(H. Conrad Cunningham) (07/06/90)
I posted this to comp.lang.functional a few days ago. I would appreciate more input from the scheme community. --- I am developing a course on "functional programming" to be taught at the beginning graduate/advanced undergraduate level. Although the students may have been "exposed" to some Lisp programming, their world view is primarily shaped by the imperative (Pascal, C, & Ada) paradigm. In this course I want to focus more on "programming" issues than on "programming language" issues. This will not be an AI course. Your suggestions on the following are solicited: What language would you suggest as "best" for such a course? Miranda, Scheme, Hope, Standard ML, others ... What are appropriate textbooks (given the language choice)? Are inexpensive (preferably free!) language implementations and supporting software available? hosts of interest: IBM PC (DOS), 386-based UNIX, Sun 3, Sun 4, AT&T 3B2, UNIX PCs, IBM RISC System/6000 My Email address is Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Conrad Cunningham | Title: Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer & Info. Science | Telephone: (601) 232-5358 Fax: 232-7010 The University of Mississippi | Internet: 302 Weir Hall |-------------------------------------------- University, MS 38677 U.S.A. | Home: Rt. 1, Box 81, Oxford, MS 38655 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
maner@bgsuvax.UUCP (Walter Maner) (07/07/90)
From article <>, by (H. Conrad Cunningham): > > I posted this to comp.lang.functional a few days ago. I would > appreciate more input from the scheme community. David Cabana's posting (below) does at least identify schools which been teaching a similar course. WALT ----- From: (David Cabana) Subject: summary of replies to query about fp PhD programs Date: 15 Dec 89 22:32:46 GMT I recently asked for recommendations of PhD programs in the U.S. with a strong functional programming emphasis. I was gratified and almost overwhelmed by the generosity of your responses. I want to thank all of you who responded. I apologize for not thanking each of you personally, but I have received almost 100 kbytes of response. Instead, I will summarize the recommendations, as several people have asked me to. My summary will consist simply of enumerating the schools mentioned. I have prepared a longer summary consisting of excerpts from the mail I received. I will gladly send this to anyone who directly requests it. In no particular order, the schools were: Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology Cornell University. University of Pennsylvania University of Indiana Yale University UNC Chapel Hill MIT Arizona State SUNY at Stony Brook Tulane University CMU Stanford Princeton Northeastern University Rutgers Rice Boston University Kansas State University Yale, OGI, CMU and Cornell were mentioned most frequently, for whatever it's worth. ----- Hope this helps. -- InterNet ( | BGSU, Comp Science Dept UUCP ... ! osu-cis ! bgsuvax ! maner | Bowling Green, OH 43403 BITNet MANER@BGSUOPIE | 419/372-2337 Secretary Relays, | FAX is available - call