allen@BBN.COM (01/29/88)
we (bbn advanced computers) have implemented a version of scheme, based on MIT cscheme, for the butterfly multiprocessor. see our paper in the proceedings of aaai-87 -- "recent developments in butterfly lisp" by seth steinberg, larry stabile, and myself, for a description of the system. feel free to contact me if you have any questions not answered by the paper. /don allen
SGR@STONY-BROOK.SCRC.SYMBOLICS.COM (Stephen G. Rowley) (01/29/88)
Date: 27 Jan 88 18:25:02 GMT From: (FREDERICK C. FOWLER) Can anyone tell me if there are any versions of scheme designed for parallel processing? I've heard of something called Multi-Scheme, and I think that I saw a reference to a parallel Scheme in Computer Language, but that's all I've been able to find out. Here's the reference (and the author) for MultiScheme: Date: Wed, 14 Oct 87 16:13:06 EDT From: James Miller <jmiller%brandeis.csnet@RELAY.CS.NET> To: Scheme%MC.LCS.MIT.EDU@RELAY.CS.NET Subject: MultiScheme My dissertation, "MultiScheme: A Parallel Processing System Based on MIT Scheme," is available from the MIT Lab for Computer Science publications office (545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139), as MIT/LCS/TR-402. It reports on an implementation of Scheme extended to support the FUTURE construct and speculative computation. It has a number of examples showing relationships to: embedding logic variables in Scheme, McCarthy's AMB and fair merge, higher order streams processing, data-flow parallelism, and so forth. The current release of MIT CScheme contains a serial processor implementation of the work reported in the thesis. BBN's Butterfly Lisp product is based directly on the (truly parallel) implementation.