[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest, Volume 8 No. 7

nl-kr-request@CS.RPI.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Chris Welty) (02/19/91)

NL-KR Digest      (Mon Feb 18 17:07:53 1991)      Volume 8 No. 7

Today's Topics:

	 KR '91 conference registration
	 Sixth Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs
	 2nd ASIS CR Workshop Call for Participation
	 IJCAII 1991 Awards announcement
	 CAll for Papers - OED '91

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To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 91 17:42:59 -0500
>From: james@cs.rochester.edu
To: welty@turing.cs.rpi.edu
Subject: KR '91 conference registration

[ The conference brochure has been delayed, anyone desiring to attend
  can use the form at the end of this msg. - CW ]

Royal Sonesta Hotel Cambridge
Cambridge,  Massachusetts
April 22-25, 1991

The following is registration information for the KR '91 schedule. If
you are a AAAI member or received a KR mailing previously, you will be
receiving a conference registration packet in the mail within the next
two weeks. If you are not on these lists, please contact me at
james@cs.rochester.edu and we'll add you to the mailing list. You may
use printed versions of the following registration pages for sending in
your registration if you wish to get an early start.


Fee Schedule (all fees are in U.S. dollars):
Early:  postmarked before midnight March 21, 1991
        Regular $275
        Student $150
        Banquet $35
Late:   postmarked after midnight March 21, 1991
        Regular $325
        Student $175
        Banquet $35

The banquet is optional and should be included at the time of your
registration.  This event will include round-trip transportation to
historic Faneuil Hall, a rousing welcome from a colonial militia in
authentic dress, reception and dinner in the "Great Hall" of Faneuil
Hall, and entertainment.

Airline Discount Fares
Special discount fares have been arranged for you for the KR '91
Conference on USAir. For US domestic service you can save 45% off the
regular coach fare OR 5% off the lowest available excursion fare on
USAir.  (Please note that severe restrictions and penalties may apply.)
Call Young's Travel/American Express at 1-800-682-0141 from 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. E.S.T. Monday through Friday and identify yourself as a KR '91
Conference attendee.
For Canadian attendees a discount of 35% off full coach fare is
available through USAir.  A two-night minimum stay is required.
For non-US and -Canadian attendees, call the number listed below for
rate information on other air service to Boston's Logan Airport.
Other special fares are available in the event USAir does not service
your area.  To make reservations call Young's Travel/American Express at
1-800-682-0141 or 1-508-795-0600 any time between 8:00 a.m. and
5:00 p.m. E.S.T. Monday through Friday and identify yourself as
attending the KR '91 Conference, and the agent will make the

Hotel Reservations

Reservations should be made directly with the Royal Sonesta Hotel,
5 Cambridge Parkway, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02142, USA.  (The hotel
is located three miles from Logan International Airport.)
For reservations, call or fax the Royal Sonesta Hotel at 1-617-491-3600
(phone) or 1-617-661-5956 (fax).  Identify yourself as a registrant to
the KR '91 Conference.  They will process your hotel reservation and
send confirmation if reservations are made before March 20, 1991.  Hotel
space as well as conference space are on a first-come first-served
basis. Special room rates have been negotiated.  Room rates for
conference attendees are (in U.S. dollars): Single, $125, and Double,
$135, plus Massachusetts and local rooms tax (9.7%).  Rooms can be
guaranteed by the hotel for the conference attendees only until March
20, 1991 through a major credit card or first night's deposit.
A limited amount of funds have been set aside to subsidize hotel room
fees for students.  (See the application form on pages 21-22.)
Applications for room rate subsidy should be sent before March 20, 1991.
Early application is advised.  Those chosen will be notified.

How to Register

1.  Fill in the registration form.

2.  Payment:  In the U.S., you may send a money order, bank check, or
personal check.  In Canada, you may send an international money order or
a bank check in U.S. dollars payable to "Knowledge Representation '91". 
No Canadian currency will be accepted. Outside the U.S. and Canada,
payment will be accepted by international money order only, in U.S. dollars.
Make your checks payable to payable to "Knowledge Representation '91".

3.  Return the registration form and payment to:
        KR '91
        Box 1205
        Westboro, MA  01581  USA

4.  Registrations postmarked prior to midnight, March 21, 1991 will
receive the early registration discount rate.  Confirmations will be mailed
only for registrations received before March 28, 1991.

5.  Spaces will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis to the
maximum number the facility can accommodate.  On-site registration will
be available only as long as space remains.  Participants are strongly
advised to register as soon as possible.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------
Conference Registration Form

Fill in and return this form and full payment in U.S. dollars to:
        KR '91
        P.O. Box 1205
        Westboro, MA  01581  USA

Mailing Address:

Country Zip/Postal Code:
Telephone (work):                   (home):

Amount Enclosed:
                  Early Reg'n.    Late Reg'n.
Conference fee    $____________    $____________
Student fee       $____________    $____________
Banquet fee       $____________    $____________
Total             $____________    $____________

Payment enclosed in the form of (check one):
International Money Order:
Money Order (US/Can. attendees only):
Bank Check (US/Can. attendees only):
Personal Check (US attendees only):
In the amount of (US dollars):

Note: Registrations postmarked prior to midnight March 21, 1991
will receive the early registration discount rate.  Confirmations
will be mailed for registrations received prior to March 28, 1991.

Proceedings are included in the registration fee.

- -----------------------------------------------------------------

A limited amount of funds have been set aside to subsidize hotel
room fees for students.  This will only apply to doubles (two
students per room). The subsidy will be from 25% to 50% of your half 
of the double room rate. For example, if you are awarded a subsidy of
50%, the cost of staying at the hotel will be $33.72 per night, plus
applicable taxes. To apply, fill in the form below and register for the
conference by the EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE. You will be notified
either by surface or electronic mail. If we can contact you by
email, please supply your Internet mailing address

Student ID No. at Your School:
Mailing Address:

Country Zip/Postal Code:
email Address:

Are other funds available to you if you do not get this subsidy?  (A yes answer does not disqualify you.)   
   Yes        No

Are you an author on a paper that has been accepted to this conference?
   Yes        No

What is your research area?:

What type of degree are you currently working toward?  
     Bachelor's       Master's         Doctorate

Advisor's name if you currently have one (and location, if not at your institution):

Name of the person with whom you would like to share a room
(if no-one is specified we will assign someone for you):

If we are to assign a roommate, indicate your gender:
        Male    Female
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Tue, 12 Feb 91 03:44:04 EST
>From: SOWA@ibm.com
Subject: Sixth Annual Workshop on Conceptual Graphs

                  ***  CALL FOR PARTICIPATION  ***

                    The Sixth Annual Workshop on
                         CONCEPTUAL GRAPHS

                         SUNY at Binghamton
                   July 11th, 12th and 13th, 1991

     The purpose of this workshop is to provide an active forum for
researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas about the theory and
application of conceptual graphs.  Participants are expected to be
familiar with the basics of conceptual graph theory, as presented in
the book Conceptual Structures by John Sowa.  The talks will cover
current work and results, problems, applications, and implementations
of conceptual graphs.  Subjects may include but are not limited to:

     * Knowledge representation using conceptual graphs
     * Operations on conceptual graphs
     * Logic systems using conceptual graphs

Natural Language
     * Representation of semantics
     * Representation of background knowledge

Automated Reasoning
     * Modality and truth maintenance
     * Reasoning in modal contexts
     * Unified reasoning processes

Systems and Implementations
     * How conceptual graphs are represented in programs
     * Graph manipulation algorithms
     * Abstract models or machines for conceptual graphs

Knowledge Engineering
     * Methodologies for knowledge acquisition
     * Learning conceptual graphs from examples
     * Database design and interfaces

Applications of all Kinds

     Extended abstracts are due by March 8, 1991 at the address below.
They should include name, address, phone number, e-mail address if any,
and whether the preson is interested in presenting or just attending.
Please let us know if you are interested in attending since we may have
to place an upper limit on the workshop size.
     For those interested in presenting, the extended abstracts should
be 3 to 4 pages in length, describing their proposed (20 - 30) minute
talk.  Speakers will be notified of acceptance around the middle of May,
     One copy of a 10 to 15 page paper is due from each speaker by June
20th, 1991.  Proceedings of the workshop will be available and some of
the papers will be part of a future book on the best of the 1991 and 1992
conceptual graph workshops.  In addition, a half dozen of these papers
will be selected for publication in a special issue of the Journal of
Knowledge-Based Systems in October of 1991.

                   Conceputal Graph Workshop Committee
                   c/o Eileen Way
                   PACSS Program, Hinman 128
                   State University of New York at Binghamton
                   Binghamton, NY  13902-6000
                        Phone: (607) 777-2569
                        Bitnet: WAY@BINGVMA

     We have a block of rooms reserved at the Holiday Inn across from
campus at a special rate of $55/night.  Registration cards will be
included with the acceptance notices.


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Newsgroups: comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
>From: humphrey@suesun.nlm.nih.gov (Susanne M Humphrey)
Subject: 2nd ASIS CR Workshop Call for Participation
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 91 15:20:05 GMT

               2nd ASIS '91 Workshop on Classification Research
               Organized by the ASIS Special Interest Group on
                       Classification Research (SIG/CR)

                            Call for Participation

The American  Society  for  Information  Science  Special   Interest  Group  on
Classification Research (ASIS SIG/CR) invites submissions for the  2nd ASIS '91
Classification Research (CR) Workshop, to be held at the 54th Annual Meeting of
ASIS in Washington, DC.   The  Workshop will  take place  Sunday, October 27th,
1991, 8:30 a.m.  - 5:00 p.m.  ASIS '91 continues through Thursday, October 31.

The CR Workshop is designed to be an exchange of  ideas among  those engaged in
active research   or  practice   in  the   creation,  development,  management,
representation, display, comparison, compatibility, theory,  and application of
classification schemes.    Emphasis  will  be  on  semantic  classification, in
contrast to statistically-based schemes.  Topics  include, but  are not limited

- Warrant for concepts in classification schemes.
- Concept acquisition.
- Basis for semantic classes.
- Automated techniques to assist in creating classification schemes.
- Statistical techniques used for developing  explicit,  nonstatistically-based
  semantic classes.
- Relations and their properties.
- Inheritance and subsumption.
- Knowledge representation schemes.
- Classification algorithms.
- Procedural knowledge in classification schemes.
- Reasoning with classification schemes.
- Software for managing classification schemes.
- Data structures and programming languages for classification schemes.
- Comparison and compatibility between classification schemes.
- Previously-named topics, highlighting  specific applications  such as subject
  analysis, database   navigation,  information   retrieval,  natural  language
  understanding, expert systems, and image processing.

The CR Workshop welcomes submissions from various disciplines.  Attendance will
be by invitation only.  Those interested in participating are invited to submit
a short (1-2 page single-spaced) position paper,  summarizing their substantive
work in  the  above  areas  or other  areas related  to semantic classification
schemes,   and  a  statement  briefly  outlining  the  reason  for  wanting  to
participate in  the  workshop.   Submissions  may include  background papers as
attachments.  Those selected as presenters will  be invited  to submit expanded
versions of  their  position  papers  and  to  speak  to those  papers in brief
presentations during  the  workshop.   All  position papers  (both expanded and
short papers) will be published in proceedings to  be distributed  prior to the
workshop.  The workshop registration fee is $30.00  per person,  and includes a
copy of the proceedings and lunch and refreshments.

Submissions should be sent by email, or diskette accompanied by  paper copy, or
paper copy only (fax or postal), to arrive by May 1, 1991, to Barbara Kwasnik:

Barbara Kwasnik, Co-Chair                Raya Fidel, Co-Chair
School of Information Studies            Graduate School of Library and
4-206 Center for Science and Technology    Information Science
Syracuse University                      University of Washington, FM-30
Syracuse, NY 13244                       Seattle, WA 98195
Internet: bkwasnik@suvm.acs.syr.edu      Internet: fidelr@vax1.u.washington.edu
Phone: (315) 443-2911                    Phone: (206) 543-1888
Fax: (315) 443-5806


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Fri, 8 Feb 91 17:27:40 -0500
>From: walker@flash.bellcore.com (Don Walker)
Subject: IJCAII 1991 Awards announcement

	IJCAI AWARDS: IJCAI-91, Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August 1991

IJCAI-91, the Twelfth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
will be held in Sydney, Australia, 24-30 August 1991.  The Board of Trustees of
IJCAI, Inc. is pleased to announce the recipients of the IJCAI awards for
Research Excellence, Computers and Thought, and Distinguished Service.


The IJCAI Award for Research Excellence is given, at an International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence, to a scientist who has carried out a
program of research of consistently high quality yielding several substantial
results.  Past recipients of this award are John McCarthy (1985) and
Allen Newell (1989).

The Research Excellence Award for IJCAI-91 will be given to Marvin Minsky, MIT.


The Computers and Thought Lecture is given at each International Joint
Conference on Artificial Intelligence by an outstanding young scientist in
the field of Artificial Intelligence.  The Lecture is presented one evening
during the Conference, and the public is invited to attend.  The Lectureship
was established with royalties received from the book Computers and Thought,
edited by Edward Feigenbaum and Julian Feldman; it is currently supported by
income from IJCAII funds.

Past recipients of this honour have been Terry Winograd (1971), Patrick
Winston (1973), Chuck Rieger (1975), Douglas Lenat (1977), David Marr
(1979), Gerald Sussman (1981), Tom Mitchell (1983), Hector Levesque (1985),
Johan de Kleer (1987) and Henry Kautz (1989).

Two Computers and Thought Awards will be given at IJCAI-91: to 
Rodney Brooks, MIT and Martha Pollack, SRI International.


The IJCAI Distinguished Service Award was established in 1979 by the IJCAII
Trustees to honor senior scientists in AI for contributions and service to
the field during their careers.  Previous recipients have been Bernard
Meltzer (1979), Arthur Samuel (1983), and Donald Walker (1989).

At IJCAI-91, the IJCAI Distinguished Service Award will be given to
Woodrow Bledsoe, University of Texas at Austin.


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Mon, 18 Feb 91 11:19:23 EST
>From: "Linda M. Jones" <lmjones@watsol.waterloo.edu>
Subject: CAll for Papers - OED '91

                       Call for Papers

                        USING CORPORA

                 7th Annual Conference of the

                 University of Waterloo Centre for 

                 the New OED and Text Research

                 September 29 - October 1, 1991

                   St. Catherine's College

                     Oxford, England

The Seventh Annual Conference of the University of Waterloo Centre for
the New OED and Text Research, jointly sponsored by the University of
Waterloo, Oxford University Press, and Oxford University Computing Services,
will be held at Statherine's College,
Oxford, England, on September 29 - October 1, 1991.

This year's conference will focus on applications of computer-based
corpora.  For example, text databases can be used to expand the information
potential of existing text, create and maintain new information
resources, and generate new print information.
Conference participants will again include researchers from computer
science and the humanities, as well as representatives from publishing
houses and other industries.

Papers presenting original research on theoretical and applied
aspects of the theme are being soughtypical but not
exclusive areas of interest include computational lexicology,
computational linguistics, syntactic and semantic analysis,
computational lexicography, lexical databases, 
and online reference works.

Submissions will be refereed by the program committee listed
belowuthors should send seven copies of a detailed
abstract (5 to 10 double-spaced pages) by April 22, 1991, to
the Program Chair, Prof. Frank Tompa, at:

                    UW Centre for the New OED 
                       and Text Research
                     Davis Centre 
                     University of Waterloo
                     Waterloo, Ontario
                     Canada N2L 3G1

Late submissions risk rejection without consideration.
Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection by June 14, 1991.
A working draft of the paper, not exceeding 15 pages, will be
due by July 19, 1991, for inclusion in proceedings which will be made
available at the conference.

                        Program Committee

Patrick Hanks (Oxford University Press)
Stig Johansson (University of Oslo)
Ian Lancashire (University of Toronto)
Michael Lesk (Bellcore)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College)
Frank Tompa, Chair (University of Waterloo)

End of NL-KR Digest