c60a-cz@danube.Berkeley.EDU (Donald Burr) (11/07/90)
Is there some source code for a Scheme interpreter compatible with Chez Scheme, available so I can run it under my MINIX operating system on my Mac? If so, how do I get it (ftp, someone mail it to me, what?) If FTP, what's the site, directory, file name, etc. Please -- I'm pretty desperate, because I'd like to start doing some of my Scheme work at home rather than on the mainframe. Please E-MAIL all replys to this account, c60a-cz@danube.Berkeley.edu, thanks! ______________________________________________________________________________ Donald Burr, c60a-cz@danube.Berkeley.edu | "I have a seperate mail-address University of California, Berkeley | for flames and other such nega- Majoring in Computer Science | tive msgs; it's called /dev/null."