[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest, Volume 7 No. 29

nl-kr-request@CS.RPI.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Chris Welty) (12/20/90)

NL-KR Digest      (Wed Dec 19 16:12:35 1990)      Volume 7 No. 29

Today's Topics:

	 TOMITA in Prolog
	 Categorial grammars
	 new list for linguists
	 MT Evaluation Workshop: Call for Participation
	 Reversible Grammar Call: Correction on Submission Date - 1 March 1991
	 EJournal announcement, December 1990
	 CfP: AAAI-91 Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces Workshop

Submissions: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Requests, policy: nl-kr-request@cs.rpi.edu
Back issues are available from host archive.cs.rpi.edu [] in
the files nl-kr/Vxx/Nyy (ie nl-kr/V01/N01 for V1#1), mail requests will
not be promptly satisfied.  If you can't reach `cs.rpi.edu' you may want
to use `turing.cs.rpi.edu' instead.
BITNET subscribers: we now have a LISTSERVer for nl-kr.
  You may send submissions to NL-KR@RPIECS
  and any listserv-style administrative requests to LISTSERV@RPIECS.


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
>From: siegeert@cs.kuleuven.ac.be (Geert Adriaens)
Newsgroups: comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
Subject: TOMITA in Prolog
Keywords: determ parsing, Prolog
Date: 7 Dec 90 17:24:48 GMT

Does anyone know of a public domain Prolog implementation of
Tomita's LR-parsing system (Tomita 1985)?

- - 
Geert Adriaens (SIEMENS-METAL Project & University of Leuven)        
Maria Theresiastraat 21              siegeert@kulcs.uucp or
B-3000 Leuven                        siegeert@blekul60.bitnet or
tel: ..32 16 285091  285098(fax)     siegeert@cs.kuleuven.ac.be


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
>From: "Antoni Diller <ard@cs.bham.ac.uk>" <ard@cs.bham.ac.uk>
Newsgroups: comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
Subject: Categorial grammars
Date: 17 Dec 90 12:57:49 GMT
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.

I'm looking for implementations of categorial grammars, or any
applications that make use of categorial grammars.  I've only studied
such grammars theoretically, so any information about programs will be
very much appreciated.

email please, and I'll summarise the replies I get.  Thanks.


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Mon, 17 Dec 90 11:51 EDT
>From: "NANCY M. IDE (914) 437 5988" <IDE@vaxsar.vassar.edu>
Subject: new list for linguists
X-Envelope-To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu

                   ANNOUNCING A NEW LIST


	 A new list has been formed, which will serve as a place of 
discussion for those issues which concern the academic discipline of 
linguistics and related fields.  The list is international in orientation, 
and hopes to provide a forum for the community of linguists as they exist 
in different countries.  Though the list is moderated, and all submissions 
are subject to editorial discretion, it has no areal, ideological or 
theoretical bent, and discussion of any linguistic subfield are welcomed. 
Membership of the list is open to all.
    To subscribe to this list, please send a message to 
LINGUIST-REQUEST@UNIWA.UWA.OZ.AU containing as its first and only 
line the following: 

   Any other questions may be directed to:


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: 17 Dec 90 18:37 +0100
>From: falkedal kirsten <kirsten@divsun.unige.ch>
Subject: MT Evaluation Workshop: Call for Participation

Evaluators' Forum: Call for Participation.

The International Working Group on Evaluation of Machine Translation Systems
is organising a four day meeting from April 21st to 24th, 1991, for the
discussion of evaluation techniques.

The primary purpose of the meeting is to provide evaluators with a forum for
the exchange of experience and of views on effective techniques.  The meeting
will therefore be structured around critical presentations of particular
techniques.  In order to facilitate fruitful discussion, the number of
participants will be limited.

Participation is invited from those with past or present experience of
evaluation, and from those who expect to be involved in the evaluation of
machine (assisted) translation systems.

The meeting will be held in the Grand Hotel des Rasses, Ste.  Croix, Vaud,
Switzerland.  The hotel is situated on the balcony of the Jura mountains,
looking down on the lake of Neuchatel and across to the Alps.  Access to
Yverdon, the nearest substantial town, is easy, with direct rail links from
Geneva and Zurich airports.  From there a regular train service will take
participants to Ste.  Croix in a little over half an hour.  The hotel will
provide transport for the remaining short road journey.

The workshop fee is 750 Sfrs., which includes registration and documentation,
accommodation and all meals from dinner on the evening of Saturday April 20th
to lunch on Wednesday, April 24th., transport between the hotel and Ste. Croix
and access to all hotel facilities (swimming pool, tennis courts, mini-golf

Intending participants should send a brief (2 page maximum) description of
their potential contribution by January 31st, 1991 to

                            Kirsten Falkedal
                            54 rte des Acacias
                            CH-1227 Carouge

                       e-mail: kirsten@divsun.unige.ch
                       voice: (+41) (22) 705 7114
                       fax:   (+41) (22) 300 1086

from whom further information may also be obtained.

Margaret King                            Gudrun Magnusdottir 
ISSCO                                    Dept.  of Computational Linguistics
                                         University of Gothenburg Sweden


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Thu, 13 Dec 90 13:53:30 -0500
>From: walker@flash.bellcore.com (Don Walker)
Subject: Reversible Grammar Call: Correction on Submission Date - 1 March 1991


	  Reversible Grammar in Natural Language Processing

			   17 June 1991
		     University of California
		    Berkeley, California, USA

		   A workshop sponsored by the
Special Interest Groups on Generation (SIGGEN) and Parsing (SIGPARSE)
			      of the
	    Association for Computational Linguistics
		       and supported by the
	    Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency

TOPICS OF INTEREST: The purpose of this workshop is to bring together
researchers whose work concerns problems of reversible grammar
systems that are designed for, or may find applications in, Natural
Language Processing.  Papers are invited on significant, original
and unpublished research on all aspects of reversible grammars,
including, but not limited to:
  (1) Reversible computation (multi-directional and non-directional
      computation; algorithms for program inversion and transformation;
      efficiency issues);
  (2) Reversible natural language systems (parsers and generators
      for reversible grammars; reversibility of unification-based grammars;
      new architectures for reversible natural language processing;
      knowledge representation issues; reversible machine translation;
      lexicons for bidirectional systems; reversibility in discourse
  (3) Reversible grammars in linguistic theory (formal characterization;
      reversibility within various grammatical frameworks, eg., GB, LFG,
      GPSG, HPSG, TAG, categorial grammars; reversibility in rule-based
      and principle-based approaches; reversibility and semantic

FORMAT OF SUBMISSION:  Authors should submit four copies of their
papers in hard copy form. Papers should be a minimum of four pages
and a maximum of ten single-spaced pages (exclusive of references).
The title page should include the title, full names of all authors
and their complete addresses including electronic addresses where
applicable, and a short (5 line) summary. Submissions that do not
conform to this format will not be reviewed. Send submissions to:

	Tomek Strzalkowski
	Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
	New York University
	715 Broadway, Room 704
	New York, NY 10003, USA
	(+1-212) 998-3496

SCHEDULE: Papers must be received by 1 March 1991 (NOT 31 March,
as in a previous release). Authors will be notified of acceptance
by 5 April 1991. A camera-ready copy of the final paper prepared
in the two-column format must be received by 10 May 1991.  Accepted
papers will be included in the proceedings published by the ACL.

WORKSHOP INFORMATION: The workshop is held in connection with the
29th Meeting of the ACL (18-21 June).  Local arrangements are being
handled by Peter Norvig (Division of Computer Science, University
of California, 573 Evans Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA, (+1-415)
642-9533, norvig@teak.berkeley.edu).

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Marc Dymetman, Gertjan van Noord, Patrick
Saint-Dizier, Tomek Strzalkowski.


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 90 13:55 EST
Subject: EJournal announcement, December 1990
X-Envelope-To: nl-kr@RPIECS.BITNET

        _EJournal_ is an all-electronic, Bitnet/Internet distributed,
peer-reviewed, academic periodical.  We are particularly interested in
theory and praxis surrounding the creation, transmission, storage,
interpretation, alteration and replication of electronic text.  We are
also interested in the broader social, psychological, literary, economic
and pedagogical implications of computer-mediated networks.  Texts that
address virtually any subject across this broad spectrum will be given
thoughtful consideration.
        Members of the electronic-network community and others
interested in it make up a large portion of our audience.  Therefore we
would be interested (for example) in essays about whether or not anyone
should own a communication that has been shared electronically, about
the pragmatics of cataloguing and indexing electronic publications,
about net-based collaborative learning, about artful uses of hypertext,
about the challenges that distance learning may offer to residential
campuses, about the role of The Matrix in cultural history and Utopian
polemic, about digitally recorded aleatoric fiction, about the
significance of resemblances between the electronic matrix and neural
systems, . . .  and so forth.
        The journal's essays will be available free to Bitnet/Internet
addresses.  Recipients may make paper copies; _EJournal_ will provide
authenticated paper copy from our read-only archive for use by academic
deans or other supervisors.  Individual essays, reviews, stories-- texts
- -sent to us will be disseminated to subscribers as soon as they have
been through the editorial process, which will also be "paperless."  We
expect to offer access through libraries to our electronic Contents,
Abstracts, and Keywords, and to be indexed and abstracted in appropriate
        _EJournal_ is now soliciting essays for possible publication.  We
will be happy to consider reviews, letters, and (eventually) annotations
that ought to accompany texts we have already published.  We would be
happy to add interested specialists and generalists to our panel of
consulting editors.
        Please send essays for review, and inquiries, to
                Ted Jennings, Editor, _EJournal_
                        Department of English, University
                                at Albany, State University of New York
                Ron Bangel, Managing Editor (acting)
                        University at Albany, SUNY

Sample masthead:

          _______   _________                                          __
         / _____/  /___  ___/                                         / /
        / /__         / / ______  __  __  __ ___  __ ___    _____    / /
       / ___/   __   / / / __  / / / / / / //__/ / //__ \  / ___ \  / /
      / /____  / /__/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /     / /   / / / /__/ / / /
     /______/ /______/ /_____/ /_____/ /_/     /_/   /_/  \___/_/ /_/
mmmmmmmmm yyyy           _EJournal_  Volume # Issue #            ISSN #
             An Electronic Journal concerned with the implications
                     of electronic documents and networks.
ejournal@albnyvms.bitnet       Albany, NY, USA       ejournal@rachel.albany.edu
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


        Title  title  title  title                              ##
                Author  author
        Title  title  title  title                              ##
                Author  author

        D E P A R T M E N T S
                Letters                                         ##
                Reviews                                         ##
                Supplements to previous texts                   ##
                Pointers to texts appearing elsewhere           ##

  [Addresses and names of consulting editors appear at the end of the issue.]
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Editor:                 Ted Jennings, English, University at Albany, SUNY
Managing Editor (acting):                Ron Bangel, University at Albany
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Board of Advisors:
                           Dick Lanham, University of California at Los Angeles
                                 Ann Okerson, Association of Research Libraries
                                         Joe Raben, City University of New York
                                                  Bob Scholes, Brown University
                               Harry Whitaker, University of Quebec at Montreal

- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[The full text of the current issue will be distributed to subscribers;
abstracts and downloading instructions will be disseminated more broadly.]
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consulting Editors      November 1990
- -----------------      -------------           --------------
ahrens@hartford         John Ahrens             Hartford
ap01@liverpool          Stephen Clark           Liverpool
crone@cua               Tom Crone               Catholic University
djb85@albnyvms          Don Byrd                Albany
donaldson@loyvax        Randall Donaldson       Loyola College
ds001451@ndsuvm1        Ray Wheeler             North Dakota
eng006@unomal           Marvin Peterson         Nebraska - Omaha
erdt@vuvaxcom           Terry Erdt              Villanova
fac_aska@jmuvax1        Arnie Kahn              James Madison
folger@yktvmv           Davis Foulger           IBM - Watson Research Center
george@gacvax1          G. N. Georgacarakos     Gustavus Adolphus
gms@psuvm               Gerry Santoro           Pennsylvania State University
jtsgsh@ritvax           John Sanders            Rochester Institute
                                                        of Technology
nrcgsh@ritvax           Norm Coombs             Rochester Institute
                                                        of Technology
pmsgsl@ritvax           Patrick M. Scanlon      Rochester Institute
                                                        of Technology
r0731@csuohio           Nelson Pole             Cleveland State
ryle@urvax              Martin Ryle             Richmond
twbatson@gallua         Trent Batson            Gallaudet
usercoop@ualtamts       Wes Cooper              Alberta
userlcbk@umichum        Bill Condon             Michigan
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Addresses once more:            ejournal@albnyvms.bitnet

**** END of _EJournal_ announcement


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
>From: "Alfred Kobsa" <ak@cs.uni-sb.de>
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 90 08:55:04 +0100
Subject: CfP: AAAI-91 Intelligent Multimedia Interfaces Workshop

                        CALL FOR PAPERS


                14 or 15 July, 1991 (to be determined)
                           Anaheim, CA


Over the past few years there has been increased interest in and
investigation into the utilization of multiple modes of communication
(e.g., textual, graphical, auditory) in intelligent interfaces.  
Research in this area is in the formative stages and is just now 
beginning to address difficult fundamental problems.  
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners to report on current advances in multimedia interface
systems and their underlying theories, to foster scientific
interchange among these individuals, and as a group to evaluate
current efforts and make recommendations for future investigations
into multimedia interface technology.  A report on the workshop will 
be submitted to AI Magazine.


Submissions are invited on original research in all aspects of
multimedia interfaces, including, but not limited to:

* Coordination of multiple modalities, both in terms of input and output
* Planning and realization of multimedia explanations
* Media-dependent and media-independent meaning representation languages
* Architectures for multimedia interfaces
* Discourse and user models for multiple modalities
* Qualitative/quantitative measures and black box/glass box methods 
    for evaluation of multimedia interfaces
* Philosophical and psycholinguistic models of multimodal interaction


Interested participants should forward FIVE copies of a 4-5 page 
(double spaced) position paper addressing a specific intelligent multimedia 
interface issue along with a brief description of their research activities 
to Mark Maybury, MS-A047, The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730  
Tel: (617) 271-7230.  Submissions must be *received* by March 8, 1991.  
Please include name, affiliation, address, phone, and e-mail address.  
Attendance at the workshop will be limited to 30 participants.  

    Mark Maybury (chair) The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA 01730
    Steve Feiner, Dept of CS, Columbia University, 500 W. 120 Street, NY
      (feiner@cs.columbia.edu) 	            New York, NY 10027-7031	
    Alfred Kobsa, Dept of CS, Univ. of Saarbruecken     
      (kobsa@cs.uni-sb.de)             D-6600 Saarbruecken 11   GERMANY  
    Bonnie Webber, Dept of Computer & Information Science, U of Pennsylvania, 
      (bonnie@cis.upenn.edu)    	Philadelphia, PA 19104-6389

   March 8, 1991     -- Submissions due 
   April 15, 1991    -- Notification of acceptance
   May 15, 1991      -- Camera-ready workshop paper due
   June 14, 1991     -- AAAI-91 late registration deadline
   July 15, 1991     -- Workshop


End of NL-KR Digest