[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest Volume 5 No. 20

nl-kr-request@CS.ROCHESTER.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Brad Miller) (11/03/88)

NL-KR Digest             (11/02/88 23:59:38)            Volume 5 Number 20

Today's Topics: SEMINARS
        Machiavelli : A Polymorphic Lang. for oo db (Unisys Seminar)
        The Computational Linguistics of DNA (UPenn Seminar)
        Philosophy Colloquium:  Pollock
        Seminar - To Think or Not to Think - McAllester
        SUNY Buffalo Logic Colloq:  Nelson
        From CSLI Calendar, October 20, 4:5
        Eric Saund--AI Revolving Seminar FRIDAY 10/28 

Date: Sun, 16 Oct 88 14:46 EDT
From: finin@PRC.Unisys.COM
Subject:  Machiavelli : A Polymorphic Lang. for oo db (Unisys Seminar)

			      AI SEMINAR
			    Atsushi Ohori
		      University of Pennsylvania
		 Machiavelli : A Polymorphic Language
		    for Object-oriented Databases
Machiavelli is a programming language for databases and object-oriented
programming with a strong, statically checked type system. It is an
extension of the programming language ML with generalized relational
algebra, type inheritance and general recursive types. In Machiavelli,
various database operations including join and projection are available
as polymorphic operations, ML's abstract data types are extended with
inheritance declarations, and the type system includes general recursive

In this talk, I will first introduce Machiavelli and show examples
demonstrating its expressive power in the context of both database
programming and object-oriented programming. I will then describe the
theoretical aspects of the language.

For the theoretical aspects of the language, I will show that, by defining
syntactic orderings on subsets of terms and types that correspond to
database objects, a generalized relational algebra can be introduced in a
strongly typed functional programming language. By allowing conditions on
substitutions for type variables, Milner's type inference algorithm can be
also extended to those new constructs. I will then show that by using the
type inference mechanism, ML's abstract data types can be extended to
support inheritance. Finally I will describe how the above mechanisms can
be extended to recursive types.

Joint work with Peter Buneman.

		     10:30 am  - November 2, 1988
			 BIC Conference Room
		     Unisys Paoli Research Center
		      Route 252 and Central Ave.
			    Paoli PA 19311
   -- non-Unisys visitors who are interested in attending should --
   --   send email to finin@prc.unisys.com or call 215-648-7446  --


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 08:41 EDT
From: finin@PRC.Unisys.COM
Subject: The Computational Linguistics of DNA (UPenn Seminar)

		 The Computational Linguistics of DNA
			     David Searls
		     Unisys Paoli Research Center

Genetic information, as expressed in the four-letter alphabet of the
DNA of living organisms, represents a complex and richly-expressive
linguistic system that encodes procedural instructions on how to
create and maintain life.  There is a wealth of understanding of the
semantics of this language from the field of molecular biology, but
its syntax has been elaborated primarily at the lowest lexical levels,
without benefit of formal computational approaches that might help to
organize its description and analysis.  In this talk, I will examine
some linguistic properties of DNA, and propose that generative
grammars can and should be used to describe genetic information in a
declarative, hierarchical manner.  Furthermore, I show how a Definite
Clause Grammar implementation can be used to perform various kinds of
analyses of sequence information by parsing DNA.  This approach
promises to be useful in recombinant DNA experiment planning systems,
in simulation of genetic systems, in the interactive investigation of
complex control sequences, and in large-scale search over huge DNA
sequence databases.
		      THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1988
			     2:30 - 3:00
			      129 Pender
			     3:00 - 4:30
			      216 MOORE


Date: Tue, 18 Oct 88 10:50 EDT
From: William J. Rapaport <rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU>
Subject: Philosophy Colloquium:  Pollock

                         UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO
                      STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK

                        DEPARTMENT OF PHILOSOPHY


                              JOHN POLLOCK

                        Department of Philosophy
                         University of Arizona

                OSCAR:  A General Theory of Rationality

[Background material for this colloquium, and an introduction ot  Oscar,
may  be  found  in Prof. Pollock's article, ``My Brother, The Machine,''
_Nous_ 22 (1988) 173-212.]

                      Wednesday, October 26, 1988
                               4:00 P.M.
                     684 Baldy Hall, Amherst Campus

           There will be an evening discussion at 8:00 P.M.,
           at Mary Galbraith's, 130 Jewett Parkway, Buffalo.

Call Bill Rapaport, Dept. of Computer Science, 636-3193, or Jim  Lawler,
Dept. of Philosophy, 636-2444, for further information.


Date: Wed, 19 Oct 88 16:27 EDT
From: Barbara K. Moore <BARB@reagan.ai.mit.edu>
Subject: Seminar - To Think or Not to Think - McAllester


			FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1988
				4:00 p.m.

		      	     David McAllester

			"To Think or not to Think"


   Automated inference is a central problem in type checking, program
verification, optimizing compilers, automatic programming, and AI
applications such as common sense knowledge representation, natural
language understanding and planning.  This talk discusses ongoing research
in knowledge representation and automated reasoning.  This research is
based on new inference techniques such as focused forward chaining,
monotone closure for taxanomic syntax, semantic modulation, and forward
chaining mathematical induction.  Each particular inference mechanism can
be evaluated from both an engineering and a cognitive science perspective.
>From an engineering perspective the significance of an inference mechanism
is determined by its usefulness in solving engineering problems such as
program verification or automated programming.  From a cognitive science
perspective the significance of an inference mechanism is determed by its
match with human cognitive power.  Data will be presented showing how
certain inference mechanisms succeed or fail as cognitive models.


Date: Wed, 19 Oct 88 16:53 EDT
From: William J. Rapaport <rapaport@cs.Buffalo.EDU>
Subject: SUNY Buffalo Logic Colloq:  Nelson

                         UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO
                      STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK

                        BUFFALO LOGIC COLLOQUIUM


                           RAYMOND J. NELSON

                  Truman Handy Professor of Philosophy
                    Case Western Reserve University


                      Wednesday, November 16, 1988
                               4:00 P.M.
                     684 Baldy Hall, Amherst Campus

The Church-Turing Thesis (CT) is a  central  principle  of  contemporary
logic  and  computability  theory as well as of cognitive science (which
includes philosophy of mind).  As a mathematical  principle,  CT  states
that  any  effectively  computable  function of non-negative integers is
general recursive; in computer and cognitive-science  terms,  it  states
that  any  effectively algorithmic symbolic processing is Turing comput-
able, i.e., can be carried out by an  idealized  stored-program  digital
computer  (one with infinite memory that never fails or makes mistakes).
In this form, CT is essentially an empirical principle.

Many cognitive scientists have adopted the working hypothesis  that  the
mind/brain  (as  a  cognitive organ) is some sort of algorithmic symbol-
processor.  By CT, it follows that the mind/brain  is  (or  realizes)  a
system of recursive rules.  This may be interpreted in two ways, depend-
ing on two types of algorithm, free or embodied.  A  free  algorithm  is
represented  by  any  program; an embodied algorithm is one built into a
network (such as an ALU unit or a neuronal group).

CT is being challenged by connectionism, which asserts that many  cogni-
tive  processes,  including  perception  in  particular,  are not symbol
processes, but rather subsymbol  processes  of  entities  that  have  no
literal semantic interpretation.  These are parallel, distributed, asso-
ciative memory processes totally unlike  serial,  executive-driven,  von
Neumann  computers.   CT is also being challenged by evolutionism, which
is a form of connectionism that  denies  that  phylogenesis  produces  a
mind/brain  adapted  to  fixed  categories or distal stimuli (even fuzzy
ones).  Computers deal only with fixed  categories  (either  in  machine
language,   codes   such  as  ASCII,  or  declarations  in  higher-level
languages).  So, if connectionists are right, CT is  false:   there  are
processes that are provably (I will suggest a proof) effective and algo-
rithmic but are not Turing-computable.

However, if CT in empirical form is true, and if the processes  involved
are  effective, then connectionism or, in general, anti-computationalism
is false.

A direct argument that does not appeal to CT but that tends  to  confirm
it is that embodied algorithm networks as a matter of fact are parallel,
distributed, associative, and subsymbolic even in von Neumann computers,
not  to  say  super-multiprocessors.  Finally, I claim that the embodied
algorithm network models are not only _not_ antithetical to evolutionism
but  dovetail nicely with the theory that the mind/brain evolves through
the life of the individual.


Edelman, G. (1987), _Neural Darwinism_ (Basic Books).
Nelson R. J. (1988), ``Connections among  Connections,''  _Behavioral  &
Brain Sci._ 11.
Smolensky, P. (1988), ``On  the  Proper  Treatment  of  Connectionism,''
_Behavioral & Brain Sci._ 11.

There will be an evening discussion at a time and place to be announced.

Contact John Corcoran, Department of Philosophy,  636-2444  for  further


Date: Wed, 19 Oct 88 20:31 EDT
From: Emma Pease <emma@csli.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: From CSLI Calendar, October 20, 4:5

	 The Resolution Problem for Natural-Language Processing
		    Week 4:  Psychological Processes
			       Herb Clark
			       20 October

   I will review part of what is known about the process of resolving
   ambiguities and indeterminacies from work in psychology.  Last week I
   took up, among other things, the issues of automaticity and modularity
   in resolving structural ambiguities--that is, ambiguous words,
   attachment ambiguities, and other local parsing ambiguities.  The
   question is, how are these ambiguities resolved so quickly and
   apparently automatically on the basis of lexical, syntactic, semantic,
   and pragmatic information, and what does this say about the process of
   understanding in general?  This week I will take up the more pragmatic
   issues in resolution, such as how people resolve references,
   illocutionary force, and implicatures, and how speakers and listeners
   manage to do this collectively.
			    Bernardo Huberman
			       Xerox PARC
	     Applied Physics Department, Stanford University
			       October 27

   Recent developments in dynamical systems theory have led to a
   reappraisal of our understanding of determinism and the origin of
   noise in many physical systems. In particular, it has been established
   that certain deterministic systems with few degrees of freedom can
   exhibit random behavior that is analogous to that produced by the
   tossing of a coin.
      This talk will provide an introduction to the field of
   deterministic chaos.  It will also elucidate the notion of
   universality, and its implications for the application of chaos theory
   to many fields of science.
	 The Resolution Problem for Natural-Language Processing
	      Week 5: Early AI Research on Local Pragmatics
			       Jerry Hobbs
			       October 27

   AI researchers have been grappling with problems in local pragmatics,
   or the resolution problem, for at least the last fifteen years.  We
   will discuss Rieger's work on several of these problems, work on the
   interpretation of nominal compounds, including that of Finin, and
   early and more recent work on pronoun resolution, syntactic ambiguity,
   metonymy, and quantifier scope ambiguity that has been in the same
   spirit.  All of this work has been characterized by attempts to aim
   toward efficient and effective heuristics that use world knowledge in
   a limited enough way to make the approach feasible.  The shortcomings
   of this family of approaches will also be discussed.
	    Formalizing Commonsense Knowledge and Reasoning
			  in Mathematical Logic
			      John McCarthy
			Friday, 21 October, 3:15
				Bldg. 60

   This Friday John McCarthy will be speaking on formalizing commonsense
   knowledge and reasoning in mathematical logic.  He is one of the
   cofounders of artificial intelligence.  He has worked on problems
   associated with the logic approach to AI for thirty years and will
   discuss what has been accomplished and what seem to be the next
   problems.  This involves representing by mathematical logical
   sentences what a computer program should know about the commonsense
   world in general and about specific situations.  What it can infer
   about what actions will achieve its goals is determined by logical
   inference including both logical deduction and formalized nonmonotonic
      As always, the Forum will be held at 3:15 in building 60.  However,
   because we are expecting a large crowd, it will meet in the lecture
   hall right next to the entrances to the building instead of room 62N.


Date: Sat, 22 Oct 88 21:20 EDT
From: barb@reagan.ai.mit.edu
Subject: Eric Saund--AI Revolving Seminar FRIDAY 10/28 


			FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1988
				4:00 p.m.

		      	       Eric Saund

	  "The Role of Knowledge in Visual Shape Representation"


		 "What Should a Visual System Know Next?"


		        "To Swim or Not to Swim?"

	This talk shows how knowledge about the visual world can be built
into a shape representation in the form of a descriptive vocabulary making
explicit the important spatial events and geometrical relationships
comprising an object's shape.   We offer two specific computational tools
establishing a framework by which a shape representation may support a
variety of Later visual processing tasks:  (1) By maintaining shape tokens
on a Scale-Space Blackboard, information about configurations of shape
events such as contours and regions can be manipulated symbolically, while
the pictorial organization inherent to a shape's spatial geometry is
preserved.  (2) Through the device of dimensionality-reduction,
configurations of shape tokens can be interpreted in terms of their
membership within deformation classes; this provides leverage in
distinguishing shapes on the basis of subtle variations reflecting
deformations in their forms.  The power in these tools derives from their
contributions to capturing knowledge about the visual world.   In contrast
to ``building block'' approaches to shape representation (eg.  generalized
cylinders), we employ a large and extensible vocabulary of shape
descriptors tailored to the constraints and regularities of particular
shape worlds.  The approach is illustrated through a computer
implementation of a hierarchical shape vocabulary designed to offer
flexibility in supporting important aspects of shape recognition and shape
comparison in the two-dimensional shape domain of the dorsal fins of


End of NL-KR Digest