WHAT IS THE TASK FORCE ON EXPERT SYSTEMS? The IEEE Computer Society announces the formation of a Task Force on Expert Systems Applications. The purpose of the Task Force is to support interest in the development and use of expert systems applications. The IEEE Computer Society, which has over 100,000 members worldwide, authorized the creation of the Task Force at a meeting of its Technical Activities Board (TAB) held March 2nd in San Francisco, CA. The objectives of the Task Force are to improve the abilities of organizations and individuals to work with expert systems technologies. The Task Force will sponsor activities at the national and international levels, but also support local events. The Task Force will publish a newsletter, exchange electronic mail, provide speakers for conferences, organize tutorials, symposiums, and convene meetings on standards either on its own initiative or jointly with other IEEE Computer Society functions. The Importance of Expert Systems MIS and end users are experiencing an explosion of interest and activity in expert systems applications in almost all sectors of business, government, and education. This is taking place due to the wide distribution of expert system shells on personal computers and workstations. It is a remarkable change in the field of artificial intelligence in which developers usually rely on specialized computer platforms and programming languages. Expert systems are the most mature and resilient products to emerge from the AI community, and they are being adopted by corporations and government departments to improve productivity. They are doing this because the applications of expert systems to specific knowledge intensive systems return high yields. Success stories for expert systems are more common now than two years ago. A current estimate is there are 2,000 operational expert systems and 80% of them on running on personal computers. The Value of the Task Force The greatest value which will be derived from participating in the Task Force will come from regular discussions among Task Force participants. In some ways, this will resemble the informal interactions of a user group. In other ways it will compliment many of the professional activities of the IEEE Computer Society. Within these broad themes, there are many diverse interests, including business activities such as banking and finance, manufacturing and service functions, medical practice, government functions, including the military, and education. These interests will be addressed through locally sponsored and nationally significant activities including conferences, workshops, lectures, a newsletter, and other appropriate mechanisms. Membership All meetings of the Task Force are be open to the public and will be announced ahead of time in the news media. Anyone who has an interest in the objectives of the Task Force is invited to attend its functions and participate in its activities. Membership in the IEEE Computer Society is not required to attend our meetings. Since the Task Force is oriented toward development and use of expert systems applications, we expect and encourage the interest of vendors of computer hardware, software, and services. Future activities of the Task Force will be developed consistent with the goals and objectives of the IEEE Computer Society. For additional information, call Dan Yurman, Chairman, at 202-475-6754 9-5 EST. MCI Mail: 364-1277 Mailing address: ----------------------------- Task Force on Expert Systems c/o TAB Coordinator IEEE Computer Society 1730 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036. IEEE Computer Society Task Force on Expert Systems Roles & Responsibilities Chair: This role is responsible for leadership and technical direction of the Task Force. The Chair maintains the vitality of the group by coordinating activities such as speakers, seminars, conferences, workshops, tutorials, workgroups on standards, and communications with members including newsletters and electronic mail. The Chair appoints the other leadership figures of the Task Force. Dan Yurman, Chairman Information Management Staff Office of Solid Waste & Emergency Response U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 401 M St., SW; (OS-110) Washington, DC 20460 202-475-6754 Vice-Chairs: The Chair appoints Vice-Chairs for the purpose of carrying out functions of the Task Force. All Vice Chairs receive logistical support from the IEEE Computer Society's administration office which is located in Washington, DC. Vice-Chairs are responsible for recruiting volunteers to carry out their responsibilities. Vice-Chairs are delegated the authority to appoint such committee chairs as may be needed, e.g. newsletter editor, workshop convener, etc. Communications: Responsible for all communications with members, the public, and other professional societies. Develops and publishes a newsletter, establishes electronic mail exchange, and sustains publicity for Task Force Events. Keeps a record of all meetings. Serves as a point of contact with IEEE Expert magazine and IEEE Computer magazine. Sandra Hoffman, Vice Chair for Communications Systems Analyst Congressional Budget Office 2nd & D, SW; Room 450 Washington, DC 20515 202-226-2886 Meetings: Responsible for developing a program of meetings featuring speakers on topics of interest to the membership. Works with other Vice- Chairs to handle local arrangements. Establishes working groups for tutorials and seminars on significant topics. Randy Manner, Vice Chair for Meetings Manager - Expert Systems Group American Management Systems 1777 N. Kent St. Arlington, VA 22209 703-841-6849 Conferences: This Vice-Chair has a liaison role for the IEEE Computer Society "Expert Systems in Government" Conference, and for other IEEE Computer Society conferences which emphasize applications of artificial intelligence and expert systems. Also, this Vice Chair is responsible for coordinating the working relationship of the Task Force with conferences on expert systems sponsored by other professional societies. Jerry Feinstein, Vice Chair for Conferences Vice President Phase-Linear Systems/ICF 9300 Lee Highway Fairfax, VA 22031 703-934-3280 Standards: Develops working groups composed of users, industry, and academia to address issues related to hardware or software standards for expert systems applications. Captain Dave Howell, Vice Chair for Standards Artificial Intelligence Program Management Office U.S. Air Force Logistics Command HQ AFLC/MM-AI Wright Patterson AFB, Ohio 45433 513-257-2571 Industry Relations: Establishes and maintains communications with hardware and software vendors, developers, and other commercial as well as not-for-profit providers of expert systems applications. Provides for demonstration or poster sessions on the latest technological developments. Joseph Schmuller, Vice Chair for Industry Relations Senior Knowledge Engineer CDM Federal Programs Corp. 13135 Lee Jackson Highway Fairfax, VA 22033 703-968-0900 Treasurer: Responsible for keeping track of Task Force finances, for fund raising including setting up a means to cover costs, and solicitations of "in kind" contributions. Vacant Membership: Responsible for developing and implementing a membership recruitment campaign for the Task Force working at the national level. Works with other Vice-Chairs to carry out these functions. Establishes and maintains liaison with IEEE Computer Society Chapters and Area Activities Boards as well as other Task Forces and Technical Committees. Vacant Task Force on Expert Systems c/o TAB Coordinator IEEE Computer Society 1730 Massachusetts Ave. NW Washington, DC 20036 --------------------------- Membership Mailing List and Activity Preference NOTE: If you can't wait for the mail, call a Vice Chair and volunteer today! Please complete this form and return it to: Dan Yurman, Chair Task Force on Expert Systems c/o US EPA (OS-110) 401 M St., SW Washington, DC 20460 Ph: 202-475-6754 Please provide any suggestions or comments in the margins of the paper. Thank you. Name:________________________________________________________ Title:_______________________________________________________ Organization:________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ City:________________________________________________________ State: ______ ZIP:__________ Daytime Phone: ______ ______ ____________ Electronic mail:_____________________________________________ Please indicate the activities you would like to volunteer your time and talents. You will be contacted soon. You do not have to be a member of the IEEE Computer Society to participate in the activities of the Task Force on Expert Systems. At this time there is no charge to be placed on our mailing list. Within the next six months there may be a nominal dues charge to continue to receive these materials.