[comp.lang.scheme] Where is PSI?

hanche@imf.unit.no (Harald Hanche-Olsen) (11/10/90)

Way back when, actually on 8 Aug 90 18:02:23 GMT, oz@yunexus.yorku.ca
(Ozan Yigit) wrote

   A scheme interpreter, tentatively called "psi" (portable scheme interpreter)
   is currently alpha testing. It has been ported to macs, pc's under ms-dos,
   and various un*x systems of course.
   I will post more details when psi is ready for beta distribution, sometime
   late this month or early september. 

Today is almost mid November.  Has anybody seen psi yet?  News
delivery over here occasionally misses a bunch, and I am afraid that I
may have missed the happy news.

- Harald Hanche-Olsen <hanche@imf.unit.no>
  Division of Mathematical Sciences
  The Norwegian Institute of Technology
  N-7034 Trondheim, NORWAY