[comp.lang.scheme] DEC Scheme->C under SCO Unix 386 works!

tih@barsoom.nhh.no (Tom Ivar Helbekkmo) (07/03/90)

Well, guess who's happy now!  :-) I've just finished installing DEC
Scheme->C (from gatekeeper.dec.com) on my SCO Unix 386 system.  At
gatekeeper, I found the distribution .tar.Z, and a toolkit (newish)
for installing Scheme on 386 systems.  I'm sorry I can't remember the
name of the person responsible for this great piece of work, (s)he
really deserves credit for that one!  (I've removed all headers from
the shar files, and can't get out of the country with FTP right now.)
Anyway, with that toolkit to fix long filenames and things for me,
setting up the directory structure and so on was a cinch.

Still, a couple of comments.  The patch kit says that exception
handling is unfinished and might not even work right on 386 systems,
and that's right.  Anyway, I thought I'd share with you all what was
needed in addition.  I'm using GCC 1.37.1 as my C compiler, and as
usual, I guess the job would have been harder with the Microsoft cc
that comes with this system...

I'd really like some feedback on this stuff, if you can see anything I
should have done different...  First, some trifling details: In
scinit.c, I had to change <strings.h> into <string.h>.  I also added
an ETEXT/STACKBASE defining section for SCO, equal to the 386ix one.

Next, signal handling.  It really didn't take much to get it working,
but some changes were needed.  The way it first came up, my whole
system would hang the *second* time an interrupt happened -- not
unusual when porting BSD style applications to System V...  :-)
Signals have to be reinitialized whenever they're caught.

In signal.c, I added a line "signal(sig, sc_trap_handler);" to the
very start of sc_trap_handler(), so that it would always set itself up
for the next catch.  I didn't bother to differentiate between
various floating point errors, I just trigger the traceback and let
it go at that.  That takes care of the SIGFPE -- but there's more out
there...  In scrt4.sc, there's a signal catcher in scheme.  Now, I got
hold of this package to *learn* scheme, so I hope what I've done is
reasonable...  I changed the line:

(define (ONSIGNAL2 sig) ((vector-ref signals sig) sig))

... into ...

(define (ONSIGNAL2 sig)
  (SIGNAL sig (vector-ref signals sig))	; Set the signal again
  ((vector-ref signals sig) sig))	; Now execute the handler

Looks to me like this should handle it, and anyway, I can now hit DEL
several times during the same 'sci' run without having my system hang
for 5 minutes followed by a core dump.  :-)  Problem is, I've now done
this in the scheme part of the code, while I'd really like to have
it be conditional, executed this way only for System V boxes.  How
would I go about that?

Finally, here's a little bug I found in the scheme code:  If I start
sci, and type a floating point number that needs scientific notation,
but has an integral mantissa, it gets printed wrong:

> 1.1e-7
> 1.0e-7

Note the trailing '.' there, that thing will screw up GCC when it
tries to compile C source written by sccomp!  For instance, I couldn't
compile testchk.sc in the test directory without hand fixing the C
source.  I found the problem in scrt7.sc, in the definition of
FLOAT->CLIST, at the end of which we see

	(reverse (if (memq #\. clo) clo (cons #\. clo))))

... which I changed into ...

	(reverse (if (memq #\. clo)
		     (if (memq #\e clo)
			 (cons #\. clo))))

The trouble was, that while the code checked for existence of a '.' in
what should be a floating point number, it forgot to look for the 'e'
used in scientific notation.  With that notation, you can't just add a
trailing '.' -- in fact, you emphatically shouldn't.  Could I have
chosen a more efficient way of doing it, though?

Whatever else may be or not be, DEC Scheme->C looks great:  I've run a
couple of benchmarks through it, and as far as I can tell, the
compiler is pretty good at what it does.  With this thing running
behind EMACS, I'd say that developing in an interpreted environment,
and then compiling when the code works and you want SPEED is very
feasible indeed.

Looking forward to lots of fun with scheme!

Tom Ivar Helbekkmo, NHH, Bergen, Norway.  Telephone: +47-5-959205
tih@barsoom.nhh.no, thelbekk@norunit.bitnet, edb_tom@debet.nhh.no