[comp.lang.scheme] In which scheme reports are named "lets" defined?

norvell@csri.toronto.edu (Theo Norvell) (02/09/91)

Could someone tell me in which official definition of scheme named "lets"
are defined.  Is it in the Revised Revised Report?  I am referring to
"lets" like
	(let r ((l '(a b c)) (a '()))
	       (if (null? l)
		   (r (cdr l) (cons (car l) a)) ) )
BTW, are these reports published other than in MIT and Indiana tech reports?

Theo Norvell				norvell@csri.toronto.edu

dak@sq.sq.com (David A Keldsen) (02/12/91)

norvell@csri.toronto.edu (Theo Norvell) writes:

>Could someone tell me in which official definition of scheme named "lets"
>are defined.  Is it in the Revised Revised Report?  I am referring to
>"lets" like
>	(let r ((l '(a b c)) (a '()))
>	       (if (null? l)
>		   a
>		   (r (cdr l) (cons (car l) a)) ) )

My first contact with Scheme was with the R3RS; named let is in it.

>BTW, are these reports published other than in MIT and Indiana tech reports?

The RnRS reports are available on zurich.ai.mit.edu (at least, R3RS and
R3.99 RS are); the R4RS has also been announced as a TR from the
University of Oregon, as I recall, although it is not yet available.

Note that the IEEE Standard closely matches the R3.99RS.

David A. 'Dak' Keldsen of SoftQuad, Inc. email: dak@sq.com  phone: 416-963-8337
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That leaves the weekend free, thought Spelter.
	-- _Sourcery_ by Terry Pratchett