oz@yunexus.UUCP (Ozan Yigit) (04/10/88)
BIB/REFER Database on SCHEME The posting contains is a reasonable bibliography database on Scheme (a *crystal* in the muddy language landscape), in BIB/REFER format, containing 50 entries sorted by date and first author, for your perusal, corrections and enjoyment. I do not consider it complete nor correct, but I am posting it nevertheless to get some feedback, new entries, corrections etc. It is somewhat surprising that such a bib database has not been made available earlier, so I had to borrow + steal (:-) some entries from on-line documents, and did a lot of typing. In this database, I have tried to keep the entries very Scheme-specific, but I am not certain about some of the entries, as I have not yet been able to track them. [Speaking of *tracking references*, the most critical MIT tech reports are also the hardest to get a hold of... I still do not have a copy of the "RABBIT" report. I kinda wonder why MIT folks never put these tech reports into a collection book, and publish it thru MIT press. It would be a great service to the Scheme/Lisp community.] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Along with this posting, I am volunteering to keep this database up-to-date (hopefully with your help) for the benefit of this newsgroup. I will also a post pre-formatted version as well as a bibTeX version of the database once corrections and missing entries are in. [Please send all corrections, new entries, etc. via e-mail] ------------------------------------------------------------------- Happy Scheming... oz Usenet: ....utzoo!yunexus!oz ....!uunet!mnetor!yunexus!oz Bitnet: oz@[yulibra|yuyetti] Phonet: +1 416 736-5257x3976 -----cut here-----cut here-----cut here-----cut here----- #!/bin/sh # shar: Shell Archiver # Run the following text with /bin/sh to create: # scheme.bib # tags.doc # This archive created: Sun Apr 10 15:48:21 1988 echo shar: extracting scheme.bib '(9125 characters)' sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > scheme.bib XX XX%A John Reynolds XX%T Definitional Interpreters for Higher Order Programming Languages XX%J ACM Conference Proceedings XX%P 717-740 XX%I ACM XX%D 1972 XX XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%T Scheme: an Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 349 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D December 1975 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%T Lambda, the Ultimate Imperative XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 353 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D March 1976 XX%K imperative XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%T Lambda, the Ultimate Declarative XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 379 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D November 1976 XX%K declarative XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%T Debunking the ``Expensive Procedure Call'' Myth, or Procedure Call XXImplementations Considered Harmful, or LAMBDA, the Ultimate GOTO XX%J ACM Conference Proceedings XX%P 153-162 XX%I ACM XX%D 1977 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%T Macaroni is Better than Spaghetti XX%J Proceedings of the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and XXProgramming Languages XX%P 60-66 XX%O Special joint issue of SIGPLAN Notices 12(8) and SIGART Newsletter 64. XX%D August 1977 XX XX%A Mitchell Wand XX%T Continuation-Based Program Transformation Strategies XX%J Journal of the ACM XX%V 27 XX%N 1 XX%P 174-180 XX%D 1978 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%T The Revised Report on Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 452 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D January 1978 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%T Rabbit: a Compiler for Scheme XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory Technical Report 474 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D May 1978 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%T The Art of the Interpreter, or the Modularity Complex XX(parts zero, one, and two) XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 453 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D May 1978 XX%K modularity XX XX%A Drew McDermott XX%T An Efficient Environment Allocation Scheme in an Interpreter XXfor a Lexically-Scoped Lisp XX%J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference XX%P 154-162 XX%I The Lisp Conference, P.O. Box 487, Redwood Estates CA. XX%D 1980 XX%O Proceedings reprinted by ACM XX XX%A Steven S. Muchnick XX%A Uwe F. Pleban XX%T A Semantic Comparison of Lisp and Scheme XX%J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference XX%P 56-65 XX%I The Lisp Conference, P.O. Box 487, Redwood Estates CA. XX%D 1980 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%T Compiler Optimization Based on Viewing LAMBDA as RENAME + GOTO XX%B AI: An MIT Perspective XX%E Patrick Henry Winston XX%E Richard Henry Brown XX%I MIT Press XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D 1980 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%T The Dream of a Lifetime: a Lazy Variable Extent Mechanism XX%J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference XX%P 163-172 XX%I The Lisp Conference XX%D 1980 XX XX%A Mitchell Wand XX%T Continuation-Based Multiprocessing XX%J Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference XX%P 19-28 XX%I The Lisp Conference XX%D 1980 XX XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%T Design of a Lisp-based Processor XX%J CACM XX%V 23 XX%N 11 XX%P 628-645 XX%D November 1980 XX XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%A Jack Holloway XX%A Guy Lewis Steele, Jr. XX%A Alan Bell XX%T Scheme-79 - Lisp on a Chip XX%J IEEE Computer XX%V 14 XX%N 7 XX%P 10-21 XX%D July 1981 XX%I IEEE XX XX%A John Batali XX%A Edmund Goodhue XX%A Chris Hanson XX%A Howie Shrobe XX%A Richard M. Stallman XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%T The Scheme-81 Architecture - System and Chip XX%J Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI XX%P 69-77 XX%E Paul Penfield, Jr. XX%C Artech House, Dedham MA. XX%D 1982 XX%K scheme81 XX XX%A Peter Henderson XX%T Functional Geometry XX%J Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and XXFunctional Programming XX%P 179-187 XX%D 1982 XX XX%A Jonathan A. Rees XX%A Norman I. Adams XX%T T: A Dialect of Lisp or, LAMBDA: The Ultimate Software Tool XX%J Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and XXFunctional Programming XX%P 114-122 XX%D 1982 XX XX%A Carol Fessenden XX%A William Clinger XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%T Scheme 311 version 4 Reference Manual XX%R Computer Science Technical Report 137 XX%I Indiana University XX%D February 1983 XX%O Superceded by Computer Science Technical Report 153, 1985 XX XX%A William Clinger XX%T The Scheme 311 compiler: An Exercise in Denotational Semantics XX%J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and XXFunctional Programming XX%P 356-364 XX%D 1984 XX%K comp311 XX XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%A Eugene E. Kohlbecker XX%T Programming with Continuations XX%B Program Transformation and Programming Environments XX%P 263-274 XX%E P. Pepper XX%I Springer-Verlag XX%D 1984 XX XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%T Engines Build Process Abstractions XX%J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and XXFunctional Programming XX%P 18-24 XX%D 1984 XX XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Mitchell Wand XX%T Continuations and Coroutines XX%J Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and XXFunctional Programming XX%P 293-298 XX%D 1984 XX XX%A Jonathan A. Rees XX%A Norman I. Adams XX%A James R. Meehan XX%T The T manual, fourth edition XX%I Yale University Computer Science Department XX%D January 1984 XX XX%A Guillermo J. Rozas XX%T Liar, an Algol-like Compiler for Scheme XX%I S. B. Thesis, MIT Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer XXScience XX%D January 1984 XX XX%T MIT Scheme Manual, Seventh Edition XX%I Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D September 1984 XX XX%T MacScheme Reference Manual XX%I Semantic Microsystems XX%C Sausalito, Calif. XX%D 1985 XX XX%A Harold Abelson XX%A Gerald Jay Sussman XX%A Julie Sussman XX%T Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs XX%I MIT Press XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D 1985 XX%K sicp XX XX%A Amitabh Srivastava XX%A Don Oxley XX%A Aditya Srivastava XX%T An (other) Integration of Logic and Functional Programming XX%J Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic Programming XX%P 254-260 XX%I IEEE XX%D 1985 XX XX%E William Clinger XX%T The Revised Revised Report on Scheme, or An Uncommon Lisp XX%R MIT Artificial Intelligence Memo 848 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%O Also published as Computer Science Department Technical Report 174, XXIndiana University, June 1985. XX%D August 1985 XX%K rrrs XX XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%T Constraining Control XX%J Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Principles of XXProgramming Languages XX%P 245-254 XX%I ACM XX%D January 1985 XX XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%A Eugene E. Kohlbecker XX%A Mitchell Wand XX%T Scheme 84 Interim Reference Manual XX%R Computer Science Technical Report 153 XX%I Indiana University XX%D January 1985 XX%K scheme84 XX XX%T TI Scheme Language Reference Manual XX%I Texas Instruments, Inc. XX%O Preliminary version 1.0 XX%D November 1985 XX XX%A Michael A. Eisenberg XX%T Bochser: An Integrated Scheme Programming System XX%R MIT Computer Science Technical Report 349 XX%C Cambridge, Mass. XX%D October 1985 XX%K bochser XX XX%A David H. Bartley XX%A John C. Jensen XX%T The Implementation of PC Scheme XX%J Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp XXand Functional Programming XX%P 86-93 XX%D 1986 XX%K pcscheme XX XX%A R. Kent Dybvig XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%T Expansion-Passing style: Beyond Conventional Macros XX%J Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and XXFunctional Programming XX%P 143-150 XX%D 1986 XX XX%A Marc Feeley XX%A Guy LaPalme XX%T Closure Generation based on viewing LAMBDA as EPSILON plus COMPILE XX%O Submitted for Publication. Not yet available. XX%D 1986 XX XX%A Matthias Felleisen XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%T A Closer Look At Export and Import Statements XX%J Computer Languages XX%V 11 XX%N 1 XX%P 29-37 XX%I Pergamon Press XX%D 1986 XX XX%A Matthias Felleisen XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Eugene E. Kohlbecker XX%A Bruce Duba XX%T Reasoning with Continuations XX%J Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic in Computer Science XX%P 131-141 XX%I IEEE Computer Society Press XX%C Washigton DC XX%D 1986 XX XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Mitchell Wand XX%T Obtaining Coroutines With Continuations XX%J Computer Languages XX%V 11 XX%N 3/4 XX%P 143-153 XX%I Pergamon Press XX%D 1986 XX XX%A Mitchell Wand XX%T From Interpreter to Compiler: A Representational Derivation XX%B Programs as Data Objects XX%I Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes XX%D 1986 XX XX%A Eugene E. Kohlbecker XX%T Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp XX%I PhD thesis, Indiana University XX%D August 1986 XX XX%A Christopher T. Haynes XX%T Logic Continuations XX%J Proceedings of the Third International Conference on XXLogic Programming XX%P 671-685 XX%I Springer-Verlag XX%D Jul 1986 XX XX%A David Kranz XX%A Richard Kelsey XX%A Jonathan A. Rees XX%A Paul Hudak XX%A James Philbin XX%A Norman I. Adams XX%T Orbit: An Optimizing Compiler for Scheme XX%T Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler XXConstruction XX%P 219-233 XX%I ACM XX%O Published as SIGPLAN Notices 21(7), July 1986 XX%D June 1986 XX%K orbit XX XX%A Marc Feeley XX%T Deux Approches a' L'implantation du Language Scheme XX%I M.Sc. Thesis, De'partement d'Informatique et de Recherche XXOpe'rationelle, University of Montreal XX%D May 1986 XX XX%A R. Kent Dybvig XX%T The Scheme Programming Language XX%I Prentice-Hall, Inc. XX%C Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey XX%D 1987 XX%K splang XX XX%A Marc Feeley XX%A Guy LaPalme XX%T Using Cloures for Code Generation XX%J Computer Languages XX%V 12 XX%N 1 XX%P 47-66 XX%I Pergamon Press XX%D 1987 XX XX%A Daniel P. Friedman XX%A Matthias Felleisen XX%T The Little LISPer XX%I MIT Press XX%D Trade Edition 1987 XX%K littlelisper SHAR_EOF if test 9125 -ne "`wc -c scheme.bib`" then echo shar: error transmitting scheme.bib '(should have been 9125 characters)' fi echo shar: extracting tags.doc '(422 characters)' sed 's/^XX//' << \SHAR_EOF > tags.doc XXBIB (UofArizona) Field Tags XX XX%A - Author's name XX%B - Title of the book containing item XX%C - City of publication XX%D - Date XX%E - Editor(s) of book containing item XX%F - Caption XX%G - Government (NTIS) ordering number XX%I - Issuer (publisher) XX%J - Journal name XX%K - Keys for searching XX%N - Issue number XX%O - Other information XX%P - Page(s) of article XX%R - Technical report number XX%S - Series title XX%T - Title XX%V - Volume number SHAR_EOF if test 422 -ne "`wc -c tags.doc`" then echo shar: error transmitting tags.doc '(should have been 422 characters)' fi # End of shell archive exit 0 -- ... and they will all Usenet: [decvax|ihnp4]!utzoo!yunexus!oz bite the dust ... ......!seismo!mnetor!yunexus!oz comprehensively. ... Bitnet: oz@[yusol|yulibra|yuyetti] Archbishop Tutu Phonet: +1 416 736-5257 x 3976