[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest, Volume 8 No. 27

nl-kr-request@CS.RPI.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Chris Welty) (05/14/91)

NL-KR Digest      (Thu May  9 17:14:12 1991)      Volume 8 No. 27

Today's Topics:

         query languages for database
	 Informations about SGML are requested !
	 KBSE-91 Conference
	 SCAI'91 3rd Scandinavian Conf on Art Int  PROGRAM

Submissions: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
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the files nl-kr/Vxx/Nyy (ie nl-kr/V01/N01 for V1#1), mail requests will
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To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date:         Fri, 10 May 91 14:11:40 MET
>From: WANICZEK%PLWRTU11@searn.sunet.se
Subject: query languages for database

I need information about methods or principles of building query (natural)
languages in comunication with databases. I'm also interseted in methods
of building interpreters or translators of this languages. The best will be
comunication with databases writen under DBASE III+ system. Thank you very
much in advance.


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Mon, 6 May 91 15:14 GMT +2
>From: MARIJA-SRCE-ZG +38 41510099 <MARIJAM%MVSRCE%yubgef51@pucc.princeton.edu>
Subject: Informations about SGML are requested !
X-Envelope-To: nl-kr-request@cs.rochester.edu

Dear Sirs !

We are working on the project which includes the development of
representative Croatian literary language corpora which has as
one of its goals the quantitive and qualititive linguistic analysis.
To prepare the text of the corpora for further research, we are
planning to use SGML.

We will be very greatful to you if you send us any information about

               With kind regards,

               bs Marija Maletic
               University Computing Centre
               Zagreb, Yugoslavia


To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Date: Thu, 09 May 91 15:26:47 
>From: grimshaw@aivax.radc.af.mil (Capt Jeffrey Grimshaw)
Subject: KBSE-91 Conference

                        CALL FOR PAPERS

                      (KBSE-91) CONFERENCE

		               Sponsored by Rome Labororatory 
	              In-Cooperation with AAAI and ACM

                     September 22-25, 1991
                 Syracuse University Sheraton
                         Syracuse, NY

Sponsored by Rome Laboratory (RL) formerly Rome Air Development Center (RADC)  
and in cooperation  with  AAAI, The American Association for Artificial 
Intelligence and the ACM, Association for Computing Machinery.


In 1983 RADC (now, Rome Laboratory) published a report calling for the 
development  of  a  knowledge-based  software  assistant,  which would employ 
artificial intelligence techniques to support all phases of the  software  
development  process.  The original KBSA vision revolved around a new software 
process model, including knowledge-based software  design and prototyping by 
executable specifications, and the generation  of  implementations   using   
semantic-preserving   rules. Research  and  development  efforts  around the 
world, including those supported  by  RADC's  long-term  KBSA program, have led 
to the development of significant pieces of this vision.

The annual KBSA Conference has provided a  forum  for  discussion  and 
presentation  of  work related to the KBSA effort. In addition, it has gradually
expanded  its  scope  to  include  other  work  relating  to knowledge-based  
software  engineering.  This  year  we  have formally changed the name of the 
conference  to  the  Knowledge-Based  Software Engineering Conference.


This year's conference will continue its expanded scope  covering  all
aspects of knowledge-based software engineering, including 
programming-in-the-large, automatic documentation, formal specifications, user 
interfaces, reverse engineering and design recovery, reasoning techniques, life 
cycle support, knowledge acquisition, and empirical studies and experience 
reports. The unifying thread is the application of knowledge-based techniques to
software engineering problems.

In addition to refereed papers, the Conference welcomes proposals  for panel 
discussions, videotapes, and demonstrations. Possible panel topics might include
software re-use, alternatives to the KBSA model, and project management issues 
and technology.  Demonstrations and videotapes should be clearly relevant to 
some aspect of knowledge-based software engineering and will be reviewed with 
this criterion in mind.

The core of the conference is a three-day block of technical presentations, 
including panels and paper sessions.  This core is preceded by an afternoon of 3
one-hour, technically-oriented "mini-tutorials", presented for relative 
newcomers to the KBSE community.  Demonstrations and videotapes will be 
scheduled at various times throughout the conference to allow for maximum 


All papers (6 copies) and proposals (4 copies) should be sent to the program 
chair at the address below by May 1, 1991. Authors will be notified of 
acceptance or rejection by July 8, 1991, and camera-ready copies will be due by 
August 8, 1991.  Full papers should not exceed 10 pages in length, although 
authors of accepted papers can request up to 2 extra pages  in the proceedings.  
Papers will be reviewed by at least two members of the program committee under 
the criteria of appropriateness to the conference, originality, and clarity.  
Demonstration proposals, which can include videotapes, must be submitted with a 
one page description of how the demonstration relates to knowledge-based 
software engineering.

    Program Chair: 			         Local Chair:

    Peter G. Selfridge		      	Capt Jeff Grimshaw
    AT&T Bell Laboratories	   	Rome  Laboratory
    Room 3C-441		             	Griffiss AFB
    Murray Hill, NJ 07974	    	New York, 13441
    pgs@research.att.com		     grimshaw@aivax.radc.af.mil

			Program Committee:

    Penny Chase	(MITRE)		     	Penny Muncaster-Jewell (McD. Douglas)
    Tom Cheatham (Harvard)	   	Lisa Neal (EDS)
    Steve Fickas (Oregon)	    	Mary Ann Overman (NSA)
    Mehdi Harandi (Illinois)  	Chuck Rich (MIT)
    Dave Harris	(Lockheed)	    Bill Sasso (Andersen Consulting)
    Lou Hoebel(Rome Lab)	      Elliott Soloway (Michigan)
    Lewis Johnson (USC/ISI)	  	Peter Selfridge (AT&T Bell Labs)
    Gail Kaiser (Columbia)	   	Doug White (Rome Lab) 
	  			                         Don Yu (UNISYS)

For more information, contact Barbara Radzisz, Data and Analysis Center for 
Software, PO Box 120, Utica, NY 13503, (315) 734-3696, 

To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
Newsgroups: comp.ai.neural-nets,comp.ai.nlang-know-rep
>From: fomo@diku.dk (Anders Lassen)
Subject: SCAI'91 3rd Scandinavian Conf on Art Int  PROGRAM
Keywords: Covering all subfields of artificial intelligence
Date: Fri, 10 May 91 17:57:06 GMT
X-Charset: ASCII
X-Char-Esc: 29

	Third Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence



				May 21-24, 1991
			Roskilde University   Denmark

The Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence is the
Scandinavian forum for scientific exchange and presentation of AI
research. The conference is designed to cover all subfields of
artificial intelligence.

Conference Scientific Committee
	G. Hagert		SAIS	Infologic AB, Stockholm
	J.  M ller Holst	NAIS	Norsk Hydro, Bergen
	H. Siggaard Jensen	DAIS	Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen
	B. Mayoh		DAIS	Aarhus University, Aarhus
	G. Koch			DAIS	Copenhagen University, Copenhagen
	M. Syrj nen		FAIS	Helsinki Technical University, Helsinki
	J. Fischer Nilsson	DAIS	Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen

Programme Chairman
Brian Mayoh                      tel.:		+45 86 127188
Computer Science Department  	 fax.:		+45 86 135725
Aarhus University                email:		brian@daimi.aau.dk
Ny Munkegade 116, Bldg. 540
DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark

Local Organizer 
Edda SveinsdottirRoskilde University (RUC)

Section of Computer Science		 tel.: 		+ 45 46 757711
Institut III, Hus 20.1 					+ 45 46 757781-2128
Roskilde University			 fax:		+ 45 46 757401
Postboks 260				 email:edda@dat.ruc.dk
DK-4000 Roskilde


					SCAI  91 

				  Preliminary Program
 					May 21-24   1991
				Roskilde University   Denmark

					Conference Program

Tuesday, May 21

TUTORIALS    (Parallel Sessions)

9-12	P. Gaardenfors (Lund University, Sweden)  Revisions of Belief

	Chaired by:   J. Fischer Nilsson (DAIS)

9-12	E. Sandewall (Linkoping University, IDA, Sweden)  Planning

	Chaired by:   G. Koch (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

Lunch 12.00-14.00

14-17	R. Cotterill (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby)  Neural

	Chaired by:   J. Fischer Nilsson (DAIS)

14-17	J. E. Fenstad (Oslo University, Norway) Situation Semantics

	Chaired by:   G. Koch (Copenhagen University, Denmark)

Social Events

	The Mayor's Reception
	Organ Recital

Wednesday, May 22


9.00	B. Mayoh ( rhus University, Denmark)  SCAI  91 Introduction

9.10	L. C. Aiello (Rome University, Italy)  Reasoning about Knowledge


	Chair:  J. Fischer Nilsson (DAIS)

10.00	N. Lavrac, S. Dzeroski, V. Pirnat, V. Krizman (Jozef Stefan
	Institute, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia)  Learning Rules for Early Diagnosis
	of Rheumatic Diseases

10.40	R. Benjamins, A. Abu-Hanna, W. Jansweijer (University of
	Amsterdam, The Netherlands)  Models in Modelbased Diagnosis:
	Classification and Construction

11.10	Jaidev, N. Parameswaran (IIY, Madras)  Coding Plan Logic in a
	Dependency Net: the PLANET system


	Chair:  L. C. Aiello (Rome University, Italy)

10.00	F. Sebastiani, U. Straccia (Pisa University, Italy)  
	A computationally Tractable Terminological Logic

10.40	B. Filipic (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia) 
	Reducing Search Complexity by Start Node Selection

Coffee 11.00-11.10

11.10	F. Giunchiglia, L. Serafini (Institute for Scientific and
	Technological Research in Trento, Italy)  Multilanguage First Order
	Theories of Propositional Attitudes

11.50	E. Hyvonen (VTT Helsinki, Finland)  Global Consistency in
	Interval Constraint Satisfaction


12.30	Jens Rasmussen (Riso, Denmark)  Cognitive Science Projects at
	RUC and Riso 

Lunch 13.10-14.30  


Thursday, May 23


9.00	P. Smolensky  (University of Colorado, Boulder, U.S.A.) 
	Distributed Recursive Structured Processes


	Chair:  P. Smolensky  (University of Colorado Boulder, U.S.A.) 

10.00	A. Bulsari, B. Sax n, H. Sax n ( bo Academy, Finland ) 
	Application of the Symmetric Logarithmoid as an Activation Function
	for Neurons in a Feed-forward Network

10.40	A. Bulsari, H. Sax n ( bo Academy, Finland)  A Feed-forward NN
	as a Chemical Reactor Selection ES

11.10	F. Verner Jensen (Aalborg University, Denmark)  Calculation in
	Hugin of Probabilities for Specific Configurations - a Trick with
	Many Applications

11.50	H. L. Pedersen, W. Bergstr m, M. Lind (Elkraft, Copenhagen,
	Denmark)  Knowledge Based Operator Support for Cogeneration Plants 


	Chair:  M. Syrjanen (FAIS)

10.00	J. Villadsen (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby) 
	Combinatory Categorial Grammar for the Intensional Fragment of
	Natural Language

11.10	L. M. Pereira, J. Alferes, J. N. Aparic o (Uninova, Lisbon,
	Spain)  A Practical Introduction to Well Founded Semantics

11.50	L. M. Pereira, J. N. Aparic o, J. Alferes (Uninova, Lisbon,
	Spain)  Hypothetical Reasoning with Well Founded Semantics

Coffee 11.00-11.10     Lunch 12.10-14.00   

Thursday, May 23  


14.00	D. M. Gabbay (Imperial College, London, U.K.)  Theoretical
	Foundations of Non-monotonic Reasoning: Structured Non-monotonic


	Chair:  D. M. Gabbay (Imperial College, London, U.K.) 

15.00	T. Ohkawa, T. Mori, N. Babaguchi, Y. Tezuka (Osaka University,
	Japan)  Class Directed Generalization

15.40	K. Trans (DASY HHK, Copenhagen, Denmark)  An Expert System Shell
	for Planning with Automatic Feed-back Learning

16.10	L. Asker (Stockholm University, Sweden)  Using Partial
	Explanations: an Approach to Solving the Incomplete Theory Problem in

16.30	C. G. Jansson, H. Bostr m, P. Idestam-Almquist (Stockholm
	University, Sweden)  Optimizing Horn Clause Logic Programs for
	Particular Modes of Use: an Analysis of Explanation Based Learning
	and Partial Evaluation


	Chair:  J. Moller Holst (NAIS)

15.00	G. Ravi Prakash, E. Subrahmanian, H. N. Mahabala (ITT, Madras) 
	Verification of OPS5-based AI Applications

16.10	A. Bansal, D. S. Poduval (Kent State University, U.S.A.)  Static
	Analysis to Identify Vectorizable Numerical Domains in Logical
	Programs for Efficient Execution of Scientific Expert Systems

Coffee 16.00-16.10

Thursday, May 23  



17.00	AI & Law,  Panel Discussion based on:

	H. B. Herrestad (Oslo University, Norway)  AI and Law: Will the
	Marriage Last?

	J. Karpf (Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby)  Categorical
	Modelling in Law

	I. White (Machine Intelligence Ltd., Cambridge, U.K.) ESPRIT projects
	on AI & Law

	General Discussion: To What Extent may Legal Reasoning be Automized?

18.00	DAIS  General Assembly

Conference Dinner aboard  "SAGAFJORD of Roskilde" 

Friday, May 24


9.00	Y. Shoham (Stanford University, U.S.A.)  Theories of Agenthood


	Chair:  G. Hagert (SAIS)

10.00	P. Jackson (McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories, St. Louis,
	U.S.A.)  Computing Minimal Refutations

10.40	U. Dindorp (Danish Institute of Plant and Soil Science, Lyngby) 
	Litterature Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition

11.10	J. Hynynen (NOKIA, Finland)  DUCKPIE: the Bread  n  Butter for
	Finite Capacity Activity Scheduling

11.50	E. Giunchiglia (Institute for Scientific and Teknological
	Research in Trento, Italy)  A Set of Hierarchically Structured
	Decision Procedures for Some Subclasses of First Order Logic

12.10	M. Sagheb-Tehrani (Lund University, Sweden)  Knowledge
	Elicitation: Some Implications for Research and Practice


	Chair:  Y. Shoham (Stanford University, U.S.A.)

10.00	P. Eklund (Link ping University, Sweden)  Negociating
	Inheritance Taxonomies in Conceptual Structures

10.40	D. Thanassas (Imperial College & Philips, U.K.)  Nonmonotonicity
	as the Resolution of Contradictions

11.10	J. Malec (Linkoping University, IDA, Sweden)  How to Pass an
	Intersection or Automata Theory is Still Useful

11.30	W. van der Hoek (Free University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 
	Qualitative Modalities

11.50	C. F. Nourani (Metaai Inc., Los Gatos, U.S.A.)  Planning and
	Plausible Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence

12.10	M. Egmont-Petersen (DASY HHK, Copenhagen, Denmark) Mental Models
	as Cognitive Entities

Lunch 12.30-13.30   Coffee 11.00-11.10

Friday, May 24

13.30	Rector s Reception


	Chair: B. Mayoh (DAIS)

14.30	Status of AI in Scandinavia: Panel Discussion with H. Siggaard
	Jensen (DAIS), J. M ller Holst (NAIS), G. Hagert (SAIS) and M.
	Syrjanen (FAIS)

16.00 SLUT

Farewell Gathering


Social Program

May 20   Monday 

19.30: Informal Welcome Gathering 
	in  Kulturhuset , Rosenhavestr de 1, Roskilde (in the centre). A
	buffet serving of ham and salad with bread is available at the price
	of D.Kr. 50. Beverages may be purchased at moderate prices.

May 21  Tuesday

18.00 - 19.00: The Mayor s Reception
	in the Town Hall, St ndertorvet 1, Roskilde (in the centre). All
	participants are invited. Free of charge. Participants are advised to
	take the train  Trekroner - Roskilde  departing 17.42.

19.30-20.30: Organ Recital
	in the Cathedral of Roskilde, Domkirkepladsen (in the centre, next to
	the Town Hall). The church will be open from 19.15. All participants
	are invited. Free of charge.

May 22   Wednesday

13.00-16.00: Visit to Riso
	Riso Research Center, Section for Cognitive Systems, hosts a visit
	for the participants of the conference, where work in progress will
	be demonstrated:  Boghuset , an interactive user friendly litterature
	search system (Anne Lise Mark Peitersen); Experimental facilities for
	researching mental strategies; Software developed for the ESPRIT
	project  IT Support for Emergency Management  (Verner Andersen). Leif
	Lovborg will be our host. Coffee and tea will be served. The bus will
	leave 12.40 from RUC. Free of charge.

Appr. 14.00-17.00: Boat trip
	on the fjord of Roskilde with visit to the Viking Museum. Cost 75

14.00-17.00: Other excursions may be arranged.

May 23   Thursday

Happy Hour
	The time not yet set and the location will depend on the weather. All
	participants are invited. Free of charge.

19.00-22.00: Conference Dinner
	on board  Sagafjord  sailing the waters of the beautiful Roskilde
	Fjord. The ship is reserved for the conference. The boat can be
	boarded at 18.45. Price 300 D.Kr.

May 24   Friday

13.30: The Rector s Reception
	in  Gammel NAT-fagsal, RUC. All participants are invited. Free of

18.00: Informal Farewell Gathering
	in  Kulturhuset , Rosenstr de 1, Roskilde (in the centre). A
	two-course meal will be served. Tickets at D.Kr. 75 are to be
	purchased at the conference office. Beverages are for sale on the


Conference Registration Form

It is still possible to join the conference. Please complete this
registration form (mark the '()' fields and enter amounts) and return
it to

 Edda Sveinsdottir
Computer Science, Hus 20.1			tel.: 	+ 45 46 757711
Roskilde University				fax:	+ 45 46 757401
Postboks 260					email:	edda@dat.ruc.dk
DK-4000 Roskilde

Participant information
Title        First Name/Given Name    (Middle Initials)  Last Name/Surname

Please check two boxes:                                
   R. Cotterill (Copenhagen)Neural Nets    		(  ) Morning
   J. E. Fenstad (Oslo)Situation Semantics 		(  ) Morning
   P. G rdenfors (Lund)    Revisions of Belief Systems  (  ) Afternoon
   E. Sandewall (Link ping)Planning            		(  ) Afternoon

Posters and Exhibition
For each poster to be presented at the exhibition, a space of 160 cm
x 100 cm is available. Plenty of space. At the exhibition you can
demonstrate your latest program. Notify the local organizers of your

The Conference Reception Desk will be open on Monday, May 20 from
14.00 to 16.00 and at  Kulturhuset  from 18.00 - 20.00. During the
Conference, May 21-24 from 8.30 to 16.00. It is recommended to join
the welcome gathering at  Kulturhuset   in Roskilde at  19.30 on
Monday evening.

Registration fees
Dkr. Normal (1300), ScAIS member (1000), Full time student (500) Dkr. ......

Hotel price ranges (single/double) Dkr.: A (600/800), B (440/550), C (160/320).
Price range wanted            ..........( 1st wish)  ............ ( 2nd wish)   
Date of arrival:      .....................
Date of departure:  ..................... = .... days x Dkr.  ....  = Dkr. .....

(at the conference location)  Dkr. 35.- x .... persons x ... days   = Dkr. .....

Social program
Monday, May 20
  Welcome gathering "Kulturhuset", Buffet (Dkr. 50) ..... persons

Tuesday, May 21
  The Mayor's reception   (free of charge)         .....  persons
  Organ recital    (free of charge)                 ..... persons

Wednesday, May 22
  A) Boat tour and Viking Museum (Dkr. 75)         ..... persons  = Dkr.  ......
  B) Visit at the Ris  Research center (free)      ..... persons 

Thursday, May 23
  Happy hour   (free of charge)  				   ..... persons
  Conference banquet. On board  Sagafjord 
  sailing the water of Roskilde Fjord. (Dkr. 300) ....  persons   = Dkr. .......

Friday, May 24
  The Rector's reception  (free of charge)         ..... persons
  Informal farewell gathering "Kulturhuset" (Dkr. 75)...  persons  = Dkr. ......
TOTAL  (sum of values in last colomn of the form):                 = Dkr........

either by check (  ) made payable to "SCAI  91-RUC" or by bank
transfer (  ) to account number 4360-079007, SCAI  91-RUC, Den Danske
Bank, S lvgade 84, DK-1307 K benhavn K or by postal giro (  ) to
account number 3 97 99 38, SCAI  91-DAIS, c/o Brian Mayoh, DAIMI, Ny
Munkegade , DK-8000  rhus C.

The registration is binding for the participant and it must be
accompanied by payment in full. Money refunded if we are informed of
cancellation by May 15.

Date: Signature:


Edda Sveinsdottir                                
Section of Computer Science             tel.: + 45 46 757711      
Institut III, Hus 20.1                        + 45 46 757781-2128      
Roskilde University                     fax:  + 45 46 757401
Postboks 260                            email: edda@dat.ruc.dk
DK-4000 Roskilde
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
                            SCAI '91
      Third Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence
          Roskilde University, Denmark   May 21-24, 1991

End of NL-KR Digest