[comp.lang.scheme] New Release of Scheme->C available via anonymous FTP

bartlett@WRL.DEC.COM (10/02/90)

The system is available for anonymous ftp from 'gatekeeper.dec.com'
[]. The Scheme->C files are in '/pub/DEC/Scheme-to-C'.  The
files include:

     28sep90.tar.Z	- compressed tar file containing all source and
			  documentation for this new release.  See the
			  file CHANGES for an overview of bug fixes and

     README             - overview and copyright notice.
     23feb90.tar.Z      - compressed tar file containing all source
                          and documentation of original release.

The software in 28sep90.tar.Z and 23feb90.tar.Z supports DECstation and
VAX processors.  For other systems, you'll have to apply the following
USER CONTRIBUTED patches that were made for the 23feb90.tar.Z release:

     APOLLO.patches	- patch files for Apollo systems
     SPARC-386.patches  - patch files for SPARC & 386 based systems
     SUN3.patches	- patches for SUN3's

Any volunteers for updating the patches to the 28sep90 release?

As always, questions, problems and complaints to:
