gjc@BUCSF.BU.EDU (George J. Carrette) (11/07/87)
the best guide is in Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. I have known more that one person who has taken the techniques directly and written interpreters for scheme in various assembly languages.
pattis@uw-june.UUCP (Richard Pattis) (11/08/87)
I was told that George Springer (at Indiana?) is writing an introduction to Scheme book that takes a more gentle approach to teaching the subject. Does anyone out there know how to contact him on the net? I'd be interested in hearing more about this project, and others like it. Rich Pattis
springer@IUVAX.CS.INDIANA.EDU (George Springer) (11/09/87)
George Springer can be reached with springer@iuvax.cs.indiana.edu He is writing a text that is being used by freshmen as an introductory course in programming. The first 11 weeks are spent in Scheme and the last four weeks introduce them to C. It is being used for the second year and seems to be successful. Notes for the course are being written and should be finished in a few months.