade, gold and ivory from the Imperial Palace.  This exhibit will
be  shown  only  in  Seattle,  Los  Angeles  and  Washington D.C.
Price includes entrance fee and transportation from the universi-
*Museum of Flight, Wednesday, August 17, 1:30-5 pm $12  This  six-
story  steel  and glass gallery houses a fleet of historic flying
machines from an early-day hot air balloon all  the  way  to  the
most  advanced  space  vehicle.   See an operating replica of the
Wright brothers' wind tunnel and the original Wright Glider.  En-
trance fee and transportation from the university are included.
*Boeing Airplane Plant Tour, Wednesday, August 17, 2-5:30 pm,  $11
Travel  to  Everett  to see the largest building in the world (by
square footage), where the Boeing  Company  constructs  the  747.
View a film and slide presentation and see actual construction of
planes within the plant.  Transportation from the  university  is
included.  Limit 47.
*Pike Place Market Tour, Wednesday, August 17, 1:30-5 pm, $12 This
is  an  introduction  to one of the largest, longest running open
air markets in the United States.  Market  experts  will  explain
the Market history, share stories and educate the group on how to
get around the Market and find what interests you.  There will be
a lot of free time for shopping on your own.  Includes  transpor-
tation, Market shopping bag, directory map and restaurant guide.
*Seattle City Tour, Wednesday, August 17, 1:30-4:30 pm,  $12  This
driving  tour  of  Seattle  will  take  you over one of Seattle's
floating bridges, through the  downtown  and  International  Dis-
tricts,  Pioneer  Square,  Pike  Place Market, and finally to the
Government Locks, the second largest ship canal  locks  in  North
*Theatre Tickets, Friday, August 19, 7-11 pm, $20 Before you leave
town  enjoy  an  evening  at  the Intiman Theatre, located in the
Seattle Center, site of the 1962 World's Fair.  You will see  the
world  premier production of "The Last Unicorn", adapted by Peter
S. Beagle from his best-selling book.  A  magical,  musical  tale
for  everyone  that  has  a fantasy in his heart.  Price includes
ticket and transportation form the university.  Limit 47.
*Mt. Rainier daytour, Saturday, August 20, 8 am - 6 pm,  $26  This
snowclad  extinct  volcano  towers  14,410 feet and is one of the
highest mountains in the forty-eight States.  On the  way  up  to
Paradise  Lodge  are  views of glaciers, mountain passes, canyons
and streams.  Lunch may be  purchased  at  Paradise  Lodge.   Bus
departs from the university.  Wear walking shoes.  Limit 47.
*Victoria, British Columbia (Canada) daytour, Saturday, August 20,
7  am-10  pm,  $82 Travel aboard the Victoria Clipper "Jet Cat" a
waterjet catamaran that will speed you to Victoria in 2 1/2 hours
to  spend  the  day  in  the  "Garden City".  Enjoy a tour of the
Butchart Gardens, a 30 acre estate filled with  spectacular  gar-
dens  of color and imagination.  Before returning to Seattle, you
will have time to shop and explore downtown Victoria.   Lunch  is
on  your  own.   Cost includes roundtrip bus from the university,
roundtrip boat cruise, and Butchart Garden  tour.   Non-U.S.  ci-
tizens must bring passports and arrange visas if necessary.

**Guest/Spouse Tours 

*Seattle City Grand Tour, Monday, August  15,
10  am-4  pm,  $16 Past and present exist side by side in Seattle
and on this tour you will see historic  Pioneer  Square  and  the
Pike Place Market, one of this countries oldest open markets; the
Government Locks, the second largest ship canal  locks  in  North
America; and finally the Seattle Center, home of the 1962 World's
Fair, with a ride to the top of the Space Needle.   Lunch  is  on
your own.  Transportation from the university is included.
*Ste. Michelle Winery and Herbfarm Tour, Tuesday,  August  16,  10
am-3 pm, $17.50 Enjoy a drive over one of Seattle's famous float-
ing bridges to Chateau Ste. Michelle Winery for a tour, and tast-
ing  of  the  most renowned Northwest wines.  Next, a short drive
will take you to Fall City for a tour through the Herbfarm's fif-
teen  educational  theme  gardens.  Lunch and transportation from
the university are included.


End of NL-KR Digest