maeda@MCC.COM (Christopher Maeda) (10/20/88)
From: HANCHE%NORUNIT.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU Date: 19 October 1988, 16:51:25 ECT From: Harald Hanche-Olsen +47-7-593525 HANCHE at NORUNIT To: (I suppose this should be sent directly to Jonathan Dubman who asked the question, but my mailer would not accept his monstrous address...) To: apple!bionet!agate!!128a-3aj@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU [...] Wasn't there a 6.001 problem set on this? Can't we just send the sources to this guy and be done with it?
Date: 19 October 1988, 16:51:25 ECT From: Harald Hanche-Olsen +47-7-593525 HANCHE at NORUNIT To: (I suppose this should be sent directly to Jonathan Dubman who asked the question, but my mailer would not accept his monstrous address...) To: apple!bionet!agate!!128a-3aj@BLOOM-BEACON.MIT.EDU Jonathan had problems with allowing his objects to refer to themselves. His objects are defined by lambda expressions, so I can't think of any reason why the following would not work: (define (make-player ...) (letrec ((self (lambda (...) <body of player>))) self)) or something like it. In <body of player> you can use self to denote *this* player, like in (present-room 'move self 'north) - Harald Hanche-Olsen