[comp.lang.scheme] X bindings in Scheme long

net@TUB.BITNET (Oliver Laumann) (02/01/90)

> Actually, what I'd like is Xt (or, even better, Motif) from Scheme. It
> would be even better to be able to write widgets in Scheme!  The problem
> is that the architecture of Xt involves a lot of callbacks, and,
> generally (unless you're using the DECWRL compiler) you can't call
> Scheme from C.

The `Elk' Scheme interpreter provides an interface to the Motif widget
set.  It allows you to interactively `explore' the Motif widgets.

Here is a small example program that allows you to set up and use Motif
pulldown, popup, and option menus:

;;; -*-Scheme-*-

(define (create-menu type parent args)
  (define grand-parent (widget-parent parent))
  (if (and (not (eq? grand-parent 'none))
           (eq? (widget-class grand-parent) (find-class 'menu-shell)))
      (set! parent grand-parent))
  (let ((shell (create-popup-shell (find-class 'menu-shell)
                                   parent 'width 100 'height 100)))
    (apply create-widget (find-class 'row-column) shell
                         'row-column-type type args)))

(define (create-popup-menu parent . args)
  (create-menu 'menu-popup parent args))

(define (create-pulldown-menu parent . args)
  (create-menu 'menu-pulldown parent args))

(define (create-option-menu parent . args)
    (apply create-managed-widget (find-class 'row-column) parent
                                 'row-column-type 'menu-option args))

(define (create-cascade-pulldown parent pulldown . args)
  (let ((button (create-managed-widget (find-class 'cascade-button) parent)))
    (set-values! button 'sub-menu-id pulldown)
    (apply set-values! button args)

(define (menu-add-item! type menu args)
  (let ((item (create-managed-widget (find-class type) menu)))
    (apply set-values! item args)

(define (menu-add-label! menu . args)
  (menu-add-item! 'label menu args))

(define (menu-add-separator! menu . args)
  (menu-add-item! 'separator menu args))

(define (menu-add-button! menu . args)
  (menu-add-item! 'push-button menu args))


The following is a small example how you would use the above module to
create a popup menu:


(require 'motif)
(load-widgets shell row-column cascade-button push-button label separator
(load 'menu-stuff)

(define con (create-context))
(define dpy (initialize-display con #f 'popup 'demo))
(define top (create-shell 'popup 'demo (find-class 'application-shell) dpy))

(define w (create-managed-widget (find-class 'drawing-area) top))
(set-values! w 'width 350 'height 100)

(define menu (create-popup-menu w 'which-button 1))

(menu-add-label! menu 'label-string "Popup menu" 'font-list "9x15")
(menu-add-separator! menu)
(menu-add-button! menu 'label-string "item 1")
(menu-add-button! menu 'label-string "item 2")
(menu-add-button! menu 'label-string "item 3")
(menu-add-separator! menu)
(define quit-button (menu-add-button! menu 'label-string "quit"))

(add-callback quit-button 'activate-callback (lambda args (exit)))

(popup-menu-attach-to! menu w)

(realize-widget top)
(context-main-loop con)


If you have any questions about Elk drop me a letter.

Oliver Laumann     net@TUB.BITNET     net@tub.cs.tu-berlin.de     net@tub.UUCP

mayer@hplabsz.HPL.HP.COM (Niels Mayer) (02/02/90)

>> Actually, what I'd like is Xt (or, even better, Motif) from Scheme. It
>> would be even better to be able to write widgets in Scheme!  The problem
>> is that the architecture of Xt involves a lot of callbacks, and,
>> generally (unless you're using the DECWRL compiler) you can't call
>> Scheme from C.

Well it's not quite scheme, but....

WINTERP is similar to Elk, but is based on XLISP. It features XLISP
OOP interface to the Motif widgets; a serverized lisp listener that
handles lisp events and X events simultanously; allows fully
interactive language-based or direct manipulation of widgets.  WINTERP
is designed to provide a gnuemacs-like rapid prototyping environment,
and XLISP makes it easy to call LISP-->C or C-->LISP. 

The OOP style of widget programming enabled by winterp is quite nifty
as it lets you subclass widgets in Lisp, override methods, or add new
methods. For an example, I've included a simple file-search browser
that is built off of the unix grep(1) and a subclassed Motif list
widget... other other examples include a bitmap browser that sets
your rootmap, a mh-based mail browser, menus, etc.

Get winterp from contrib/clients/winterp on the X11r4 tape-2 (be sure
to get contrib/R4fixes/winterp/patch-0), or get it via anonymous ftp
from expo.lcs.mit.edu directory contrib/winterp; files winterp.tar.Z,
winterp.README.  contrib/winterp/winterp.binaries contains binaries
for HP machines. 

; -*-Lisp-*-
; File:         grep-br.lsp
; RCS:          $Header: grep-br.lsp,v 1.1 89/11/25 04:00:19 mayer Exp $
; Description:  A transformation of mail-br.lsp into a search browser using the
;               unix grep command. Evaluate the form '(grep-browser)' to bring
;               up the application.
; Author:       Niels Mayer, HPLabs
; Created:      Mon Nov 20 18:13:23 1989
; Modified:     Sat Nov 25 01:04:49 1989 (Niels Mayer) mayer@hplnpm
; Language:     Lisp
; Package:      N/A
; Status:       X11r4 contrib tape release
; (c) Copyright 1989, Hewlett-Packard Company.

;; Make a subclass of XM_LIST_WIDGET_CLASS which holds an additional
;; instance variable 'items'. 'items' is an array of arbitrary objects
;; (BROWSER_OBJECT) to be displayed in a browser made from the list widget.
;; BROWSER-OBJECT can be any arbitrary xlisp object that responds to
;; the message :display_string.
;; Message :display_string must return a string which is used as the
;; textual representation of the object in the browser display.
(setq List_Browser 
      (send Class :new
	    '(items)			;new instance vars
	    '()				;no class vars
	    XM_LIST_WIDGET_CLASS))	;superclass

;; We add a method to set the items browsed by the list browser
;; and set the 'items' instance variable.
;; (send List_Browser :set_browser_items <items_list>)
;; <items_list> is a list of BROWSER_OBJECTs as described above.
(send List_Browser :answer :SET_BROWSER_ITEMS '(items_list)
	(let* (
	       (items_end_idx (length items_list))
	       (display_items (make-array items_end_idx)))

	  ;; initialize the 'items' instance variable so that it
	  ;; holds all the BROWSER_OBJECTs passed in <items_list>
	  (setq items (make-array items_end_idx)) ;create the array
	  (do (				;copy elts from list to array
	       (i    0          (1+ i))
	       (elts items_list (cdr elts)))
	      ;; loop till no more elts
	      ((null elts))
	      ;; loop body
	      (setf (aref items i) (car elts))
	      (setf (aref display_items i) (send (car elts) :display_string))
	  ;; initialize the widget, passing in the browser items.
	  (send self :set_values
		:xmn_items display_items
		:xmn_item_count items_end_idx

;; Given a List Widget position, this returns the object associated
;; with that position. Note that the first item is at position 1.
(send List_Browser :answer :GET_ITEM_AT_POSITION '(position)
	(aref items (1- position))

;; override methods on XM_LIST_WIDGET_CLASS so that they work properly
;; with the list browser. Note that all other list methods work fine
;; on the list browser
(send List_Browser :answer :ADD_ITEM '(item position)
	(setq items (array-insert-pos items (1- position) item))
	(send-super :add_item (send item :display_string) position)

(send List_Browser :answer :ADD_ITEM_UNSELECTED '(item position)
	(setq items (array-insert-pos items (1- position) item))
	(send-super :add_item_unselected (send item :display_string) position)

(send List_Browser :answer :DELETE_ITEM '(item)
	;; this is too lame to implement... requires that we compare
	;; item with the result of :display_string done on every element
	;; of ivar 'items'
	(error "Message :DELETE_ITEM not supported in List_Browser")

(send List_Browser :answer :DELETE_POS '(position)
	(setq items (array-delete-pos items (1- position)))
	(send-super :delete_pos position)

;; Each BROWSER_OBJECT holds the information summarizing one mail message.
;; the information is split up into individual fields because we may want
;; to be able to sort on one field, or search for mathes on one field.
(setq Grep_Item_Class
      (send Class :new
	    '(file-name line-num match-line)

;; this method will read a single line of grep output.
;; and sets the instance variables in the 
;; BROWSER_OBJECT to the individual fields of the grep output
(send Grep_Item_Class :answer :read-grep-info '(pipe)
	(if (and
	     (setq file-name (fscanf-string pipe "%[^:]:"))
	     (setq line-num  (fscanf-fixnum pipe "%d:"))
	     (setq match-line (fscanf-string pipe "%[^\n]\n"))
	    self			;return self if succesful
	  NIL				;return NIL if hit EOF

(send Grep_Item_Class :answer :display_string '()
	(format nil "~A: ~A"
		file-name match-line)

(send Grep_Item_Class :answer :file-name '()

(send Grep_Item_Class :answer :line-num '()

;; This returns a list of Grep_Item_Class instances corresponding
;; to the items matching the search pattern and file list given
;; in argument <grep-arg-string>
(defun grep (grep-arg-string)
   (;; loop variables, initializers, and increments.
    (fp (popen (strcat "grep -n "
		       " /dev/null")
	       :direction :input))
    (line (send (send Grep_Item_Class :new) :read-grep-info fp)
	  (send (send Grep_Item_Class :new) :read-grep-info fp))
    (result '())			;init to an empty list
   ;; loop test and return
   ((null line)				; :read-grep-info returns NIL on EOF
    (pclose fp)				
    result				;return list of grep objects.
   ;; loop body
   (setq result (nconc result (cons line NIL)))	;append grep-obj to list

;; The Main program -- note that this doesn't use any global variables, so
;; you can have many grep browsers up all at once without having them
;; interact.
(defun grep-browser()

  (let (
	top_w paned_w controlpanel_w doit_button_w search_label_w
	search_editor_w files_label_w files_editor_w list_w filename_label_w

    (setq top_w
		:XMN_TITLE "Grep Browser"
		:XMN_ICON_NAME "Grep Browser"

    (setq paned_w
	  (send XM_PANED_WINDOW_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed top_w

    (setq controlpanel_w
	  (send XM_ROW_COLUMN_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed paned_w

    (setq doit_button_w
	  (send XM_PUSH_BUTTON_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed controlpanel_w

    (setq search_label_w
	  (send XM_LABEL_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed controlpanel_w
		:XMN_LABEL_STRING "Search for string:"

    (setq search_editor_w
	  (send XM_TEXT_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed controlpanel_w

    (setq files_label_w
	  (send XM_LABEL_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed controlpanel_w
		:XMN_LABEL_STRING "From Files:"
    (setq files_editor_w
	  (send XM_TEXT_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed controlpanel_w

    (setq list_w
	  (send List_Browser :new :managed :scrolled "browser" paned_w
		:xmn_visible_item_count 20

    (setq filename_label_w
	  (send XM_LABEL_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed "label" paned_w
		:xmn_label_string "None"

    (setq viewtext_w
	  (send XM_TEXT_WIDGET_CLASS :new :managed :scrolled "view" paned_w
		:XMN_EDITABLE nil	;don't allow user to change text.

    (send top_w :realize)

    ;; set contraint resources on controlpanel so that paned window
    ;; doesn't give it resize sashes.
    (let (height)
      (send controlpanel_w :get_values :xmn_height 'height)
      (send controlpanel_w :set_values
	    :xmn_maximum height
	    :xmn_minimum height

    ;; set contraint resources on label widget so that paned window
    ;; doesn't give it resize sashes.
    (let (height)
      (send filename_label_w :get_values :xmn_height 'height)
      (send filename_label_w :set_values
	    :xmn_maximum height
	    :xmn_minimum height

    ;; The doit_button initiates a grep search.
    (send doit_button_w :add_callback :XMN_ARM_CALLBACK '()
	    (send list_w :set_browser_items
		  (grep (strcat
			 "'"		;quotify string to protect from shell
			 (send ,search_editor_w :get_string) ;string to search for
			 "' "
			 (send ,files_editor_w :get_string)) ;wildcarded files

    ;; set up a callback on the list widget initialized above such that
    ;; a double click on the browser-item will browse the object.
    (send list_w :add_callback :xmn_default_action_callback
		  (send ,list_w :get_item_at_position callback_item_position))
		 (filename (send browsed-object :file-name))
		 (linenum (send browsed-object :line-num))
	      (send ,filename_label_w :set_values :xmn_label_string filename)
	      (send ,filename_label_w :update_display)	;incase reading file takes long time
	      (send ,viewtext_w :find_file filename linenum)

;; Add a :FIND_FILE method to the Motif Text widget.
(send XM_TEXT_WIDGET_CLASS :answer :FIND_FILE '(filename linenum)
	    (;; loc vars
	      (open filename :direction :input)

	  (if (null fp)
	      (error "Can't open file." filename))

	  (send self :set_string "")	;clear out old text
	  (send self :disable_redisplay NIL) ;don't show changes till done
	   (if (null (setq text_line (read-line fp)))
	   (setq inspos (send self :get_insertion_position))
	   (send self :replace inspos inspos (strcat text_line "\n"))

	  (send self :scroll linenum)	;make <linenum> be the top of screen

	  (send self :enable_redisplay) ;now show changes...

	  (close fp)
	    Niels Mayer -- hplabs!mayer -- mayer@hplabs.hp.com
		  Human-Computer Interaction Department
		       Hewlett-Packard Laboratories
			      Palo Alto, CA.