[comp.ai.nlang-know-rep] NL-KR Digest, Volume 8 No. 32

nl-kr-request@CS.RPI.EDU (NL-KR Moderator Chris Welty) (06/05/91)

IJCAI Digest      (Tue Jun  4 18:29:33 1991)      Volume 8 No. 32

Today's Topics:

	 REVISED IJCAI-91 Programme Schedule: 01/15/91

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To: nl-kr@cs.rpi.edu
>From: Kimberlee Pietrzak-Smith <kim@cs.toronto.edu>
Subject: REVISED IJCAI-91 Programme Schedule: 01/15/91
Date: 	Wed, 15 May 1991 11:25:06 -0400

REVISED IJCAI-91 Programme Schedule, May 15, 1991.
Please destroy all previous versions.

Monday, August 26, 1991

9-10am:  Invited Speaker 1 - Takeo Kanade

10-10:30am:  Coffee


ML: Explanation Based Learning

Christer Samuelsson and Manny Rayner
Quantitative Evaluation of Explanation-Based Learning as an Optimization Tool 
for a Large-Scale Natural Language System

Prasad Tadepalli
A Formalization of Explanation-Based Macro-Operator Learning

Masayuki Yamamura and Shigenobu Kobayashi
An Augmented EBL and its Application to Utility Problem

Jungsoon Yoo and Doug Fisher
Concept Formation over Explanations and Problem-Solving Experience

NL: NL Processing

Hiroaki Kitano, Dan Moldovan, Ig-Tae Um and Seungho Cha
High Performance Natural Language Processing on Semantic Network Array 

Hiroaki Kitano and Tetsuya Higuchi
Massively Parallel Memory-Based Parsing

Esther Konig
Using Parallel Processing for Semantic Analysis

Karl Gregor Erbach
An environment for experimentation with parsing strategies

KR: Nonmonotonic Reasoning - Modal Logics

Vladimir Lifschitz
Nonmonotonic Databases and Epistemic Queries:  Preliminary Report

Nicholas Asher and Michael Morreau
Commonsense Entailment: A Modal Theory of Nonmonotonic Reasoning

Miroslaw Truszczynski
Modal Interpretations of Default Logic 

Ilkka N.F. Niemela
Constructive Tightly Grounded Autoepistemic Reasoning

AR: Theorem Proving I

Michael Fisher 	
Yet Another Resolution Method for Temporal Logic

Thomas Guckenbiehl    	
Formalizing and Using Persistency	

Fausto Giunchiglia and Paolo Traverso	
Reflective Reasoning with and Between a Declarative Metatheory and the 
Implementation Code

Nachum Dershowitz	
Ordering-Based Strategies for Horn Clauses

Arch: Knowledge Base Management

G. Ravi Prakash, E. Subrahmanian and H.N. Mahabala	
A Methodology for Systematic Verification of OPS5-based AI Applications 

Loren G. Terveen, David A. Wroblewski and Steven N. Tighe	
Intelligent Assistance through Collaborative Manipulation

Keith Decker, Alan Garvey and Marty Humphrey	
Effects of Parallelism on Blackboard System Scheduling

Rick Evertsz	
The Automated Analysis of Rule-based Systems, Based on their Procedural 

12:30-2pm:  Lunch


Panel 1:  AI in Telecommunications

ML: Classifiers/Genetic Algorithms

Wray Buntine
Classifiers: A Theoretical and Empirical Study

James Kelly and Lawrence Davis
A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Classification

Kenneth A. De Jong and William M. Spears
Learning Concept Classification Rules Using Genetic Algorithms

KR: Belief

Sukhamay Kundu
A New Logic of Beliefs: Monotonic Beliefs and Nonmonotonic Beliefs - Part 1

Gerhard Lakemeyer
A Model of Decidable Introspective Reasoning with Qualitifying-In

Anand S. Rao and Michael P. Georgeff
Asymmetry Thesis and Side-effect Problems in Linear Time and Branching Time 
Intention Logics

LP: Logic Programming I

Sieger van Denneheuvel and Karen Kwast
Weak equivalence for constraint sets

Chilukuri K. Mohan
Fitting Semantics for Conditional Term Rewriting

Luis Moniz Pereira, Joaquim Nunes Aparicio and Jose Alferes
A Derivation Procedure for Extended Stable Models (Draft)

Phil: Philosophical Foundations I

Francis Jeffry Pelletier
The Philosophy of Automated Theorem Proving

Raymond Earl Jennings, Christine Waichi Chan and Michael Joseph Doward
Generalised Inference and Inferential Modelling

John Slaney
The Implications of Paraconsistency

3:30-4pm:  Coffee


AI On Line

ML: Inductive Learning I

Sholom M. Weiss and Nitin Indurkhya
Reduced Complexity Rule Induction

Alen Varsek
Qualitative Model Evolution

Cline Rouveirol
Semantic Model for Induction of First Order Theories

AR: Search I

G.M.A. Provan and C.J.H. McDiarmid
An Expected-Cost Analysis of Backtracking and Non-Backtracking Algorithms

Anup K. Sen, A. Bagchi and Bani K. Sinha	
Admissible Search Methods for Minimum Penalty Sequencing of Jobs with Setup 
Times on One and Two Machines

Anna Bramanti-Gregor , Henry W. Davis and Xiaofeng Chen  	
Learning Admissible Heuristics while Solving Problems

LP: Logic Programming II

Mike Brayshaw 
An Architecture for Visualising the Execution of Parallel Logic Programs

Kang Zhang and Ray Thomas
A Non-shared Binding Scheme for Parallel Prolog Implementation

KR: Reasoning with Inconsistency

Walter Alexandre Carnielli, Luis Farinas del Cerro and Mamede Lima Marques
Contextual Negations and Reasoning with Contradictions

Gerd Wagner
Ex contradictione nihil sequitir

Rob: Architectures

Luc Steels
Emergent Frame Recognition And Its Use In Artificial Creatures

R. Peter Bonasso
Integrating Reaction Plans and Layered Competences through Synchronous Control

7:30pm:	Computers & Thought Award:  Martha Pollack and Rodney Brooks
	Announcement of IJCAI Best Paper Award

Tuesday, August 27, 1991

9-10am:  Invited Speaker 2- Shigeru Sato

10-10:30am:  Coffee


ML: Inductive Learning II

Robin Hanson, John Stuzt, and Peter Cheeseman
Bayesian Classification with Correlation and Inheritance

Der-Shung Yang, Larry Rendell and Gunnar Blix
A Scheme for Feature Construction and a Comparison of Empirical Methods

Steven Salzberg, Arthur Delcher, David Heath and Simon Kasif
Learning with a Helpful Teacher

Stefan Wrobel
Towards a Model of Grounded Concept Formation

AR: Planning I

Stuart J. Russell and Shlomo Zilberstein
Composing Real-Time Systems

Eric Biefeld and Lynne Cooper	
Bottleneck Identification Using Process Chronologies

Gilad Zlotkin and Jeffrey S. Rosenschein
Incomplete Information and Deception in Multi-Agent Negotiation

Marta Franova and Yves Kodratoff	
Solving "How to Clear a Block" with Constructive Matching Methodology

NL: Pragmatics

Peter van Beek and Robin Cohen
Resolving Plan Ambiguity for Cooperative Response Generation

Yorick Wilks, John Barnden and Jin Wang
Your metaphor or mine: Belief ascription and metaphor interpretation

Philip R. Cohen and Hector J. Levesque
Confirmations and Joint Action

QR: Diagnosis

Philippe Dague, Olivier Jehl, Philippe Devs, Pierre Luciani and Patrick 
When Oscillators Stop Oscillating

Gerhard Friedrich, Georg Gottlob and Wolfgang Nejdl
Diagnosing Temporal Misbehavior

Franz Lackinger and Wolfgang Nejdl
Integrating Model-Based Monitoring and Diagnosis of Complex Dynamic Systems

David Poole
Representing diagnostic knowledge for probabilistic Horn abduction

Vis: Object Recognition

Yerucham Shapira and Shimon Ullman
A Pictorial Approach to Object Classification

Thomas M. Strat and Martin A. Fischler
Natural Object Recognition: A Theoretical Framework and Its Implementation

John R. Kender and Rick Kjeldsen
On Seeing Spaghetti: A Novel Self-Adjusting Seven Parameter Hough Space for 
Analyzing Flexible Extruded Objects

Roberto Brunelli and Tomaso Poggio
HyperBF Networks for real object recognition

12:30-2pm:  Lunch


Panel 2: Multiple Approaches to Multiple Agent Problem Solving

ML: Inductive Logic Programming

J.R. Quinlan
Determinate Literals as an Aid in Inductive Logic Programming

Charles X. Ling
Inductive Learning from Good Examples

Marc Kirschenbaum and Leon S. Sterling
Refinement Strategies for Inductive Learning of Simple Prolog Programs

KR: Nonmonotonic Reasoning - Conditional Logics

Hirofumi Katsuno and Ken Satoh
A Unified View of Consequence Relation, Belief Revision and Conditional Logic

Craig Boutilier
Inaccessible Worlds and Irrelevance: Preliminary Report

Didier Dubois and Henri Prade
Possibilistic Logic, Preference Models, Non-monotonicity and Related Issues

AR: Search II

Reza Shams, Hermann Kaindl, and Helmut Horacek	
Using Aspiration Windows for Minimax Algorithms

Stephen V. Chenoweth and Henry W. Davis	
High Performance A* Search Using Rapidly Growing Heuristics

Toru Ishida   	
Moving Target Search

CM: Cognitive Modelling 1

Jacobijn Sandberg and Bob Wielinga
How situated is cognition?

Katia P. Sycara and D. Navinchandra
Index Transformation Techniques for Facilitating Creative Use of Multiple Cases

Gregg Collins, Birnbaum, Krulwich and Freed
Plan debugging in an Intentional System

3:30-4pm:  Coffee


AI On Line

ML: Concept Formation

Jason Catlett
Overpruning Large Decision Trees

Larry Watanabe and Larry Rendell
Learning Structural Decision Trees From Examples

David Heath
Learning Nested Concept Classes with Limited Storage

Achim G. Hoffman and Sunil Thakar
Acquiring Knowledge by Efficient Query Learning

KR: Concept Languages

Franz Baader 
Augmenting Concept Languages by Transitive Closure of Roles:  An Alternative 
to Terminological Cycles

Franz Baader and Philipp Hanschke
A Scheme for Integrating Concrete Domains into Concept Languages

Francesco M. Donini, Maurizio Lenzerini, and Daniele Nardi
Tractable Concept Languages

AR: Theorem Proving II

Toni Bollinger	
A Model Elimination Calculus for Generalized Clauses

Elmar Eder	
Consolution and its Relation with Resolution

Manfred Kerber	
How to Prove Higher Order Theorems in First Order Logic

Hitoshi Iba and Hirochika Inoue
Reasoning of Geometric Concepts based on Algebraic Constraint-directed Method

Phil: Philosophical Foundations II

David Israel, John Perry and Syun Tutiya
Actions and Movements

Selmer Bringsjord and Michael Zenzen
In Defense of Hyper-Logicist AI

Francesco Bergadano
The Problem of Induction and Machine Learning

QR: Qualitative Modelling

Erling A. Woods
The Hybrid Phenomena Theory

Feng Zhao
Extracting and Representing Qualitative Behaviors of Complex Systems in Phase 

Toyoaki Nishida and Shuji Doshita
A Geometric Approach to Total Envisioning

Wednesday, August 28, 1991

9-10am:  Distinguished Scientist Award & Lecture:  Marvin Minsky

10-10:30am:  Coffee


KR: Topics in Knowledge Representation

Periklis Belegrinos and Michael P. Georgeff
A Model for Actions and Processes

Hans Jurgen Ohlbach and Andreas Herzig
Parameter Structures for Parametrized Modal Operators

Russell Greiner and Charles Elkan
Measuring and Improving the Effectiveness of Representations

Gadi Pinkas 
Propositional Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Inconsistency in Symmetric Neural 

AR: Planning II

Edwin P.D. Pednault
Generalizing Nonlinear Planning to Handle Complex Goals and Actions with 
Context-Dependent Effects

Jens Christensen and Adam Grove	
A Formal Model for Classical Planning

Amy L. Lansky	
Localized Search for Multiagent Planning

Steven Minton, John Bresina and Mark Drummond
Commitment Strategies in Planning: A Comparative Analysis

NL: NL Systems

Marie Meteer, Richard Schwartz and Ralph Weischedel
POST: Using Probabilities in Language Processing

John A. Bateman, Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen, Keizo Nanri and Licheng Zeng
The rapid prototyping of natural language generation components: an 
application of functional typology

Oliviero Stock	
Natural Language and Exploration of an Information Space: the ALFRESCO 
Interactive System

C. Rullent, P. Baggia, E. Giachin and E. Gerbino
Efficient Representation of Linguistic Knowledge for Continuous Speech 

QR: Qualitative Modelling, Temporal Reasoning

Ulf Soderman and Jan-Erik Stromberg
Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Knowledge to Generate Models of 
Physical Systems

Rina Dechter and Judea Pearl
Directed Constraint Networks: A Relational Framework for Causal Modeling

Jan Top and Hans Akkermans
Computational and Physical Causality

Antony Galton
Reified Temporal Theories And How To Unreify Them

Vis: Interpretation

Michel Audette, Paul Cohen and Juyang Weng 
Shading-Based Two-View Matching

Pascal Fua
Combining Stereo and Monocular Information: Computing Robust Dense Depth Maps 
and Preserving Depth Discontinuities

R. Mike Cameron-Jones
Visual Interpretation of Lambertian Surface Deformation

Terry Regier
Line Labeling and Junction Labeling: A Coupled System for Image Interpretation

12:30-2pm:  Lunch

2-5:30pm: Computer & Chess Afternoon
          Panel and Chess Match

Thursday, August 29, 1991

9-10am:  Invited Speaker 3 - Robert Kowalski

10-10:30am:  Coffee


ML: Inductive Learning III

Armand E. Prieditis
Machine Discovery of Effective Admissible Heuristics by Means-Ends Analysis

David Chapman and Leslie Pack Kaelbling
Learning from Delayed Reinforcement In a Complex Domain

Wayne Iba 
Learning to Classify Observed Motor Behavior

Peter C-H. Cheng
Modelling Experiments in Scientific Discovery

AR: Reason Maintenance

Jean Christophe Madre and Olivier Coudert 	
A Logically Complete Reasoning Maintenance System Based on a Logical 
Constraint Solver	

Jerome Euzenat   	
Contexts for Nonmonotonic RMSes

Wang Xianchang and Chen Huowang
On Semantics of TMS

Ulrich Junker	
Prioritized Defaults: Implementation by TMS and Application to Diagnosis

NL: Representation and Semantics

Padraig Cunningham and Tony Veale
Organizational Issues Arising from the Integration of Lexicon and Concept 
Network in a Text Understanding System

Mark Johnson
Logic and Feature Structures

L. Ardissono, L. Lesmo, P. Pogliano and P. Terenziani
Representation and Interpretation of Definite Noun Phrases

Stephen Busemann
Using Pattern-Action Rules for the Generation of GPSG Structures From 
MT-Oriented Semantics

LP: Logic Programming III

Kienchung Kuo 
Programming in Autoepistemic Logic

L. Thorne McCarty and Ron van der Meyden
Indefinite Reasoning with Definite Rules

Karen L. Kwast
The Incomplete Database

Mark Wallace
Compiling Integrity Checking into Update Procedures

AI Apps: Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Dinesh Gadwal, Jim E. Greer and Gordon I. McCalla	
UMRAO:  A Chess Endgame Tutor

Luigia Carlucci-Aiello, Marta Cialdea and Daniele Nardi	
Reasoning about Student Knowledge and Reasoning	

Tak-Wai Chan	
Integration-Kid:  A Learning Companion System		

William R. Murray	
An Endorsement-based Approach to Student Modeling for Planner-controlled Tutors

12:30-2pm:  Lunch


Panel 3:  AI and Design

ML: Case Based Learning

Diane J. Cook
The Base Selection Task in Analogical Planning

Scott Fertig and David H. Gelernter
FGP: A Software Architecture for Acquiring Knowledge from Cases

James P. Callan, Tom E. Fawcett and Edwina L. Rissland
Adaptive Case-Based Reasoning

KR: Nonmonotonic Reasoning - Circumscription

Nicolas Helft and Katsumi Inoue
Query Answering in Circumscription

Yves Moinard and Raymond Rolland
Circumscription and Definability

Zhaogang Qian and Keki B. Irani
Circumscribing Defaults

AR: Theorem Proving III

Robert Demolombe and Luis Farinas del Cerro	
An Inference Rule for Hypothesis Generation

Katsumi Inoue	
Consequence-Finding Based on Ordered Linear Resolution

Christoph Lingenfelder and Axel Pracklein
Proof Transformation with Built-in Equality Predicate

Arch: Distributed AI I

Sarit Kraus and Jonathan Wilkenfeld	
Negotiations over Time in A Multi Agent Environment: Preliminary Report

Piotr J. Gmytrasiewicz, Edmund H. Durfee and David K. Wehe
A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Coordination Multiagent Interactions

Munindar P. Singh	
Towards a Formal Theory of Communication for  Multiagent Systems

3:30-4pm:  Coffee


AI On Line

ML: Classification & Generalization

Floriana Esposito, Donato Malerba and Giovanni Semeraro
Flexible Matching for Noisy Structural Descriptions

Haym Hirsch
Theoretical Underpinnings of Version Spaces

Jacques Nicolas
Empirical Bias for Version Space

KR: Concept Languages, Inheritance Reasoning

Klaus Schild
A Correspondence Theory for Terminological Logics:  Preliminary Report

John Yen
Generalizing Term Subsumption Languages to Fuzzy Logic

David S. Touretzky, Richmond H. Thomason and John F. Horty
A Skeptic's Menagerie:  Conflictors, Preemptors, Reinstators, and Zombies 
in Nonmonotonic Inheritance

AR: Constraint Satisfaction

Collin, Rina Dechter, Katz	
On the Feasibility of Distributed Constraint Satisfaction

Yves Deville and Pascal van Hentenryck   	
Efficient Arc Consistency Algorithm for a Class of CSP Problems

Peter Cheeseman, Bob Kanefsky and Will Taylor	
Where the Really Hard Problems Are

QR: Reasoning under Uncertainty I

Yen-Teh Hsia
Characterizing Belief with Minimum Commitment

R. Kruse, E. Schwecke and F. Klawonn
On a Tool for Reasoning with Mass Distribution

Henry E. Kyburg, Jr.
Evidential Probability

Rob: Navigation

Stephen F. Peters, Shigeoki Hirai, Toru Omata and Tomomasa Sato
Planning Robot Control Parameter Values with Qualitative Reasoning

Patrick Stelmaszyk, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Saburo Tsuji
Mobile Robot Navigation by an Active Control of the Vision System

Matthew Barth, Hiroshi Ishiguro and Saburo Tsuji
Determining Robot Egomotion from Motion Parallax Observed by an Active Camera

5:30pm:  General Meeting

Friday, August 30, 1991

9-10am:  Invited Speaker 4 -  J. R. Quinlan

10-10:30am:  Coffee


AR: Planning III

Christer Backstrom and Inger Klein	
Parallel Non-Binary Planning in Polynomial Time

Tom Bylander	
Complexity Results for Planning

Dekang Lin and Randy Goebel
A Message Passing Algorithm for Plan Recognition

Fahiem Bacchus and Qiang Yang 	
The Downward Refinement Property

NL: Parsing and Morphology

Tsunenori Mine, Rin-ichiro Taniguchi and Makato Amamiya
Coordinative Parallel Morphological and Syntactical Analysis Method in 

Liang-Jyh Wang, Tzusheng Pei, Wei-Chuan Li and Lih-Ching R. Huang
A Parsing Method for Identifying Words in Mandarin Chinese Sentences

Harald Trost
X2MORF: A Morphological Component Based on Augmented Two-Level Morphology

Venu Dasigi
Parsing = Parsimonious Covering (Abduction in Logical Form Generation)

Arch: Connectionist & Parallel Rule Systems

Tony Plate
Holographic Reduced Representations:  Convolution Algebra for Compositional 
Distributed Representations

Andrew Sohn	
A Macro Actor/Token Implemetation of Production Systems on Data-Flow 

Steve Kuo and Dan Moldovan
Performance Comparison of Models for Multiple Rule Firing

Ian Nevill Robinson	
On Supporting Associative Access and Processing over Dynamic Knowledge Bases

Summary Session: IJCAI-91, Learning and Knowledge Acquisition 

Summary Session: KR'91, International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
                 Representation and Reasoning	

12:30-2pm:  Lunch


Panel 4: Massively Parallel Artificial Intelligence

ML: Knowledge Acquisition

Kathleen B. McKusick and Pat Langley
Constraints on Tree Structure in Concept Formation

Brian R. Gaines
An Interactive Visual Language for Term Subsumption Languages

Matthias Gutknecht
Cooperative Hybrid Systems

CM: Cognitive Modelling 2

N. Hari Narayanan and B. Chandrasekaran
Reasoning Visually about Spatial Interactions

Akira Shimaya and Isamu Yoroizawa
A Cognitive Model for Figure Segregation

W.K. Yeap, M.E. Jefferies and P.S. Naylor
An MFIS for Computing a Raw Cognitive Map

Summary Session: IJCAI-91, Automated Reasoning

Summary Session: International Symposium on AI and Mathematics

3:30-4pm:  Coffee


ML: Connectionist Models

Warren R. Becraft, Peter L. Lee and Robert B. Newell	
Integration of Neural Networks and Expert  Systems for Process Fault Diagnosis

Rangachari Anand, Kishan Mehrotra, Chilukuri K. Mohan and Sanjay Ranka
Analyzing Images Containing Multiple Sparse Patterns with Neural Networks

Selwyn Piramuthu
The Utility of Feature Construction for Back-Propagation

Arch: Distributed AI II

Hideyuki Nakashima, Stanley Peters and Hinrich Schutze	
Communication and Inference through Situations

David N. Kinny and Michael P. Georgeff	
Commitment and Effectiveness of Situated Agents

Takashi Nishiyama, Osamu Katai, Sosuke Iwai and Tetsuo Sawaragi	
Generating Integrated Interpretation of Partial Information Based on 
Distributed Qualitative Reasoning

QR: Reasoning under Uncertainty II

S.K.M. Wong, Pawan Lingras and Y.Y. Yao
Propagation of Preference Relations in Qualitative Inference Networks

Wilson Xun Wen and Andrew Jennings
Parallel Distributed Belief Networks That Learn

Summary Session: IJCAI-91, Natural Language

Summary Session: International Conference on Automated Deduction


AI Apps: Principles of AI Applications
AR: Automated Reasoning
Arch:  Architectures & Languages
CM: Cognitive Modelling
KR:  Knowledge Representation
LP:  Logic Programming
ML:  Machine Learning
NL:  Natural Language
QR:  Qualitative Reasoning
Rob:  Robotics
Vis:  Vision

End of NL-KR Digest