[comp.lang.scheme] Fun. vs. Logic

dorai@titan.rice.edu (Dorai Sitaram) (11/20/89)

	I have cross-posted to comp.lang.scheme. If there is lack of
interest in comp.lang.prolog (since I have digressed from the
subject-line "Fun. vs. Logic"), you may consider restricting
distribution to comp.lang.scheme. Here goes...

In article <11610@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> markv@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Mark T Vandewettering) writes:
>In article <11500018@hpldola.HP.COM> patch@hpldola.HP.COM (Pat Chkoreff) writes:
>>These detract from the
>>value of a Prolog program as a mathematical specification.  The only impure
>>constructs I've seen in functional programming are exceptions and
>>destructive assignment, and these are very rarely used. 
>AIIIGH!  The horror!  ASSIGNMENT?
>Exceptions are not necessarily a non-functional construct, it is
>relatively simple to design a moderately effective exception handling
>mechanism if you adopt a language in which continuations are first
>Destructive assigment is an atrocity, and totally against the spirit of
>functional programming, neatly messing up lots of nice properties.  I am
>for a language without the crutch of assignment.

I have two questions for you, as I consider both continuations and
assignment imperative, i.e., extrafunctional features. (I use
"extrafunctional" non-pejoratively, since I have been caught using
said features without qualms. :-])

@ Why are exceptions (and continuations) "not necessarily
  non-functional"? I'd like to know the metric you use to judge

@ If, by your definition of "functionalness," continuations turn out to
  be functional, then why are assignments denied the same privilege?

In other words, what are the nice properties of "functionalness" that
are violated by assignment but preserved by adding first-class
continuations. (I concur with you that continuations and assignment
affect a functional language in remarkably different ways: which is
but natural, since they are two distinct extensions to the base

>Two features of Prolog are particularly outstanding: backtracking, and
>logic variables.  ...
>Each family have interesting strengths, and provide a rich environment
>for future research.  In particular, I believe these two families
>provide the most hope for effective parallel implementation.

It is probably only moderately well-known that a functional language
with extrafunctional facilities like assignment and continuations can
fairly easily embed (note: "embed" is better than "model") a logic
programming language with extralogical facilities such as Prolog. The
literature on this subject (i.e., embedding only, _not_ suggested
combinations of log+fun, which are rife) is confined to two short but
interesting papers, one by Chris Haynes and the other by Matthias
Felleisen, and probably one by Srivastava, Oxley & Srivastava which I
haven't seen.  It might be interesting to see if the gulf has been
bridged from the other side, i.e., embedding (functional + assignment
+ continuations) in a (logic + cut) language.

It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
It may be we shall touch the Happy Isles.

markv@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Mark T Vandewettering) (11/20/89)

In article <3055@brazos.Rice.edu> dorai@titan.rice.edu (Dorai Sitaram) writes:

	My claim originally was:

>>Exceptions are not necessarily a non-functional construct, it is
>>relatively simple to design a moderately effective exception handling
>>mechanism if you adopt a language in which continuations are first

	Imagine all applications have not just and operator and an
operand, but also a continuation.  The result of application is the
result of applying the continuation to the result of applying the
operator to the operand.  This is the basic notion of a continuation
passing language.

What particular feature of this is non-functional?  The flow of control
is a bit more convoluted, and analysis of such programs may be more
difficult, but I fail to see any reason to toss out such constructs.
Continuations are no more complicated or unfunctional that higher order

My formal background is weak however.  Anyone else have some good ideas?

>@ If, by your definition of "functionalness," continuations turn out to
>  be functional, then why are assignments denied the same privilege?

Assignments destroy potential parallelism by introducing context
dependance.  A simple substitution semantics provides a wide variety of
sites where expression reduction might occur.  The only requirement is
that all inputs to a (strict) function be present before application can

When assignment is allowed, potential parallelism is lost because the
meaning of the program changes dependant on the current value of the
variable.  Referential transparency is a very useful property.

I have been informal in my description of what I perceive to be as a
functional language.  Roughly, I would say that something evaluated
according to a simple substitution style semantics would be functional.
It is my belief that continuations can be well understood in this
framework.  I would like to hear examples or counterexamples of course.


gateley@m2.csc.ti.com (John Gateley) (11/21/89)

In article <11632@phoenix.Princeton.EDU> markv@phoenix.Princeton.EDU (Mark T Vandewettering) writes:
>My formal background is weak however.  Anyone else have some good ideas?
>[on why continuations are non-functional]

I have seen a combination of continuations and letrec (I'm using Scheme)
which created an object with state (i.e. non-referentially transparent).

I didn't look at it closely enough to determine if it was because of
the implementation of letrec (which uses side effects), or the definition
(based on Y).
