(Donal O'Mahony - (06/01/89)
Having used X-Lisp for a while, I moved over to TI-Scoops. There are two very annoying defects in that implementation of OOP. 1) SCOOPS objects don't have a SELF instance variable. I had to get around this by redefininng SEND to do a FLUID-LET on the symbol SELF before sending the message, but this is both ugly and slow. 2) There is no SEND-SUPER primitive - this means that super-classes methods must be completely overridden, rather than extended which removes a lot of the benefits of having inheritance in the first place. A slightly less annoying feature is that the arguments to SEND are evaluated in the environment of the object begin sent-to rather than in the calling environment i.e. (let ((a 1)) (send an-object (+ a 1))) will bomb-out due to 'a' not being defined in an-object's environment. Has anybody got good solutions to the above? -- _______________________________________________________________________ Donal O'Mahony Computer Science Dept., Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland _______________________________________________________________________