[comp.lang.scheme] SCOOPS method calls

small05@opal.cs.tu-berlin.de (Christoph Breitkopf) (02/12/91)

   I have a question about the semantics of SCOOPS
method calls.  In the SCOOPS implementation I'm using
(TI PC-Scheme 3.01) method calls don't seem to be
tail-recursive.  The program I used to test this is:

(define-class foo)     ; a VERY simple class

(define-method (foo bar) ()
  (send instance baz))

(define-method (foo baz) ()
  (send instance bar))

(define instance (make-instance foo))

(send instance bar)

The last expression causes a stack overflow in PC-Scheme.

Question: Is this non tail-recursive behavior normal
(necessary) SCOOPS sematics?  If not, I would consider
this a bug in TI's implementation.

Any comments?

- Chris