NIKHIL@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU (Rishiyur S. Nikhil) (09/14/88)
Here is a ``must read'' bibliography for those interested in modern implementations of functional languages. Apologies for any omissions. Nikhil -------- CUT HERE ------------------ @inProceedings{ Appel87a, key = "Appel, Andrew", author = "Appel, Andrew and MacQueen, David B.", title = "A Standard ML Compiler", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, Portland, Oregon", year = 1987, month = "September", note = "Springer-Verlag LNCS 274", annote = "Functional languages" } @inProceedings{ Argo88a, key = "Argo, Guy", author = "Argo, Guy", title = "The G-TIM: a refined Three Instruction Machine", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Implementation of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)", month = "September 5-8", year = 1988, annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Augustsson84, key = "Augustsson, Lennart", author = "Augustsson, Lennart", title = "A Compiler for Lazy ML", booktitle = "Proc. 1984 ACM Conf. on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin, Texas", organization = ACM, year = 1984, month = "August", pages = "218-227", annote = "Lambda-lifting, Super-Combinators" } @inProceedings{ Augustsson85, key = "Augustsson, Lennart", author = "Augustsson, Lennart", title = "Compiling Pattern Matching", booktitle = "Proc. 1985 Workshop on Implementations of Functional Languages, Goteborg, Sweden", organization = "Chalmers University of Technology", year = 1985, month = "February", annote = "Lambda-lifting, Super-Combinators, ML" } @PhDThesis{ Augustsson87a, key = "Augustsson, Lennart", author = "Augustsson, Lennart", title = "Compiling Lazy Functional Languages, Part II", school = "Department of Computer Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", year = 1987, annote = "LML, G-Machine, graph reduction" } @inProceedings{ Augustsson88a, key = "Augustsson, Lennart", author = "Augustsson, Lennart", title = "The nu G-machine", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Implementation of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)", month = "September 5-8", year = 1988, annote = "Parallel Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Bloss88a, key = "Bloss, Adrienne", author = "Bloss, Adrienne and Hudak, Paul and Young, Jonathan", title = "Code Optimizations for Lazy Evaluation", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Implementation of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)", month = "September 5-8", year = 1988, annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Burn88a, key = "Burn, Geoffrey L.", author = "Burn, Geoffrey L.", title = "{A Shared Memory Parallel G-machine Based on the Evaluation Transformer Model of Computation}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Implementation of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)", month = "September 5-8", year = 1988, annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Burn88b, key = "Burn, Geoffrey L.", author = "Burn, Geoffrey L.", title = "{Developing a Distributed Memory Architecture for Parallel Graph Reduction}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Implementation of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)", month = "September 5-8", year = 1988, annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Burn88c, key = "Burn, Geoffrey L.", author = "Burn, Geoffrey L., {Peyton Jones}, Simon L. and Robson, J.D.", title = "{The Spineless G-Machine", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Snowbird, Utah", month = "July 25-27", year = 1988, annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Cardelli84d, key = "Cardelli, Luca", author = "Cardelli, Luca", title = "Compiling a Functional Language", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin, Texas", year = "1984", month = "August 6-8", pages = "208-217", annote = "ML" } @inProceedings{ Clack86a, key = "Clack, Chris", author = "Clack, Chris and Peyton-Jones, Simon L.", title = "The Four-Stroke Reduction Engine", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Cambridge, Mass.", year = 1986, month = "August 4-6", pages = "220-232", annote = "parallel graph reduction" } @article{ Cousineau87, key = "Cousineau, G and Curien, Pierre-Louis and Mauny, Michel", author = "Cousineau, G and Curien, Pierre-Louis and Mauny, Michel", title = "The Categorical Abstract Machine", journal = "Science of Computer Programming", volume = 8, year = "1987", pages = "173-202", annote = "ML, CAM, Categorical Combinators" } @inProceedings{ Fairbairn85, key = "Fairbairn, Jon", author = "Fairbairn, Jon", title = "Removing Redundant Laziness from Supercombinators", booktitle = "Proc. 1985 Workshop on Implementations of Functional Languages, Goteborg, Sweden", organization = "Chalmers University of Technology", year = 1985, month = "February", annote = "Ponder, strictness, lazy evaluation" } @inProceedings{ Fairbairn87a, key = "Fairbairn87, Jon", author = "Fairbairn, Jon and Wray, Stuart C.", title = "TIM: A Simple, Lazy Abstract Machine to Execute Supercombinators", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 1987 Functional Programming and Computer Architecture Conference, Portland, Oregon", year = 1987, month = "September", pages = "34-45", annote = "non-strictness, continuations" } @inProceedings{ Goldberg86, key = "Goldberg86, Benjamin and Hudak, Paul", author = "Goldberg, Benjamin and Hudak, Paul", title = "Alfalfa: Distributed Graph Reduction on a Hypercube Multiprocessor", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the Workshop on Graph Reduction, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, (Springer-Verlag LNCS 279).}", year = 1986, month = "September/October", pages = "94-113" } @inProceedings{ Goldberg88a, key = "Goldberg, Benjamin", author = "Goldberg, Benjamin", title = "Buckwheat: Graph Reduction on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Snowbird, Utah}", year = 1988, month = "July 25-27", pages = "40-51" } @PhDThesis{ Goldberg88a, key = "Goldberg, Benjamin", author = "Goldberg, Benjamin", title = "Multiprocessor Execution of Functional Programs", school = "Department of Computer Science, Yale University", year = 1988, annote = "Scheme, T" } @inProceedings{ Halstead84a, key = "Halstead, Robert H.", author = "Halstead, Robert H.", title = "Implementation of Multilisp: Lisp on a Multiprocessor", booktitle = "Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, Austin, Texas", year = "1984", month = "August 6-8", pages = "9-17", annote = "Scheme" } @inProceedings{ Hughes82, key = "Hughes,R.J.M.", author = "Hughes,R.J.M.", title = "Super-Combinators", booktitle = "Proc. 1982 ACM Symp. on Lisp and Functional Programming, Pittsburgh, PA", organization = "ACM", year = 1982, month = "August", pages = "1-10", annote = "Graph Reduction, functional languages" } @article{ Johnsson84, key = "Johnsson,T.", author = "Johnsson,T.", title = "Efficient Compilation of Lazy Evaluation", journal = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices", volume = 19, number = 6, year = 1984, month = "June", pages = "58-69", note = "Proc. ACM SIGPLAN '84 Symposium on Compiler Construction", annote = "ML, lambda-lifting, super-combinators, G-machine" } @inProceedings{ Johnsson85, key = "Johnsson, Thomas", author = "Johnsson, Thomas", title = "Lambda Lifting: Transforming Programs to Recursive Equations", booktitle = "Springer-Verlag LNCS 201 (Proc. Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, Nancy, France)", year = "1985", month = "September", annote = "ML, super-combinators, G-machine" } @inProceedings{ Johnsson86a, key = "Johnsson86, Thomas", author = "Johnsson, Thomas", title = "Target Code Generation from G-Machine Code", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Graph Reduction, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, (Springer-Verlag LNCS 279).", note = "(also Programming Methodology Group Report 39, Department of Computer Science, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Goteborg, S-421 96 Goteborg, Sweden)", year = "1986", month = "September/October", annote = "LML, functional languages" } @PhDThesis{ Johnsson88a, key = "Johnsson, Thomas", author = "Johnsson, Thomas", title = "Compiling Lazy Functional Languages", school = "Department of Computer Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology", address = "Goteborg, Sweden", year = 1987, annote = "LML, G-Machine, graph reduction" } @article{ Kranz86a, key = "Kranz86, David", author = "Kranz, David and Kelsey, R. and Rees, Jonathan and Hudak, Paul and Philbin, J. and Adams, N.", title = "{ORBIT: An Optimizing Compiler for Scheme}", journal = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices", year = 1986, volume = 21, number = 7, pages = "219-233", month = "July", note= "(Proceedings of the {SIGPLAN} 86 Symposium on Compiler Construction)", annote = "Lisp, functional languages" } @PhDThesis{ Kranz88a, key = "Kranz, David", author = "Kranz, David", title = "ORBIT: An Optimizing Compiler for Scheme", school = "Department of Computer Science, Yale University", year = 1988, annote = "Scheme, T" } @article{ Landin64, key = "Landin, Peter J.", author = "Landin, Peter J.", title = "The Mechanical Evaluation of Languages", journal = "Computer Journal", volume = 6, number = 4, year = 1964, month = "January", pages = "308-320", annote = "ISWIM, applicative languages, SECD machines" } @inProceedings{ Peyton-Jones85, key = "Peyton Jones, Simon L.", author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L. and Clack,C. and Harris,N.", title = "GRIP - a Parallel Graph Reduction Machine", booktitle = "Proc. 1985 Workshop on Implementations of Functional Languages, Goteborg, Sweden", organization = "Chalmers University of Technology", year = 1985, month = "February", annote = "Combinators" } @Book{ Peyton-Jones87a, key = "Peyton Jones87, Simon L.", author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L." title = "The Implementation of Functional Programming Languages", publisher = "Prentice Hall", year = 1987, annote = "Combinators, G-Machine" } @inProceedings{ Peyton-Jones87b, key = "Peyton Jones87, Simon L. and Clack, Chris and Salkild, Jon and Hardie, Mark ", author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L. and Clack, Chris and Salkild, Jon and Hardie, Mark ", title = "{GRIP -- A High Performance Architecture for Parallel Graph Reduction}", booktitle = "{Proceedings of the 3rd. International Conference on Functional Programming and Computer Architecture, Portland, Oregon}", year = "1987", month = "September", annote = "Combinators, G-Machine" } @misc{ Peyton-Jones87c, key = "Peyton Jones, Simon L.", author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L.", title = "{The tag is dead -- long live the packet}", month = "October 22", year = 1987, note = "Note to FP e-mailing list", annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @article{ Peyton-Jones88a, key = "Peyton Jones, Simon L.", author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L.", title = "{FLIC --- a Functional Language Intermediate Code}", journal = "ACM SIGPLAN Notices", volume = 23, number = 8, year = 1988, month = "August", pages = "30-48", note = "Also: Internal Note 2048, Department of Computer Science, University College London, Gower St., London WC1E 6BT", annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @inProceedings{ Peyton-Jones88b, key = "Peyton Jones, Simon L.", author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L.", title = "{The Spineless Tagless G-machine}", booktitle = "Proceedings of the Workshop on Implementation of Lazy Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)" month = "September 5-8", year = 1988, annote = "Graph Reduction, Lambda Calculus" } @techreport{ Steele78c, key = "{Steele Jr.}, Guy Lewis", author = "{Steele Jr.}, Guy Lewis", title = "{RABBIT: A Compiler for SCHEME}", institution = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology Artificial Intelligence Laboratory", year = 1978, month = "May", number = "AI-TR-474", address = "Cambridge, MA", annote = "Lisp, functional languages" } @techReport{ Traub86, key = "Traub86, Kenneth R.", author = "Traub, Kenneth R.", title = "A Compiler for the MIT Tagged-Token Dataflow Architecture", institution = "MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139", number = "LCS TR-370", year = "1986", month = "August", school = "(Master's Thesis, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, MIT)", annote = "Functional Languages, Id" } @PhdThesis{ Traub88a, key = "Traub88, Kenneth R.", author = "Traub, Kenneth R.", title = "Sequential Implementation of Lenient Programming Languages", school = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology", year = "1988", month = "May", note = "Also: TR-417, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, 545 Technology Square, Cambridge, MA 02139", annote = "Functional Languages, Id" } ------- (Mitchell N Charity) (09/15/88)
There were some typos in the functional language bibliography. ...!mit-eddie!mit-athena!mcharity *** old Wed Sep 14 17:37:59 1988 --- new Wed Sep 14 17:48:56 1988 *************** *** 33 **** ! organization = ACM, --- 33 ---- ! organization = "ACM", *************** *** 117,118 **** ! author = "Burn, Geoffrey L., {Peyton Jones}, Simon L. and Robson, J.D.", ! title = "{The Spineless G-Machine", --- 117,118 ---- ! author = "Burn, Geoffrey L. and {Peyton Jones}, Simon L. and Robson, J.D.", ! title = "{The Spineless G-Machine}", *************** *** 216 **** ! Goldberg88a, --- 216 ---- ! Goldberg88b, *************** *** 366 **** ! author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L." --- 366 ---- ! author = "{Peyton Jones}, Simon L.", *************** *** 419 **** ! Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)" --- 419 ---- ! Functional Languages, Aspenas, Sweden (to appear)",