[comp.lang.scheme] Scheme Bibliography - bibtex format

oz@nexus.YorkU.CA (Ozan Yigit) (09/20/90)

@inproceedings( Reynolds72Definitional, 
  author =	{John Reynolds}, 
  title =	{
Definitional Interpreters for Higher Order Programming Languages}, 
  year =	1972, 
  booktitle =	{ACM Conference Proceedings}, 
  publisher =	{ACM}, 
  pages =	{717-740} )

@techreport( Sussman75Scheme, 
  author =	{Gerald Jay Sussman
		and Guy Lewis Steele Jr.}, 
  title =	{Scheme: an Interpreter for Extended Lambda Calculus}, 
  year =	1975, 
  month =	dec, 
  number =	349, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.} )

@techreport( Sussman76Lambda, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{Lambda, the Ultimate Imperative}, 
  year =	1976, 
  month =	mar, 
  number =	353, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{imperative} )

@techreport( 76Lambda, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.}, 
  title =	{Lambda, the Ultimate Declarative}, 
  year =	1976, 
  month =	nov, 
  number =	379, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{declarative} )

@inproceedings( 77Debunking, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.}, 
  title =	{
Debunking the ``Expensive Procedure Call'' Myth, Or Procedure Call
Implementations Considered Harmful, Or LAMBDA, the Ultimate GOTO}, 
  year =	1977, 
  booktitle =	{ACM Conference Proceedings}, 
  publisher =	{ACM}, 
  pages =	{153-162}, 
  keywords =	{ultimate} )

@inproceedings( 77Macaroni, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.}, 
  title =	{Macaroni is Better Than Spaghetti}, 
  year =	1977, 
  month =	aug, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and
Programming Languages}, 
  pages =	{60-66}, 
  keywords =	{macaroni} )

@article( Wand78Continuation, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Continuation-Based Program Transformation Strategies}, 
  year =	1978, 
  journal =	{Journal of the ACM}, 
  volume =	27, 
  number =	1, 
  pages =	{174-180} )

@article( Wand78Compiling, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{Compiling Lambda Expressions Using Continuations and
  year =	1978, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	3, 
  pages =	{241-263} )

@techreport( Sussman78Revised, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{The Revised Report on Scheme, a Dialect of Lisp}, 
  year =	1978, 
  month =	jan, 
  number =	452, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{r-report} )

@techreport( 78Rabbit, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.}, 
  title =	{Rabbit: a Compiler for Scheme}, 
  year =	1978, 
  month =	may, 
  number =	474, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{rabbit} )

@techreport( Sussman78Art, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{The Art of the Interpreter, Or the Modularity Complex
(Parts Zero, One, and Two)}, 
  year =	1978, 
  month =	may, 
  number =	453, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{modularity} )

@techreport( Sussman79Design, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{Design of LISP-Based Processors
Or, SCHEME: a Dielectric LISP
Or, Finite Memories Considered Harmful
Or, LAMBDA: the Ultimate Opcode"}, 
  year =	1979, 
  number =	514, 
  type =	{MIT-AI Memo}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.} )

@techreport( Pleban79Standard, 
  author =	{Uwe F. Pleban}, 
  title =	{
The Standard Semantics of a Subset of SCHEME, a Dialect of LISP}, 
  year =	1979, 
  month =	jul, 
  number =	{R-79-3}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report }, 
  institution =	{University of Kansas}, 
  address =	{Lawrence, Kansas} )

@incollection( 80Compiler, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.}, 
  title =	{
Compiler Optimization Based on Viewing LAMBDA As RENAME + GOTO}, 
  year =	1980, 
  booktitle =	{AI: An MIT Perspective}, 
  editor =	{Patrick Henry Winston
		and Richard Henry Brown}, 
  publisher =	{MIT Press}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{rename+goto} )

@inproceedings( Sussman80Dream, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{The Dream of a Lifetime: a Lazy Variable Extent Mechanism}, 
  year =	1980, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference}, 
  publisher =	{The Lisp Conference}, 
  pages =	{163-172}, 
  keywords =	{lazy} )

@inproceedings( McDermott80Efficient, 
  author =	{Drew McDermott}, 
  title =	{
An Efficient Environment Allocation Scheme in an Interpreter
for a Lexically-Scoped Lisp}, 
  year =	1980, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference}, 
  publisher =	{The Lisp Conference, P.O. Box 487, Redwood Estates CA.}, 
  pages =	{154-162} )

@inproceedings( Muchnick80Semantic, 
  author =	{Steven S. Muchnick
		and Uwe F. Pleban}, 
  title =	{A Semantic Comparison of Lisp and Scheme}, 
  year =	1980, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference}, 
  publisher =	{The Lisp Conference, P.O. Box 487, Redwood Estates CA.}, 
  pages =	{56-65} )

@techreport( Pleban80Denotational, 
  author =	{Uwe F. Pleban}, 
  title =	{
A Denotational Approach to Flow Analysis and Optimization of
SCHEME, a Dialect of LISP}, 
  year =	1980, 
  number =	{Ph.D. Dissertation}, 
  institution =	{University of Kansas}, 
  address =	{Lawrence, Kansas} )

@inproceedings( Wand80Continuation, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Continuation-Based Multiprocessing}, 
  year =	1980, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1980 Lisp Conference}, 
  publisher =	{The Lisp Conference}, 
  pages =	{19-28} )

@techreport( Wand80Scheme, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Scheme Version 3.1 Reference Manual}, 
  year =	1980, 
  month =	jun, 
  number =	93, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana}, 
  keywords =	{scheme3.1} )

@article( Sussman80Design, 
  author =	{Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{Design of a Lisp-Based Processor}, 
  year =	1980, 
  month =	nov, 
  journal =	{CACM}, 
  volume =	23, 
  number =	11, 
  pages =	{628-645} )

@techreport( Dwyer81SCHEME, 
  author =	{Rex A. Dwyer
		and R. Kent Dybvig}, 
  title =	{A SCHEME for Distributed Processes}, 
  year =	1981, 
  month =	apr, 
  number =	{#107}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Department Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@article( Sussman81Scheme, 
  author =	{Gerald Jay Sussman
		and Jack Holloway
		and Guy Lewis Steele Jr.
		and Alan Bell}, 
  title =	{Scheme-79 - Lisp on a Chip}, 
  year =	1981, 
  month =	jul, 
  journal =	{IEEE Computer}, 
  volume =	14, 
  number =	7, 
  institution =	{IEEE}, 
  pages =	{10-21}, 
  keywords =	{scheme79} )

@inproceedings( Batali82Scheme, 
  author =	{John Batali
		and Edmund Goodhue
		and Chris Hanson
		and Howie Shrobe
		and Richard M. Stallman
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{The Scheme-81 Architecture - System and Chip}, 
  year =	1982, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings, Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI}, 
  editor =	{Paul Penfield, Jr.}, 
  pages =	{69-77}, 
  address =	{Artech House, Dedham MA.}, 
  keywords =	{scheme81} )

@inproceedings( Rees82T, 
  author =	{Jonathan A. Rees
		and Norman I. Adams}, 
  title =	{T: a Dialect of Lisp Or, LAMBDA: the Ultimate Software Tool}, 
  year =	1982, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1982 ACM Symposium on Lisp and
Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{114-122}, 
  keywords =	{T} )

@incollection( Sussman82Lisp, 
  author =	{Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{Lisp, Programming and Implementation}, 
  year =	1982, 
  booktitle =	{Functional Programming and its Applications}, 
  editor =	{Darlington, Henderson, Turner}, 
  publisher =	{Cambridge University Press}, 
  address =	{London} )

@techreport( Dybvig83C, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig}, 
  title =	{C-Scheme}, 
  year =	1983, 
  number =	{hesis)}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Department Technical Report #149 (MS }, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@techreport( Chen83Scheme, 
  author =	{Pee Hong Chen 
		and W.Y. Chi
		and E.M. Ost
		and L.D. Sabbagh 
		and G. Springer}, 
  title =	{Scheme Graphics Reference Manual}, 
  year =	1983, 
  month =	aug, 
  number =	145, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report No.}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University }, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@techreport( Chen83Prototyping, 
  author =	{Pee Hong Chen
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{Prototyping Data Flow by Translation Into Scheme}, 
  year =	1983, 
  month =	aug, 
  number =	{#147}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@techreport( Fessenden83Scheme, 
  author =	{Carol Fessenden
		and William Clinger
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Christopher T. Haynes}, 
  title =	{Scheme 311 Version 4 Reference Manual}, 
  year =	1983, 
  month =	feb, 
  number =	137, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana}, 
  keywords =	{scheme311} )

@inproceedings( Clinger84Scheme, 
  author =	{William Clinger}, 
  title =	{
The Scheme 311 Compiler: an Exercise in Denotational Semantics}, 
  year =	1984, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and
Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{356-364}, 
  keywords =	{compile311} )

@incollection( Friedman84Programming, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Christopher T. Haynes
		and Eugene E. Kohlbecker}, 
  title =	{Programming with Continuations}, 
  year =	1984, 
  booktitle =	{Program Transformation and Programming Environments}, 
  editor =	{P. Pepper}, 
  publisher =	{Springer-Verlag}, 
  pages =	{263-274} )

@inproceedings( Haynes84Engines, 
  author =	{Christopher T. Haynes
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{Engines Build Process Abstractions}, 
  year =	1984, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and
Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{18-24}, 
  address =	{Austin, TX.} )

@inproceedings( Haynes84Continuations, 
  author =	{Christopher T. Haynes
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Continuations and Coroutines}, 
  year =	1984, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on Lisp and
Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{293-298}, 
  address =	{Austin, TX.} )

@inproceedings( Friedman84Reification, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Reification: Reflection Without Metaphysics}, 
  year =	1984, 
  month =	aug, 
  booktitle =	{
Conference Record of the 1984 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional
  pages =	{348-355}, 
  address =	{Austin, TX.} )

@book( Rees84T, 
  author =	{Jonathan A. Rees
		and Norman I. Adams
		and James R. Meehan}, 
  title =	{The T Manual, Fourth Edition}, 
  year =	1984, 
  month =	jan, 
  publisher =	{Yale University Computer Science Department} )

@techreport( Rozas84Liar, 
  author =	{Guillermo J. Rozas}, 
  title =	{Liar, an Algol-Like Compiler for Scheme}, 
  year =	1984, 
  month =	jan, 
  number =	{hesis}, 
  type =	{S. B. }, 
  institution =	{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  keywords =	{liar} )

@techreport( Schooler84Proposal, 
  author =	{Richard Schooler
		and James W. Stamos}, 
  title =	{Proposal for a Small Scheme Implementation}, 
  year =	1984, 
  month =	oct, 
  number =	{M-267}, 
  type =	{MIT LCS Memo }, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@book( 84Mit, 
  author =	{}, 
  title =	{Mit Scheme Manual, Seventh Edition}, 
  year =	1984, 
  month =	sep, 
  publisher =	{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{mitscheme} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@book( 85Macscheme, 
  author =	{}, 
  title =	{Macscheme Reference Manual}, 
  year =	1985, 
  publisher =	{Semantic Microsystems}, 
  address =	{Sausalito, California}, 
  keywords =	{macscheme} )

@book( Abelson85Structure, 
  author =	{Harold Abelson
		and Gerald Jay Sussman
		and Julie Sussman}, 
  title =	{Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs}, 
  year =	1985, 
  publisher =	{MIT Press}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{siocp} )

@incollection( Clinger85Scheme, 
  author =	{William Clinger
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{A Scheme for a Higher-Level Semantic Algebra}, 
  year =	1985, 
  booktitle =	{Algebraic Methods in Semantics}, 
  editor =	{J. Reynolds, M. Nivat}, 
  publisher =	{Cambridge University Press}, 
  pages =	{237-250}, 
  address =	{London} )

@inproceedings( Srivastava85An, 
  author =	{Amitabh Srivastava
		and Don Oxley
		and Aditya Srivastava}, 
  title =	{An (Other) Integration of Logic and Functional Programming}, 
  year =	1985, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic Programming}, 
  publisher =	{IEEE}, 
  pages =	{254-260} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@techreport( 85Revised, 
  author =	{}, 
  title =	{The Revised Revised Report on Scheme, Or an Uncommon Lisp}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	aug, 
  number =	848, 
  type =	{MIT AI Memo}, 
  editor =	{William Clinger}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{rrrs} )

@inproceedings( Friedman85Constraining, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Christopher T. Haynes}, 
  title =	{Constraining Control}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	jan, 
  booktitle =	{
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages}, 
  publisher =	{ACM}, 
  pages =	{245-254}, 
  address =	{New Orleans, LA.} )

@techreport( Friedman85Scheme, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Christopher T. Haynes
		and Eugene E. Kohlbecker
		and Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Scheme 84 Interim Reference Manual}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	jan, 
  number =	153, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana}, 
  keywords =	{scheme84} )

@techreport( Chen85Scheme, 
  author =	{Peehong Chen
		and L. David Sabbagh}, 
  title =	{Scheme As an Interactive Graphics Programming Environment}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	mar, 
  number =	166, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report No.}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@book( Dybvig85Chez, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Bruce T. Smith}, 
  title =	{Chez Scheme Reference Manual Version 1.0}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	may, 
  publisher =	{Cadence Research Systems}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@book( 85Ti, 
  author =	{}, 
  title =	{Ti Scheme Language Reference Manual}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	nov, 
  publisher =	{Texas Instruments, Inc.} )

@techreport( Eisenberg85Bochser, 
  author =	{Michael A. Eisenberg}, 
  title =	{Bochser: an Integrated Scheme Programming System}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	oct, 
  number =	349, 
  type =	{MIT Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.}, 
  keywords =	{bochser} )

@techreport( Felleisen85Transliterating, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen}, 
  title =	{Transliterating Prolog Into Scheme}, 
  year =	1985, 
  month =	oct, 
  number =	{#182}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@inproceedings( Bartley86Implementation, 
  author =	{David H. Bartley
		and John C. Jensen}, 
  title =	{The Implementation of PC Scheme}, 
  year =	1986, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{86-93}, 
  keywords =	{pcscheme} )

@inproceedings( Dybvig86Expansion, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Christopher T. Haynes}, 
  title =	{Expansion-Passing Style: Beyond Conventional Macros}, 
  year =	1986, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1986 ACM Conference on Lisp and
Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{143-150} )

@misc( Feeley86Closure, 
  author =	{Marc Feeley
		and Guy LaPalme}, 
  title =	{
Closure Generation Based on Viewing LAMBDA As EPSILON Plus COMPILE}, 
  year =	1986 )

@article( Felleisen86Closer, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{A Closer Look at Export and Import Statements}, 
  year =	1986, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	11, 
  number =	1, 
  institution =	{Pergamon Press}, 
  pages =	{29-37} )

@book( Friedman86Little, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Matthias Felleisen}, 
  title =	{The Little LISPer: Second Edition}, 
  year =	1986, 
  publisher =	{Science Research Associates, Inc.}, 
  address =	{Palo Alto, California} )

@article( Haynes86Obtaining, 
  author =	{Christopher T. Haynes
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Obtaining Coroutines with Continuations}, 
  year =	1986, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	11, 
  number =	{3/4}, 
  institution =	{Pergamon Press}, 
  pages =	{143-153} )

@inproceedings( Wand86Finding, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{Finding the Source of Type Errors}, 
  year =	1986, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the Thirteenth Annual Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages}, 
  publisher =	{ACM}, 
  pages =	{38-43}, 
  address =	{St. Peterburg, Fla.} )

@incollection( Wand86From, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{From Interpreter to Compiler: a Representational Derivation}, 
  year =	1986, 
  booktitle =	{Programs as Data Objects}, 
  publisher =	{Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes} )

@inproceedings( Felleisen86Control, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{
Control Operators, the SECD-Machine, and the Lambda-Calculus}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	aug, 
  booktitle =	{3rd Working Conference on the Formal Description of
Programming Concepts}, 
  pages =	{193-219}, 
  address =	{Ebberup, Denmark} )

@techreport( Kohlbecker86Syntactic, 
  author =	{Eugene E. Kohlbecker}, 
  title =	{Syntactic Extensions in the Programming Language Lisp}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	aug, 
  number =	{)}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report #199 (Ph.D. Dissertatio}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@article( Kohlbecker86Hygienic, 
  author =	{Eugene E. Kohlbecker
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Matthias Felleisen
		and Bruce Duba}, 
  title =	{Hygienic Macro Expansion}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	aug, 
  journal =	{Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{151-161}, 
  keywords =	{hygienic} )

@inproceedings( Wand86Mystery, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand}, 
  title =	{The Mystery of the Tower Revealed: a Non-Reflective
Description of the Reflective Tower}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	aug, 
  booktitle =	{
Proceedings of the 1986 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{298-307}, 
  keywords =	{tower} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@article( 86Revised, 
  author =	{}, 
  title =	{Revised^3 Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	dec, 
  journal =	{ACM Sigplan Notices}, 
  volume =	21, 
  number =	12, 
  editor =	{Jonathan A. Rees
		and William Clinger}, 
  keywords =	{rrrrs} )

@inproceedings( Haynes86Logic, 
  author =	{Christopher T. Haynes}, 
  title =	{Logic Continuations}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	jul, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the Third International Conference on
Logic Programming}, 
  publisher =	{Springer-Verlag}, 
  pages =	{671-685} )

@inproceedings( Felleisen86Reasoning, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Eugene E. Kohlbecker
		and Bruce Duba}, 
  title =	{Reasoning with Continuations}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, 
  publisher =	{IEEE Computer Society Press}, 
  pages =	{131-141}, 
  address =	{Washington DC} )

@inproceedings( Kranz86Orbit, 
  author =	{David Kranz
		and Richard Kelsey
		and Jonathan A. Rees
		and Paul Hudak
		and James Philbin
		and Norman I. Adams}, 
  title =	{Orbit: an Optimizing Compiler for Scheme}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '86 Symposium on Compiler
  publisher =	{ACM}, 
  pages =	{219-233}, 
  keywords =	{orbit} )

@book( Feeley86Deux, 
  author =	{Marc Feeley}, 
  title =	{Deux Approches a' L'Implantation Du Language Scheme}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	may, 
  publisher =	{M.Sc. Thesis, De'partement d'Informatique et de Recherche
Ope'rationelle, University of Montreal} )

@inproceedings( Lang86Oaklisp, 
  author =	{Kevin J.  Lang 
		and Barak A. Pearlmutter}, 
  title =	{Oaklisp: an Object-Oriented Scheme with First Class Types",}, 
  year =	1986, 
  month =	sep, 
  booktitle =	{ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Systems, Programming,
Languages and Applications",}, 
  pages =	{30-37} )

@techreport( Clinger87Scheme, 
  author =	{William Clinger}, 
  title =	{The Scheme of Things:  Streams Versus Generators}, 
  year =	1987, 
  number =	{Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Tektronix, Inc.} )

@book( Dybvig87Scheme, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig}, 
  title =	{The Scheme Programming Language}, 
  year =	1987, 
  publisher =	{Prentice-Hall, Inc.}, 
  address =	{Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey}, 
  keywords =	{splang} )

@article( Feeley87Using, 
  author =	{Marc Feeley
		and Guy LaPalme}, 
  title =	{Using Closures for Code Generation}, 
  year =	1987, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	12, 
  number =	1, 
  institution =	{Pergamon Press}, 
  pages =	{47-66} )

@article( Felleisen87Reflections, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen}, 
  title =	{
Reflections on Landin'S J-Operator: a Partly Historical Note}, 
  year =	1987, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	12, 
  number =	{3/4}, 
  institution =	{Pergamon Press}, 
  pages =	{197-207} )

@article( Felleisen87Reduction, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{A Reduction Semantics for Imperative Higher-Order Languages}, 
  year =	1987, 
  journal =	{Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe}, 
  volume =	259, 
  booktitle =	{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, 
  editor =	{De Bakker, Nijman and Treleaven}, 
  institution =	{Springer-Verlag}, 
  pages =	{206-223}, 
  address =	{Berlin} )

@article( Felleisen87Syntactic, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Eugene E. Kohlbecker
		and Bruce Duba}, 
  title =	{A Syntactic Theory of Sequential Control}, 
  year =	1987, 
  journal =	{Theoretical Computer Science}, 
  volume =	52, 
  pages =	{205-237} )

@book( Friedman87Little, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Matthias Felleisen}, 
  title =	{The Little LISPer}, 
  year =	1987, 
  publisher =	{MIT Press}, 
  keywords =	{littlelisper} )

@article( Haynes87Abstracting, 
  author =	{Christopher T. Haynes
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{Abstracting Timed Preemption with Engines}, 
  year =	1987, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	12, 
  number =	2, 
  institution =	{Pergamon Press}, 
  pages =	{109-121}, 
  keywords =	{engines} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@incollection( Slade87, 
  author =	{Stephen Slade}, 
  title =	{}, 
  year =	1987, 
  booktitle =	{The T programming Language}, 
  publisher =	{Prentice-Hall Inc.}, 
  address =	{Englewood Cliffs, N.J.} )

@techreport( Dybvig87Three, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig}, 
  title =	{Three Implementation Models for Scheme}, 
  year =	1987, 
  month =	apr, 
  number =	{)}, 
  type =	{
Department of Computer Science Technical Report #87-011 (Ph.D. Dissertatio}, 
  institution =	{University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill}, 
  address =	{Chapel Hill, North Carolina} )

@techreport( Felleisen87Calculi, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen}, 
  title =	{The Calculi of Lambda-V-Cs Conversion: a Syntactic
Theory of Control and State in Imperative Higher-Order Programming
  year =	1987, 
  month =	aug, 
  number =	{)}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report #226. (Ph.D. Dissertatio}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@techreport( Miller87Parallel, 
  author =	{James S. Miller}, 
  title =	{A Parallel Processing System Based on MIT Scheme}, 
  year =	1987, 
  month =	aug, 
  number =	{)}, 
  type =	{MIT LCS Technical Report 402 (Ph.D. Dissertatio}, 
  institution =	{Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  address =	{Cambridge, Mass.} )

@techreport( Felleisen87Beyond, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Bruce Duba
		and John Merrill}, 
  title =	{Beyond Continuations}, 
  year =	1987, 
  month =	feb, 
  number =	{#216}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Dept. Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@inproceedings( Felleisen87Calculus, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{A Calculus for Assignments in Higher-Order Languages}, 
  year =	1987, 
  month =	jan, 
  booktitle =	{
Conference Record of the 14th Annual ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages}, 
  pages =	{314-345}, 
  address =	{Munich, West Germany} )

@techreport( Felleisen87Syntactic, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{A Syntactic Theory of Sequential State}, 
  year =	1987, 
  month =	oct, 
  number =	{#230}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Dept. Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@article( Haynes87Embedding, 
  author =	{Christopher T. Haynes
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{Embedding Continuations in Procedural Objects}, 
  year =	1987, 
  month =	oct, 
  journal =	{ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems}, 
  volume =	9, 
  number =	4, 
  pages =	{582-598} )

@book( Eisenberg88Programming, 
  author =	{Michael Eisenberg}, 
  title =	{Programming in Scheme}, 
  year =	1988, 
  editor =	{Harold Abelson}, 
  publisher =	{The Scientific Press}, 
  address =	{Redwood City, CA} )

@techreport( Kranz88Orbit, 
  author =	{David Kranz}, 
  title =	{Orbit: an Optimizing Compiler for Scheme}, 
  year =	1988, 
  number =	{)}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical report #632 (Ph.D. Dissertatio}, 
  institution =	{Yale University}, 
  keywords =	{orbit-thesis} )

@incollection( Wand88Mystery, 
  author =	{Mitchell Wand
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{The Mystery of the Tower Revealed: a Non-Reflective
Description of the Reflective Tower}, 
  year =	1988, 
  booktitle =	{Meta-Level Architectures and Reflection}, 
  editor =	{P. Maes and D. Nardi}, 
  publisher =	{Elsevier Sci. Publishers B.V. (North Holland)}, 
  pages =	{111-134} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@incollection( Friedman88, 
  author =	{Daniel P. Friedman
		and Mitchell Wand
		and Christopher T. Haynes
		and Eugene E. Kohlbecker}, 
  title =	{}, 
  year =	1988, 
  booktitle =	{Programming Languages: Their Abstractions, Representations,
and Implementations}, 
  publisher =	{MIT Press and McGraw-Hill} )

@inproceedings( Adams88Object, 
  author =	{Norman Adams
		and Jonathan Rees}, 
  title =	{Object-Oriented Programming in Scheme}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	aug, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1988 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{277-288}, 
  keywords =	{oopinscheme} )

@inproceedings( Clinger88Implementation, 
  author =	{William D. Clinger
		and Anne H. Hartheimer
		and Eric M. Ost}, 
  title =	{Implementation Strategies for Continuations}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	aug, 
  booktitle =	{Conference Record of the 1988 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{124 131}, 
  keywords =	{contimpl} )

@article( Abelson88Lisp, 
  author =	{Harold Abelson
		and Gerald Jay Sussman}, 
  title =	{Lisp: a Language for Stratified Design}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	feb, 
  journal =	{BYTE}, 
  pages =	{207-218} )

@article( Clinger88Semantics, 
  author =	{William Clinger}, 
  title =	{Semantics of Scheme}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	feb, 
  journal =	{BYTE}, 
  pages =	{221-227} )

@inproceedings( Bawden88Syntactic, 
  author =	{Alan Bawden
		and Jonathan Rees}, 
  title =	{Syntactic Closures}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	jul, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Symposium on LISP
and Functional Programming}, 
  address =	{Salt Lake City, Utah.}, 
  keywords =	{macrology} )

@inproceedings( Dybvig88Variable, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Robert Hieb}, 
  title =	{A Variable-Arity Procedural Interface}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	jul, 
  booktitle =	{
Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Symposium on LISP and Functional Programming}, 
  pages =	{106-115}, 
  address =	{Salt Lake City, Utah} )

@inproceedings( Felleisen88Abstract, 
  author =	{Matthias Felleisen
		and Mitchell Wand
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Bruce Duba}, 
  title =	{Abstract Continuations: a Mathematical Semantics for
Handling Functional Jumps}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	jul, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1988 ACM Symposium on LISP
and Functional Programming}, 
  address =	{Salt Lake City, Utah.} )

@article( Dybvig88Expansion, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Daniel P. Friedman
		and Christopher T. Haynes}, 
  title =	{Expansion-Passing Style: a General Macro Mechanism}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	jun, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	1, 
  number =	1, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 
  pages =	{53-76} )

@inproceedings( Shivers88Control, 
  author =	{Olin Shivers}, 
  title =	{Control Flow Analysis in Scheme}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{
Proceedings of the Sigplan 1988 Conference on Programming Language
Design and Implementation}, 
  pages =	{164-174}, 
  address =	{Atlanta, Georgia}, 
  keywords =	{schflow} )

@techreport( Franco88Creating, 
  author =	{John Franco
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{
Creating Efficient Programs by Exchanging Data for Procedures}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	mar, 
  number =	{#245}, 
  type =	{Computer Science Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Indiana University}, 
  address =	{Bloomington, Indiana} )

@article( Lang88Oaklisp, 
  author =	{Kevin J.  Lang 
		and Barak A. Pearlmutter}, 
  title =	{Oaklisp: an Object-Oriented Dialect of Scheme}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	may, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	1, 
  number =	1, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 
  pages =	{39-51}, 
  keywords =	{oaklisp} )

@techreport( Shivers88Semantics, 
  author =	{Olin Shivers}, 
  title =	{
The Semantics of Scheme Control Flow Analysis (Preliminary).}, 
  year =	1988, 
  month =	nov, 
  number =	{ERGO-90-090}, 
  type =	{Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{CMU School of Computer Science}, 
  address =	{Pittsburgh, Penn.} )

@article( Dybvig89Engines, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Robert Hieb}, 
  title =	{Engines From Continuations}, 
  year =	1989, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	14, 
  number =	2, 
  pages =	{109-123} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@incollection( Springer89, 
  author =	{George Springer
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{}, 
  year =	1989, 
  booktitle =	{Scheme and the Art of Programming}, 
  publisher =	{MIT Press and McGraw-Hill}, 
  keywords =	{scheme-art} )

@inproceedings( Vegdahl89Runtime, 
  author =	{Steven R. Vegdahl
		and Uwe F. Pleban}, 
  title =	{The Runtime Environment for Screme, a Scheme Implementation
on the 88000}, 
  year =	1989, 
  month =	apr, 
  booktitle =	{
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Architectural
Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems}, 
  pages =	{172-182}, 
  address =	{Boston, Mass.} )

@techreport( Bartlett89Scheme, 
  author =	{Joel F. Bartlett}, 
  title =	{Scheme->C a Portable Scheme-to-C Compiler}, 
  year =	1989, 
  month =	jan, 
  number =	1, 
  type =	{Research Report 89}, 
  institution =	{DEC Western Research Laboratory}, 
  address =	{Palo Alto, California} )

@mastersthesis( Rees89Modular, 
  author =	{Jonathan Rees}, 
  title =	{Modular Macros}, 
  year =	1989, 
  month =	may, 
  school =	{Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology}, 
  keywords =	{modmac} )

@article( III89Interprocedural, 
  author =	{Williams Ludwell Harrison III}, 
  title =	{The Interprocedural Analysis and Automatic Parallellization
of Scheme Programs}, 
  year =	1989, 
  month =	oct, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	2, 
  number =	{3/4}, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers} )

@book( Eisenberg90Programming, 
  author =	{Michael Eisenberg
		and William Clinger
		and Anne Hartheimer}, 
  title =	{Programming in Macscheme}, 
  year =	1990, 
  editor =	{Harold Abelson}, 
  publisher =	{The Scientific Press}, 
  address =	{Redwood City, CA} )

@article( Franco90Towards, 
  author =	{John Franco
		and Daniel P. Friedman}, 
  title =	{
Towards a Facility for Lexically Scoped, Dynamic Mutual Recursion
in Scheme}, 
  year =	1990, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	15, 
  number =	1, 
  institution =	{Pergamon Press}, 
  pages =	{55-64} )

@article( Franco90Multi, 
  author =	{John Franco
		and Daniel Friedman
		and Steven Johnson}, 
  title =	{Multi-Way Streams in Scheme}, 
  year =	1990, 
  journal =	{Journal of Computer Languages}, 
  volume =	15, 
  number =	2, 
  pages =	{109-125} )

% Warning -- Errors During Conversion Next Entry

@incollection( Kamin90, 
  author =	{Samuel Kamin}, 
  title =	{}, 
  year =	1990, 
  booktitle =	{Programming Languages: An Interpreter-based Approach}, 
  publisher =	{Addison-Wesley}, 
  address =	{Reading, Mass.} )

@article( Rozas90Free, 
  author =	{Guillermo Rozas
		and James Miller}, 
  title =	{Free Variables and First-Class Environments}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	dec, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	3, 
  number =	4, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers} )

@techreport( Normark90Simulation, 
  author =	{Kurt Normark}, 
  title =	{
Simulation of Object-Oriented Concepts and Mechanisms in Scheme}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jan, 
  number =	{90-01}, 
  type =	{Institute for Electronic Systems Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{Aalborg University}, 
  address =	{Aalborg, Denmark}, 
  keywords =	{oopmech} )

@article( Sitaram90Control, 
  author =	{Dorai Sitaram
		and Matthias Felleisen}, 
  title =	{Control Delimiters and Their Hierarchies}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jan, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	3, 
  number =	1, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 
  pages =	{67-99}, 
  keywords =	{ctrldelim} )

@inproceedings( Curtis90Module, 
  author =	{Pavel Curtis
		and James Rauen}, 
  title =	{A Module System for Scheme}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1990 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  address =	{Nice, France}, 
  keywords =	{module} )

@inproceedings( Feeley90Parallel, 
  author =	{Marc Feeley
		and James S. Miller}, 
  title =	{A Parallel Virtual Machine for Efficient Scheme Compilation}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1990 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  address =	{Nice, France} )

@inproceedings( Hanson90Efficient, 
  author =	{Chris Hanson}, 
  title =	{Efficient Stack Allocation for Tail-Recursive Languages}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1990 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  address =	{Nice, France} )

@inproceedings( Katz90Continuing, 
  author =	{Morry Katz
		and Daniel Weise}, 
  title =	{Continuing Into the Future:
on the Interaction of Futures and First-Class Continuations}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the 1990 ACM Conference on Lisp
and Functional Programming}, 
  address =	{Nice, France} )

@article( Bonzon90Matacircular, 
  author =	{Pierre Bonzon}, 
  title =	{A Matacircular Evaluator for a Logical Extension of Scheme}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	mar, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	3, 
  number =	2, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 
  pages =	{113-133} )

@inproceedings( Dybvig90Continuations, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Robert Hieb}, 
  title =	{Continuations and Concurrency}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	mar, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on 
Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming}, 
  pages =	{128-136}, 
  address =	{Seattle, Washington} )

@techreport( Shivers90Data, 
  author =	{Olin Shivers}, 
  title =	{Data-Flow Analysis and Type Recovery in Scheme. }, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	mar, 
  number =	{CMU-CS-90-115}, 
  type =	{Technical Report}, 
  institution =	{CMU School of Computer Science}, 
  address =	{Pittsburgh, Penn.} )

@article( Dybvig90New, 
  author =	{R. Kent Dybvig
		and Robert Hieb}, 
  title =	{A New Approach to Procedures with Variable Arity}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	sep, 
  journal =	{Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal}, 
  volume =	3, 
  number =	3, 
  institution =	{Kluwer Academic Publishers}, 
  pages =	{229-244} )

@inproceedings( Hieb90Representing, 
  author =	{Robert Hieb
		and R. Kent Dybvig
		and Carl Bruggeman}, 
  title =	{
Representing Control in the Presence of First-Class Continuations}, 
  year =	1990, 
  month =	jun, 
  booktitle =	{Proceedings of the SIGPLAN '90 Conference on
Programming Language Design and Implementation}, 
  address =	{White Plains, New York} )